"Estamos cientes dos esforços necessários para construir Estado e país" -- Xanana Gusmão
22 de Fevereiro de 2011, 19:03
Nova Iorque, 22 fev (Lusa) -- O primeiro ministro timorense, Xanana Gusmão, afirmou hoje no Conselho de Segurança da ONU que o Governo vai lutar pelos "sonhos de paz e desenvolvimento" da população, e que "está ciente dos esforços necessários para construir o Estado e o país".
Na sua primeira intervenção perante o Conselho em cinco anos, Xanana Gusmão lembrou o pedido de "SOS" que as autoridades fizeram em Nova Iorque na sequência da crise interna de 2006 e elencou os esforços que o seu Governo de coligação está a fazer desde 2007, em primeiro lugar para "recuperar a paz e estabilidade".
"Mas não vim aqui hoje para fazer elogios aos progressos feitos pelo meu governo, mas para corrigir alguns relatos sobre Timor-Leste que tendem a soar mais como vereditos. Lamentamos estes relatos, mas tentamos perceber as suas razões", disse Xanana Gusmão no debate aberto sobre a missão da ONU no país (UNMIT).
"Também não vim aqui para subestimar as dificuldades e desafios que ainda estão à nossa frente. Estamos cientes de que ainda temos muitas necessidades como nação. Estamos totalmente cientes dos esforços que ainda temos de fazer para construir um Estado e um país", adiantou.
Nas Nações Unidas, o debate sobre Timor-Leste passa quase despercebido, com as atenções focadas na crise na Líbia.
A maioria das missões diplomáticas acabou por fazer-se representar a nível inferior, sendo o embaixador de Portugal, Moraes Cabral, dos poucos chefes de missão na sala do Conselho de Segurança, juntamente com a embaixadora brasileira, Maria Luiza Ribeiro Viotti, cujo país preside ao órgão das Nações Unidas.
Sobre os desafios timorenses, Xanana Gusmão salientou a necessidade de criação de emprego, a "única forma de melhorar as condições sociais e económicas do nosso povo".
"O rendimento resulta na erradicação da pobreza. Para isso, o Estado timorense terá de investir fortemente em infraestruturas base e desenvolvimento do capital humano", referiu.
Xanana Gusmão disse ainda que, tal como outros países menos desenvolvidos, Timor-Leste está preocupado com a "contínua indecisão" das grandes economias para delinear uma "nova ordem económica" internacional.
A reunião de hoje contou com a presença da representante do secretário geral em Díli, Ameerah Haq.
No seu último relatório sobre a missão da ONU em Timor-Leste (UNMIT), o secretário geral afirma que o país está a caminhar para a "paz a longo prazo, estabilidade e desenvolvimento".
Sinal deste "desejo de paz, estabilidade e unidade" é a postura adotada pelo Governo, mas também pela oposição, de diálogo e rejeição de todas as formas de violência, adianta.
Ban Ki-moon recomendou ao Conselho de Segurança a extensão até 2012 do mandato da UNMIT, que termina no final de fevereiro, em linha com as discussões em curso com as autoridades timorenses sobre a transição de responsabilidades sobre a segurança no país.
O Conselho de Segurança irá deliberar na quinta-feira sobre a extensão do mandato.
by Maubere Tuba Rai Metin,
Nós, os sofredores, pequenos, pobres, lutadores da nossa justa causa, para total e completa Libertação e Independência de Timor Leste que é o sinónimo da resistência generalizada do Povo Maubere frente as máquinas de guerra dos sucessivos colonialistas e neocolonialistas, em geral, estamos fartos dos ludibriados discursos que o palhaço Xanana e sua camarilha na governação de Timor Leste trouxe hoje a vista das Nações Unidas. Porque tudo o que ele floreou no seu bonito discurso foi apenas um outro barrete a chapar nos cornos dos chamados homens e mulheres sábios da cúpula das ONU, para estudar, analisar e apreciar melhor os factos vividos no terreno que até hoje em dia todo o mundo sabe e conhece-lo muito bem. Deste modo o importante para o Conselho de Segurança das ONU deve mas é ajustar severas contas com o Xanana e sua camarilha na governação de Timor Leste sobre as conspirações e golpes das quais foram eles os próprios arquitectos da crise de 2006/2007 que destruiu quase todo TL.
woensdag 23 februari 2011
maandag 21 februari 2011
AMP Executive members were denounced publicly by DRET AG as real Thieves and Corrupts of the suffering Maubere People's fortune should to be punish in very severely manner before the Law and the People.
