Dear Israels, God's People and brotherhood of the entire world Christianity, we do call your attention that you could not sleep too much. Because the sons of Lucifer are now very active and promptly take provocative acts surrounded you and come to stand close by your door and shout out inflammatory, hot and provocative political propaganda towards your fate and pompously with very astuteness and arrogant manner, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Iran's President in very loudly and in very clear way sounded said that the Muslim world will stand behind of the Lebanon's leader Hassan Nasrallah and Palestinian leader Ismail Haniya as the two last gays are the real paw of the Iran empire in Middle East. These two gays with Syria Leader Bashar Al Assad with their good father Osama Bin Laden and final support of their region super-power leader and father's support from Iran leader by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad they will attempt by different means with their capability to destroy and wipe the Holy Land with the God's People from this Universe.
Therefore with this vivid and evil threaten you should take immediate and very strong secure measures to act in preventive manner in order you should not to be destroyed by sons and daughters of Lucifer's are living surround you.
We, the all your Christianity brotherhood around the World will stand firmly behind you and with our solidarity and with spirit of the brotherhood we should also ready to combat in very frontal manner against the evils from trapeze fronts, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Osama Bin Laden, Bashar Al Assad, Hassan Nasrallah and Ismail Haniya in everywhere and we should also ready to carry the severe consequences in elsewhere of this Universe towards the insane and barbaric acts of the Fanatic Muslim in this Planet, Earth, that we the human being are inhabitant now.
woensdag 20 oktober 2010
maandag 4 oktober 2010
Mockery and Reckless Justice in the Kingdom of the Netherlands over free express of our brotherhood Dr. Geert Wilders de bravery and courageous PVV leader article from our honorable brother Dr. Kolimau 2000 to be published in Maubere People Blog.
Mockery and Reckless Justice in the Kingdom of the Netherlands over free express of our brotherhood Dr. Geert Wilders de bravery and courageous PVV leader.
Justice in the Kingdom of the Netherlands does’t know well about the principles of veracity of the facts and fundamental guide lines of the democracy and freedom that are prescribed in the sacred Universal Declaration of Human Rights leaded by UNO and where the Kingdom of the Netherlands have been part and signed to abide the Universal Declaration of Human Rights with very honest and with very good manner without trickery's and immoral games.
In the Kingdom of the Netherlands Constitution in article 1. It is sounding very loudly that none in that country to be arbitrary detained, or blamed, or take as verdict to the court simplesly he or she acts in very lucid manner under the umbrella of real Democracy, Freedom and abide of very honest manner without dubious behavior the sacred principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights express their ideas and views against the extremists and fundamentalists of the Islam culture and religious in this new millennium against our human society’s fate and living as with dignity and right full existing in this world as real creatures of the our Unique Creator Almighty, Lord and God, Holy Trinity in this Universe.
As we are accompany in very intelligent manner in very closely the court in Amsterdam the capital of the Kingdom of the Netherlands towards the “free expression and views of our brotherhood Dr. Geert Wilders” as condemned by the Amsterdam’s court said not in very delight manner with false accusations against the political posture of the Guilders, it is to be considered by all international public opinion even from entire Netherlands that the so called justice in Amsterdam over free expression and views of our brotherhood Dr. Geert Wilders as the baseless merely with political motivation as the all Judges in Netherlands they are considering the paw of the criminality's or butcheries of Islam fundamentalist and extremists in the whole Christian and Jewish Lands, Culture and People “modus vivendum” as the real children of the Lord and God, our Unique Creator of Universe, our Almighty Lord and God, Holy Trinity.
Courts and Judges in particular in Netherlands and in the Worldwide in general they could to be collaborators of the genocide and hideous crimes committed by the extremist and fundamentalist Islam and they will be bribery with millions of millions of dollars as the dirty and bloodshed money for their happiness, but the worldwide people those in fact love real justice and in very delight manner abide with good faith the sacred principles of the Human Rights and Democracy and Freedom will be stand firmly and victorious with their real struggle for real justice in this injustice world where considered full by paranoids human beings that are in fact acting always unconsciously manner to obstruct the true, reason and the justice that everyone knows that without any bribery price neither gold or silver that they are received from their masters, the insane extremists Islam as the real culprits of the all horrible crimes committed against all human kind in this Universe will shake these honest and bravery people that they are stand firm in their conviction and determination…
Wake up all Netherlands People that are loving real peace, freedom, democracy and respect for Universal Declaration of Human Rights without frontiers.