The Attorney General of the Democratic Republic of East Timor had denounced the names of the big corrupts and thieves of the AMP executive and criticized with tone of very severity manner these most immoral and scandalous practices of the corruption moved by the corrupts gays and thieves of the executive members of the AMP leaded by TRIO XANANA, HORTA E LASAMA ALIAS ARAÚJO.
This honesty exposed to the public attention deserves our great respect and admiration for the efforts of the Attorney General Ana Pessoa in bringing to the light of justice all the thieves of the Maubere People suffering's money. Therefore we the suffering Maubere People demand to Executive of Xanana to immediately take action to dismiss without delay these corrupts and thieves gays in the governing Maubere People and East Timor Nation. Otherwise the Maubere People should decide to come down to the streets of entire avenue of the Democratic Republic of East Timor to show our People Power Force to demand immediately resignation of the entire AMP executive and simultaneously create one provisory High Permanent Council of Joint Salvation Power to lead the fate of our Nation and People and consequently establishing the real calendar for pure democratic election that should following after six months of our preparations and engagement. in to take care the our Constitution with good faith and acting as the real patriotic and nationalist sons and daughters of the Democratic Republic of the East Timor.
TIMOR LOROSAE NAÇÃO - diário: MINISTROS, DIRETORES E CHEFES ACUSADOS DE CRIMES D...: ". Ana Pessoa apresentou o relatório anual no PN MSO – LUSA Díli, 20 fev (Lusa) -- Ministros, administradores de distrito, chefes de departa..."
This honesty exposed to the public attention deserves our great respect and admiration for the efforts of the Attorney General Ana Pessoa in bringing to the light of justice all the thieves of the Maubere People suffering's money. Therefore we the suffering Maubere People demand to Executive of Xanana to immediately take action to dismiss without delay these corrupts and thieves gays in the governing Maubere People and East Timor Nation. Otherwise the Maubere People should decide to come down to the streets of entire avenue of the Democratic Republic of East Timor to show our People Power Force to demand immediately resignation of the entire AMP executive and simultaneously create one provisory High Permanent Council of Joint Salvation Power to lead the fate of our Nation and People and consequently establishing the real calendar for pure democratic election that should following after six months of our preparations and engagement. in to take care the our Constitution with good faith and acting as the real patriotic and nationalist sons and daughters of the Democratic Republic of the East Timor.
TIMOR LOROSAE NAÇÃO - diário: MINISTROS, DIRETORES E CHEFES ACUSADOS DE CRIMES D...: ". Ana Pessoa apresentou o relatório anual no PN MSO – LUSA Díli, 20 fev (Lusa) -- Ministros, administradores de distrito, chefes de departa..."
PGR16fev2011 A Procuradora Geral da Republica Democrática de Timor Leste denuncia com tom de severidade os grandes ladrões no executivo da AMP. Esta muita honesta denuncia deve merecer o nosso grande respeito e admiração por esforços da PG Ana Pessoa em trazer a luz da justiça os gatunos do dinheiro do sofredor Povo Maubere.
zondag 20 februari 2011
ينبغي الحفاظ على سلطة الشعب قوة شعبية الخاص لموازنة أكثر الأنظمة المستبدة وسفك الدماء من المجتمع البشري في هذه الألفية لدينا...