Long life Geert Wilders and all his world-fellowships in the Reckless Amsterdam Court!
Long life to the PVV and all Guilders loyalties!
Long life Freedom and Democracy under the shadow and wisdom of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Justice in the Kingdom of the Netherlands does’t know well about the principles of veracity of the facts and fundamental guide lines of the democracy and freedom that are prescribed in the sacred Universal Declaration of Human Rights leaded by UNO and where the Kingdom of the Netherlands have been part and signed to abide the Universal Declaration of Human Rights with very honest and with very good manner without trickery's and immoral games.
In the Kingdom of the Netherlands Constitution in article 1. It is sounding very loudly that none in that country to be arbitrary detained, or blamed, or take as verdict to the court simplesly he or she acts in very lucid manner under the umbrella of real Democracy, Freedom and abide of very honest manner without dubious behavior the sacred principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights express their ideas and views against the extremists and fundamentalists of the Islam culture and religious in this new millennium against our human society’s fate and living as with dignity and right full existing in this world as real creatures of the our Unique Creator Almighty, Lord and God, Holy Trinity in this Universe.
As we are accompany in very intelligent manner in very closely the court in Amsterdam the capital of the Kingdom of the Netherlands towards the “free expression and views of our brotherhood Dr. Geert Wilders” as condemned by the Amsterdam’s court said not in very delight manner with false accusations against the political posture of the Guilders, it is to be considered by all international public opinion even from entire Netherlands that the so called justice in Amsterdam over free expression and views of our brotherhood Dr. Geert Wilders as the baseless merely with political motivation as the all Judges in Netherlands they are considering the paw of the criminality's or butcheries of Islam fundamentalist and extremists in the whole Christian and Jewish Lands, Culture and People “modus vivendum” as the real children of the Lord and God, our Unique Creator of Universe, our Almighty Lord and God, Holy Trinity.
Courts and Judges in particular in Netherlands and in the Worldwide in general they could to be collaborators of the genocide and hideous crimes committed by the extremist and fundamentalist Islam and they will be bribery with millions of millions of dollars as the dirty and bloodshed money for their happiness, but the worldwide people those in fact love real justice and in very delight manner abide with good faith the sacred principles of the Human Rights and Democracy and Freedom will be stand firmly and victorious with their real struggle for real justice in this injustice world where considered full by paranoids human beings that are in fact acting always unconsciously manner to obstruct the true, reason and the justice that everyone knows that without any bribery price neither gold or silver that they are received from their masters, the insane extremists Islam as the real culprits of the all horrible crimes committed against all human kind in this Universe will shake these honest and bravery people that they are stand firm in their conviction and determination…
Wake up all Netherlands People that are loving real peace, freedom, democracy and respect for Universal Declaration of Human Rights without frontiers.
Long life Geert Wilders and all his world-fellowships in the Reckless Amsterdam Court!
Long life to the PVV and all Guilders loyalties!
Long life Freedom and Democracy under the shadow and wisdom of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
zondag 3 oktober 2010
The very improper manner over our brotherhood Mr. Geert Wilders political posture carried out by Islam fundamentalist with chorus by traitors of the CDA political figures in the Kingdom of the Netherlands like cowards before the monstrous crime committed by Setan extremist Islams in our Human Society in this new millennium...
Artiklennya sang sdr yg terhormat Dr. Kolimau 2000 yg kirim kpd blognya Povo Maubere Tuba Rai Metin utk memberitahukan kpd semua orang orang yg tahu berbahasa malayo atau indonesio agar tahu apa yg sekarang terjadi dg politik di kerajaan Belanda
3 Oktober 2010 - 11:53am / Republik Maluku Selatan atau RMS
Hai engkau2 yg sang munafik dan kafir itu, kalian tahu diri sendiri ttg sejarah Islam, Kristiani dan Yahudi atau tk? Kalau tk mohon di tanhyakan kpd orang2 yg tahu persis ttg “the real and great history of our common grounds”…
Benar kan kami bahwa dg tulisan2 kalian itu merefleksi gambarannya kalain yg benar2 munafik, kafir dan bansit memang. Tak tahu diri ttg apa yg kalian telah mengucapkan di dlm forum debate Ranesi itu. Semua yg menyentah sdr kita Guilders ternyatan semua amat bodoh dan tk berpendidikan yg tinggin dan mendalam ttg ALLAH AKBAR yg mereka seringkali mengucapkan di dlm permainan2 politik kotor di sektor mereka masih masing di bumi ini, khususnya di dunia terbelakan Islam yg fanatik dan tak merasa keprimanusiawi sama sekali terhadap nasibnya sesama manusia di bumi ini. Karena telah demikian mak mereka menpunyai sifat2nya yg sangat buruk dan jahat malah lebih kelihatan di mata umum di seluruh umat manusia di bumi yg pd saat ini umat manusia sedang beradanya.