أصوات من لا صوت لهم والمدافع عن العزل في جميع أنحاء المنظمات غير الحكومية العالمية ، والحكومة ، ومنظمات حقوق الإنسان ، ومنظمة العفو الدولية والصليب الأحمر الدولي ، المنظمات الدينية والانسانية دون حدود ، والجمعيات الاجتماعية وسائل الإعلام الدولية ، مميز جدا في جميع أنحاء العالم الصحفي الزمالة ، الفردية والجماعية تلك المنظمات التي تعمل مع حسن النية أن يقف بحزم مع تضامنكم للشعب الشرق الأوسط بأسرها في أفريقيا وآسيا الإمبراطورية ، مثل مصر ، سوريا ، اليمن ، تونس ، الأردن ، البحرين ، الكويت ، العراق وايران وليبيا ، الجزائر ، المغرب والمزيد من الدول التي يتوقع أن تكون ممدودة للعقاب في المنطقة ضد النظام المحتضر من الحكم الشمولي ونظام الحكم الاستبدادي ، وتلك هي في الواقع feudalise الشعوب والأمم مع التشغيل قديمة من القيادة هي السائدة في هذه الألفية مع الهدف للحفاظ على أعمالهم متعصب وهمجية من المستغلين والظالمين نحو المجاعة وضعف الناس الذين يعيشون مع هشة للغاية الحالة الاجتماعية والاقتصادية المحيطة بهم ، وهؤلاء القادة بجنون العظمة مستمرة نظر الطبقة الفقيرة وضعف كعبيد في نظام الإقطاع على الحكم حتى اليوم.
في هذه المساحة الحرة استعداد ، ونحن ، الشعب موبير ، والوقوف بحزم مع مبادئنا المقدسة المنصوص عليها في الفصل التابعة للأمم المتحدة ومقرها كرس فورا في الإعلان العالمي لحقوق الإنسان لا يجب تجاهل من قبل أي قوة عظمى من هذا الكوكب ، الأرض ، وأننا في كل إنسان يعيشون فيها.
مع رغباتنا المتحمسين نفعل نداء إلى جميع الدول لمنظمة الأمم المتحدة على وجه الخصوص إلى العالمية الأولى ، ما يسمى العالم من الحضارة والوصي على المبادئ المقدسة للديمقراطية والحرية معرفة جيدا والمترجمة مع الذهب وبخط عريض مع التزامن إلى القيم العالمية مع المبادئ المقدسة ملحوظا جدا من حقوق الإنسان التي الاسم المستعار الجميع يجب على كل الدول الالتزام مع بطريقة واعية جدا وحسن النية دون العمل في طريقة غير أخلاقية ليكون الصمت مع كل هذه الدماء أن مئات وآلاف وملايين من الحياة تعرض للخطر من قبل طموحات دكتاتورية معظم القادة أن استمرار جائع وعطشان لحمهم الابرياء والفقراء والضعف والدم.
هذه هي سادي جدا وحية الحدث الحزن أننا يرافقه في كل ، الدقيقة الثانية ، ساعة في الاسبوع ، اليوم والشهر وحتى اليوم. قبل كل هذه المظالم والحزينة أن الملايين من الناس الأبرياء والضعف والمعاناة اليومية نفعل الطلب منك أن تتصرف الآن دون أي مزيد من التأخير مع جميع سلاحك معظم سفسطائي لمعاقبة بشدة الديكتاتوريات ، وأفواج من مرتكبي الجرائم البشعة ضد الإنسانية و كنت أبذل قصارى جهدي للحفاظ على حياة هؤلاء إخواننا والأخوات التي تعاني بشكل عشوائي مع الطريقة الوحشية واللاإنسانية التي تسببها الأعمال التخريب من "الكلاب البرية" قوات الامن والشرطة والجيش التي هي آلات الموالين للدكتاتور والنظام المستبد من هذه الألفية ، مجرد إخواننا وأخواتنا الأبرياء والدفاع عن حقوقهم الأساسية على النحو حقوقهم المشروعة للعيش في هذا العالم مع كرامة الإنسان والهوية ، في الواقع الإنساني الحقيقي مثلنا ، كنا خلق كل واحد وفريدة من نوعها لدينا الرب عز وجل والله ، الثالوث المقدس في هذا الكون وهذه في وقت واحد إخواننا والأخوات الوقوف بصدق مع طبيعتها الحقيقية للشعب والأمة في ذلك الركن من العالم.
شعب موبير مواصلة تحديها للممارسات الاستبدادية قادة جدا وغير أخلاقية في جميع أنحاء العالم بصفة عامة وبصفة خاصة في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وآسيا وأفريقيا والإمبراطورية شاملة لدينا الوطن تيمور الشرقية نحو قيادة معظم بالخجل وهي "الثلاثي" ،
وخوسيه مانويل راموس هورتا ، ولعب دورا مهما الذي رشح من قبل "REPOLHO" ، خوسيه الكسندر غوسماو ، لعب دورا مهما الذي رشح من قبل "موزة" أراوخو ه دي فرناندو ، لعب دورا مهما الذي رشح من قبل "KUDASAMA" يكون في حسابه المسؤولية الأكثر أخلاقية نحو مائة من الحياة للشعب موبير الأبرياء الذين أجبروا على أن يكون للاعتقال والاحتجاز والقتل والتعذيب ، والمشردين من منازلهم كما هو معتاد لدينا موبير الشعبية الفقيرة والضعف ورفضت عملهما قواعد المصادرة من قبل السلطة السياسية من خلال ألعاب المافيات حيث تستخدم malefic نوايا مع الخداع ، والمتآمرين مع الانقلاب من أجل الوصول إلى هدف سياسي من الخسة إلى حكم الشعب ومصير امة ولكن ليس عن طريق صادقة أو وسيلة من الديمقراطية الحقيقية والحرية المكرسة في الدستور DRET الرئيسية على النحو المعروف من قبل منظمات الأمم المتحدة وعلى الجميع حول هذا الكوكب.
تيمور الشرقية ، وعلى أعلى الجبال الثلاثة المقدسة للأرض الأجداد موبير الشعبية ، RAMKABIAN ، 2011/02/20.-
من زمالة عالمك موبير طوبا راي ميتين ،
People Power should maintain your popular force to counterbalance the most tyrannical and butchery regimes of the our Human Society in this Millennium …
Voices of the voiceless and defender of the defenceless all around the World, government, non-government organizations, Human Rights Organizations, Amnesty international, International Red Cross, Religious and Humanitarian Organizations without frontiers, Associations of International Social Media, very distinguished worldwide fellowship journalist, individuals and collectives Organizations those acting with good faith to be standing firmly with your solidarity to the whole Middle East People in the African and Asia Empire, like Egypt, Syrian, Yemen, Tunisia, Jordan, Bahrain, Kuwait, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Algeria, Morocco and more nations that have predicted to be upraised in the Area against, the moribund regime of the totalitarianism and tyrannical system of governing, those are indeed feudalise people and nations with outdated modus of the leadership are prevailing in this millennium with aim to maintain their fanatic and savagery acts of the exploiters and oppressors towards their famine and weakness people living with very precarious social and economical situation surrounding them and these paranoid leaders are continuing considered the poor and weakness class as their slaves in their feudalism system of governing till today.
In this free-willingness space, we, the Maubere People, stand firmly with our sacred principles prescribed under the chapter of the United Nations and based promptly consecrated into the Universal Declaration of Human Rights should not to be ignore by any superpower of this Planet, Earth, that we the all human being are living in.
With our ardent desires we do appeal to the all nations of the United Nations Organization in particular to the First World, the so called the World of the Civilization and guardian of the sacred principles of Democracy and Freedom well knowing and compiled with gold and bold letters with synchronization to the Universal values with very remarkable sacred Principles of the Human Rights that everybody alias every nations should abide it with very conscious manner and good faith without acting in immoral way to be silence with all these bloodshed's that hundred, thousand and millions of life's are endangering by the most dictatorship leaders ambitions to be continuing famished and thirsty for their innocent, poor and weakness people flesh and blood.