Tingak laku mereka2 itu adalah fasik, sinik, teroris, tuka menbohon, mencuri, mendusta, menbunuh, menyiksan, merampas, menfitnah, menculik, ditatur, militarist, tukan menbunuh sema manusia dg darah dingin dan suka haus utk meminumnya begitu pula memakan danginnya seperty kanibalism di dunia terbelakan di zaman modern ini. Sadisme dg hukum Sharia utk melihat sesahabat manusia yg tertindas dan tersiksaan, dan menghina semua hartabat dan hak2nya sebagai manusia yg untung yg berhak mutlak utk hidup di bumi ini tanpa bersyarat apa2 dari mana pun. Mereka2 yg sang sadis dan brutal itu masih dg sifat lain2nya yg ALLAH tk pernah menberikan ajaran kpd umat manusia ini sedemikian. Karena apa yg telah ajaran dari Mohamed itu yg sekaran sedang menpergunakan di seluruh bangsa Islam di bumi ini.
Oleh karena itu kita semua kristiani dan Yahudi yg benar2 anak2nya Allah harus menyehantam segala praktik yg tak keprimanusiwai dan yg sama sekali tk berharga bagi umat manusia di bumi ini yg sesungguhnya telah di ciptakan oleh TME.
Anak2 banditis dan bansit Islam harus tahu diri bahwa kita semua dari senenek nenek moyang yg bernama Yabrahim atau Abram. Dia menpunyai dua anak yg bernama Isak dan Ismail. Isak dari isteri yg sah dan di pilih oleh Allah utk menjadi isteri yg sejati kpd suaminya yaitu nenek kita Abraam atau Ibrahim. Dan Ismail dari isteri yg haram atau babo2nya di dlm rumah tangan. Dedi Ismail adalah adiknya Isak yg harus sebenarnya tahu diri bagaimana TME telah memutuskan bahwa Ismail akan selalu menjadi hamba Isak di hadapan TME begitu pula di mata seluruh umat manusia yg telah di ciptakanNya… Koh sudah lebih jelas bagi mereka tetapi mereka toh masing berotot besar dan malah jelous utk menbuat sesuatu di mata Allah yg tk mungkin akan mendalikan kehendaknya TME dg kemaunya mereka2 yg sang bodoh dan fanatik dg bernoda darah di tangan dan mukanya mereka itu.
Marilah sdr2 islam yg tahu diri harus renungkan diri menjadi anak Allah yg sesunggungnya benar benar setia dan turut dg rendah hati ajaranya TME yg kita umat manusia dari berbagai lapisan massyrakat di bumi ini tahu dan mengerti lebih mendalam dan bukan ngomon kosong seperti sdr2 Islam yg fundamentalis dan suka menbunuh sesama manusia hanya demi kepentignanya, tapi bukan demi kebesaran Allah Akbar yg seperti merek2 itu telah mengucapkan setiap saat di dlm bersolat mereka utk memulihakan nama TME yg tinggi di atas bumi dan langit s/d akhir zaman di era manusia di bumi ini.
Hidup Umat manusia yg taat kpd ajaran TME yg saling mencintai dan saling menolong, tapi bukan dg kekerasan dan suka menbunuh sesama manusia... Hidup semua kristiani dan Yajudi dan Islam yg hidup bersama-sama dg rasa keperimanusiawi dan saling mengisi sesuai hendaknya TME dari pd orang yg beraliran Luficer atau Setan seperti keturungan Mohamed yg bernama Ossma Bin Laden dan penikut2nya di bumi ini.
3 Oktober 2010 - 11:53am / Republik Maluku Selatan atau RMS
Hai engkau2 yg sang munafik dan kafir itu, kalian tahu diri sendiri ttg sejarah Islam, Kristiani dan Yahudi atau tk? Kalau tk mohon di tanhyakan kpd orang2 yg tahu persis ttg “the real and great history of our common grounds”…
Benar kan kami bahwa dg tulisan2 kalian itu merefleksi gambarannya kalain yg benar2 munafik, kafir dan bansit memang. Tak tahu diri ttg apa yg kalian telah mengucapkan di dlm forum debate Ranesi itu. Semua yg menyentah sdr kita Guilders ternyatan semua amat bodoh dan tk berpendidikan yg tinggin dan mendalam ttg ALLAH AKBAR yg mereka seringkali mengucapkan di dlm permainan2 politik kotor di sektor mereka masih masing di bumi ini, khususnya di dunia terbelakan Islam yg fanatik dan tak merasa keprimanusiawi sama sekali terhadap nasibnya sesama manusia di bumi ini. Karena telah demikian mak mereka menpunyai sifat2nya yg sangat buruk dan jahat malah lebih kelihatan di mata umum di seluruh umat manusia di bumi yg pd saat ini umat manusia sedang beradanya.
Tingak laku mereka2 itu adalah fasik, sinik, teroris, tuka menbohon, mencuri, mendusta, menbunuh, menyiksan, merampas, menfitnah, menculik, ditatur, militarist, tukan menbunuh sema manusia dg darah dingin dan suka haus utk meminumnya begitu pula memakan danginnya seperty kanibalism di dunia terbelakan di zaman modern ini. Sadisme dg hukum Sharia utk melihat sesahabat manusia yg tertindas dan tersiksaan, dan menghina semua hartabat dan hak2nya sebagai manusia yg untung yg berhak mutlak utk hidup di bumi ini tanpa bersyarat apa2 dari mana pun. Mereka2 yg sang sadis dan brutal itu masih dg sifat lain2nya yg ALLAH tk pernah menberikan ajaran kpd umat manusia ini sedemikian. Karena apa yg telah ajaran dari Mohamed itu yg sekaran sedang menpergunakan di seluruh bangsa Islam di bumi ini.
Oleh karena itu kita semua kristiani dan Yahudi yg benar2 anak2nya Allah harus menyehantam segala praktik yg tak keprimanusiwai dan yg sama sekali tk berharga bagi umat manusia di bumi ini yg sesungguhnya telah di ciptakan oleh TME.
Anak2 banditis dan bansit Islam harus tahu diri bahwa kita semua dari senenek nenek moyang yg bernama Yabrahim atau Abram. Dia menpunyai dua anak yg bernama Isak dan Ismail. Isak dari isteri yg sah dan di pilih oleh Allah utk menjadi isteri yg sejati kpd suaminya yaitu nenek kita Abraam atau Ibrahim. Dan Ismail dari isteri yg haram atau babo2nya di dlm rumah tangan. Dedi Ismail adalah adiknya Isak yg harus sebenarnya tahu diri bagaimana TME telah memutuskan bahwa Ismail akan selalu menjadi hamba Isak di hadapan TME begitu pula di mata seluruh umat manusia yg telah di ciptakanNya… Koh sudah lebih jelas bagi mereka tetapi mereka toh masing berotot besar dan malah jelous utk menbuat sesuatu di mata Allah yg tk mungkin akan mendalikan kehendaknya TME dg kemaunya mereka2 yg sang bodoh dan fanatik dg bernoda darah di tangan dan mukanya mereka itu.
Marilah sdr2 islam yg tahu diri harus renungkan diri menjadi anak Allah yg sesunggungnya benar benar setia dan turut dg rendah hati ajaranya TME yg kita umat manusia dari berbagai lapisan massyrakat di bumi ini tahu dan mengerti lebih mendalam dan bukan ngomon kosong seperti sdr2 Islam yg fundamentalis dan suka menbunuh sesama manusia hanya demi kepentignanya, tapi bukan demi kebesaran Allah Akbar yg seperti merek2 itu telah mengucapkan setiap saat di dlm bersolat mereka utk memulihakan nama TME yg tinggi di atas bumi dan langit s/d akhir zaman di era manusia di bumi ini.
Hidup Umat manusia yg taat kpd ajaran TME yg saling mencintai dan saling menolong, tapi bukan dg kekerasan dan suka menbunuh sesama manusia... Hidup semua kristiani dan Yajudi dan Islam yg hidup bersama-sama dg rasa keperimanusiawi dan saling mengisi sesuai hendaknya TME dari pd orang yg beraliran Luficer atau Setan seperti keturungan Mohamed yg bernama Ossma Bin Laden dan penikut2nya di bumi ini.
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