These are very sadist and vivid sadness event that we are accompanied in every second, minute, hour, day, week and month till today. Before all these grievances and mournful that millions of innocent and weakness people are suffering daily we do demand you to act now without any more delay with all your most sophistical weapon to punish severely the dictatorships, their cohorts and perpetrators of the hideous crimes against humanity and you do the best to safeguard the life of these our brothers and sisterhood that are suffering indiscriminately with barbaric and inhuman manner caused by vandalism acts of the “wild dogs” security forces, police and army machinery that are loyalist to the dictator and tyrannical regime of this millennium, merely our innocent brothers and sisters are defending their fundamental rights as their legitimate rights to living in this worldwide with their human dignity and identity as in fact the real Human Being like us, were we all created by one and unique our Almighty Lord and God, Holy Trinity in this Universe and simultaneously these our brothers and sisterhood stand honestly with their real nature of the People and Nation in that corner of the World.
Maubere People continue defiance to the very despotic and immoral leaders practices around the World in general and in particular to the Middle East, Asia and African Empire and inclusive our Fatherland East Timor towards the most ashamed leadership namely “TRIO”,
Jose Manuel Ramos Horta, cog-nominated by “REPOLHO”, Jose Alexandre Gusmão, cog-nominated by “BANANA” e Fernando de Araújo, cog-nominated by “KUDASAMA” were have in their account the most immoral responsibility towards the hundred of life’s of the innocent Maubere People that were forced to be arrested, detained, killed, tortured, and displaced from their normal residences as the our poor and weakness Maubere People were rejected their modus of expropriated rules of the political power through by mafias games where used malefic intentions with trickery's, conspirators with coup d’état in order to reach their infamies political objective to reign the People and Nation destiny but not by honest way or means of the real Democracy and Freedom consecrated in the DRET main Constitution as well-known by the United Nations Organizations and everyone around this Globe.
East Timor, on the top of the three sacred Mountains of Maubere People’s Ancestral Land, RAMKABIAN, 2011-02-20 .-
By Your World Fellowship Maubere Tuba Rai Metin,
في هذه المساحة الحرة استعداد ، ونحن ، الشعب موبير ، والوقوف بحزم مع مبادئنا المقدسة المنصوص عليها في الفصل التابعة للأمم المتحدة ومقرها كرس فورا في الإعلان العالمي لحقوق الإنسان لا يجب تجاهل من قبل أي قوة عظمى من هذا الكوكب ، الأرض ، وأننا في كل إنسان يعيشون فيها.
مع رغباتنا المتحمسين نفعل نداء إلى جميع الدول لمنظمة الأمم المتحدة على وجه الخصوص إلى العالمية الأولى ، ما يسمى العالم من الحضارة والوصي على المبادئ المقدسة للديمقراطية والحرية معرفة جيدا والمترجمة مع الذهب وبخط عريض مع التزامن إلى القيم العالمية مع المبادئ المقدسة ملحوظا جدا من حقوق الإنسان التي الاسم المستعار الجميع يجب على كل الدول الالتزام مع بطريقة واعية جدا وحسن النية دون العمل في طريقة غير أخلاقية ليكون الصمت مع كل هذه الدماء أن مئات وآلاف وملايين من الحياة تعرض للخطر من قبل طموحات دكتاتورية معظم القادة أن استمرار جائع وعطشان لحمهم الابرياء والفقراء والضعف والدم.
هذه هي سادي جدا وحية الحدث الحزن أننا يرافقه في كل ، الدقيقة الثانية ، ساعة في الاسبوع ، اليوم والشهر وحتى اليوم. قبل كل هذه المظالم والحزينة أن الملايين من الناس الأبرياء والضعف والمعاناة اليومية نفعل الطلب منك أن تتصرف الآن دون أي مزيد من التأخير مع جميع سلاحك معظم سفسطائي لمعاقبة بشدة الديكتاتوريات ، وأفواج من مرتكبي الجرائم البشعة ضد الإنسانية و كنت أبذل قصارى جهدي للحفاظ على حياة هؤلاء إخواننا والأخوات التي تعاني بشكل عشوائي مع الطريقة الوحشية واللاإنسانية التي تسببها الأعمال التخريب من "الكلاب البرية" قوات الامن والشرطة والجيش التي هي آلات الموالين للدكتاتور والنظام المستبد من هذه الألفية ، مجرد إخواننا وأخواتنا الأبرياء والدفاع عن حقوقهم الأساسية على النحو حقوقهم المشروعة للعيش في هذا العالم مع كرامة الإنسان والهوية ، في الواقع الإنساني الحقيقي مثلنا ، كنا خلق كل واحد وفريدة من نوعها لدينا الرب عز وجل والله ، الثالوث المقدس في هذا الكون وهذه في وقت واحد إخواننا والأخوات الوقوف بصدق مع طبيعتها الحقيقية للشعب والأمة في ذلك الركن من العالم.
شعب موبير مواصلة تحديها للممارسات الاستبدادية قادة جدا وغير أخلاقية في جميع أنحاء العالم بصفة عامة وبصفة خاصة في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وآسيا وأفريقيا والإمبراطورية شاملة لدينا الوطن تيمور الشرقية نحو قيادة معظم بالخجل وهي "الثلاثي" ،
وخوسيه مانويل راموس هورتا ، ولعب دورا مهما الذي رشح من قبل "REPOLHO" ، خوسيه الكسندر غوسماو ، لعب دورا مهما الذي رشح من قبل "موزة" أراوخو ه دي فرناندو ، لعب دورا مهما الذي رشح من قبل "KUDASAMA" يكون في حسابه المسؤولية الأكثر أخلاقية نحو مائة من الحياة للشعب موبير الأبرياء الذين أجبروا على أن يكون للاعتقال والاحتجاز والقتل والتعذيب ، والمشردين من منازلهم كما هو معتاد لدينا موبير الشعبية الفقيرة والضعف ورفضت عملهما قواعد المصادرة من قبل السلطة السياسية من خلال ألعاب المافيات حيث تستخدم malefic نوايا مع الخداع ، والمتآمرين مع الانقلاب من أجل الوصول إلى هدف سياسي من الخسة إلى حكم الشعب ومصير امة ولكن ليس عن طريق صادقة أو وسيلة من الديمقراطية الحقيقية والحرية المكرسة في الدستور DRET الرئيسية على النحو المعروف من قبل منظمات الأمم المتحدة وعلى الجميع حول هذا الكوكب.
تيمور الشرقية ، وعلى أعلى الجبال الثلاثة المقدسة للأرض الأجداد موبير الشعبية ، RAMKABIAN ، 2011/02/20.-
من زمالة عالمك موبير طوبا راي ميتين ،
People Power should maintain your popular force to counterbalance the most tyrannical and butchery regimes of the our Human Society in this Millennium …
Voices of the voiceless and defender of the defenceless all around the World, government, non-government organizations, Human Rights Organizations, Amnesty international, International Red Cross, Religious and Humanitarian Organizations without frontiers, Associations of International Social Media, very distinguished worldwide fellowship journalist, individuals and collectives Organizations those acting with good faith to be standing firmly with your solidarity to the whole Middle East People in the African and Asia Empire, like Egypt, Syrian, Yemen, Tunisia, Jordan, Bahrain, Kuwait, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Algeria, Morocco and more nations that have predicted to be upraised in the Area against, the moribund regime of the totalitarianism and tyrannical system of governing, those are indeed feudalise people and nations with outdated modus of the leadership are prevailing in this millennium with aim to maintain their fanatic and savagery acts of the exploiters and oppressors towards their famine and weakness people living with very precarious social and economical situation surrounding them and these paranoid leaders are continuing considered the poor and weakness class as their slaves in their feudalism system of governing till today.
In this free-willingness space, we, the Maubere People, stand firmly with our sacred principles prescribed under the chapter of the United Nations and based promptly consecrated into the Universal Declaration of Human Rights should not to be ignore by any superpower of this Planet, Earth, that we the all human being are living in.
With our ardent desires we do appeal to the all nations of the United Nations Organization in particular to the First World, the so called the World of the Civilization and guardian of the sacred principles of Democracy and Freedom well knowing and compiled with gold and bold letters with synchronization to the Universal values with very remarkable sacred Principles of the Human Rights that everybody alias every nations should abide it with very conscious manner and good faith without acting in immoral way to be silence with all these bloodshed's that hundred, thousand and millions of life's are endangering by the most dictatorship leaders ambitions to be continuing famished and thirsty for their innocent, poor and weakness people flesh and blood.
These are very sadist and vivid sadness event that we are accompanied in every second, minute, hour, day, week and month till today. Before all these grievances and mournful that millions of innocent and weakness people are suffering daily we do demand you to act now without any more delay with all your most sophistical weapon to punish severely the dictatorships, their cohorts and perpetrators of the hideous crimes against humanity and you do the best to safeguard the life of these our brothers and sisterhood that are suffering indiscriminately with barbaric and inhuman manner caused by vandalism acts of the “wild dogs” security forces, police and army machinery that are loyalist to the dictator and tyrannical regime of this millennium, merely our innocent brothers and sisters are defending their fundamental rights as their legitimate rights to living in this worldwide with their human dignity and identity as in fact the real Human Being like us, were we all created by one and unique our Almighty Lord and God, Holy Trinity in this Universe and simultaneously these our brothers and sisterhood stand honestly with their real nature of the People and Nation in that corner of the World.
Maubere People continue defiance to the very despotic and immoral leaders practices around the World in general and in particular to the Middle East, Asia and African Empire and inclusive our Fatherland East Timor towards the most ashamed leadership namely “TRIO”,
Jose Manuel Ramos Horta, cog-nominated by “REPOLHO”, Jose Alexandre Gusmão, cog-nominated by “BANANA” e Fernando de Araújo, cog-nominated by “KUDASAMA” were have in their account the most immoral responsibility towards the hundred of life’s of the innocent Maubere People that were forced to be arrested, detained, killed, tortured, and displaced from their normal residences as the our poor and weakness Maubere People were rejected their modus of expropriated rules of the political power through by mafias games where used malefic intentions with trickery's, conspirators with coup d’état in order to reach their infamies political objective to reign the People and Nation destiny but not by honest way or means of the real Democracy and Freedom consecrated in the DRET main Constitution as well-known by the United Nations Organizations and everyone around this Globe.
East Timor, on the top of the three sacred Mountains of Maubere People’s Ancestral Land, RAMKABIAN, 2011-02-20 .-
By Your World Fellowship Maubere Tuba Rai Metin,
People Power should maintain your popular force to counterbalance the most tyrannical and butchery regimes of the our Human Society in this Millennium
Voices of the voiceless and defender of the defenceless all around the World, government, non-government organizations, Human Rights Organizations, Amnesty international, International Red Cross, Religious and Humanitarian Organizations without frontiers, Associations of International Social Media, very distinguished worldwide fellowship journalist, individuals and collectives Organizations those acting with good faith to be standing firmly with your solidarity to the whole Middle East People in the African and Asia Empire, like Egypt, Syrian, Yemen, Tunisia, Jordan, Bahrain, Kuwait, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Algeria, Morocco and more nations that have predicted to be upraised in the Area against, the moribund regime of the totalitarianism and tyrannical system of governing, those are indeed feudalise people and nations with outdated modus of the leadership are prevailing in this millennium with aim to maintain their fanatic and savagery acts of the exploiters and oppressors towards their famine and weakness people living with very precarious social and economical situation surrounding them and these paranoid leaders are continuing considered the poor and weakness class as their slaves in their feudalism system of governing till today.
In this free-willingness space, we, the Maubere People, stand firmly with our sacred principles prescribed under the chapter of the United Nations and based promptly consecrated into the Universal Declaration of Human Rights should not to be ignore by any superpower of this Planet, Earth, that we the all human being are living in.
With our ardent desires we do appeal to the all nations of the United Nations Organization in particular to the First World, the so called the World of the Civilization and guardian of the sacred principles of Democracy and Freedom well knowing and compiled with gold and bold letters with synchronization to the Universal values with very remarkable sacred Principles of the Human Rights that everybody alias every nations should abide it with very conscious manner and good faith without acting in immoral way to be silence with all these bloodshed's that hundred, thousand and millions of life's are endangering by the most dictatorship leaders ambitions to be continuing famished and thirsty for their innocent, poor and weakness people flesh and blood.
These are very sadist and vivid sadness event that we are accompanied in every second, minute, hour, day, week and month till today. Before all these grievances and mournful that millions of innocent and weakness people are suffering daily we do demand you to act now without any more delay with all your most sophistical weapon to punish severely the dictatorships, their cohorts and perpetrators of the hideous crimes against humanity and you do the best to safeguard the life of these our brothers and sisterhood that are suffering indiscriminately with barbaric and inhuman manner caused by vandalism acts of the “wild dogs” security forces, police and army machinery that are loyalist to the dictator and tyrannical regime of this millennium, merely our innocent brothers and sisters are defending their fundamental rights as their legitimate rights to living in this worldwide with their human dignity and identity as in fact the real Human Being like us, were we all created by one and unique our Almighty Lord and God, Holy Trinity in this Universe and simultaneously these our brothers and sisterhood stand honestly with their real nature of the People and Nation in that corner of the World.
Maubere People continue defiance to the very despotic and immoral leaders practices around the World in general and in particular to the Middle East, Asia and African Empire and inclusive our Fatherland East Timor towards the most ashamed leadership namely “TRIO”,
Jose Manuel Ramos Horta, cog-nominated by “REPOLHO”, Jose Alexandre Gusmão, cog-nominated by “BANANA” e Fernando de Araújo, cog-nominated by “KUDASAMA” were have in their account the most immoral responsibility towards the hundred of life’s of the innocent Maubere People that were forced to be arrested, detained, killed, tortured, and displaced from their normal residences as the our poor and weakness Maubere People were rejected their modus of expropriated rules of the political power through by mafias games where used malefic intentions with trickery's, conspirators with coup d’état in order to reach their infamies political objective to reign the People and Nation destiny but not by honest way or means of the real Democracy and Freedom consecrated in the DRET main Constitution as well-known by the United Nations Organizations and everyone around this Globe.
East Timor, on the top of the three sacred Mountains of Maubere People’s Ancestral Land, RAMKABIAN, 2011-02-20 .-
By Your World Fellowship Maubere Tuba Rai Metin,
In this free-willingness space, we, the Maubere People, stand firmly with our sacred principles prescribed under the chapter of the United Nations and based promptly consecrated into the Universal Declaration of Human Rights should not to be ignore by any superpower of this Planet, Earth, that we the all human being are living in.
With our ardent desires we do appeal to the all nations of the United Nations Organization in particular to the First World, the so called the World of the Civilization and guardian of the sacred principles of Democracy and Freedom well knowing and compiled with gold and bold letters with synchronization to the Universal values with very remarkable sacred Principles of the Human Rights that everybody alias every nations should abide it with very conscious manner and good faith without acting in immoral way to be silence with all these bloodshed's that hundred, thousand and millions of life's are endangering by the most dictatorship leaders ambitions to be continuing famished and thirsty for their innocent, poor and weakness people flesh and blood.
These are very sadist and vivid sadness event that we are accompanied in every second, minute, hour, day, week and month till today. Before all these grievances and mournful that millions of innocent and weakness people are suffering daily we do demand you to act now without any more delay with all your most sophistical weapon to punish severely the dictatorships, their cohorts and perpetrators of the hideous crimes against humanity and you do the best to safeguard the life of these our brothers and sisterhood that are suffering indiscriminately with barbaric and inhuman manner caused by vandalism acts of the “wild dogs” security forces, police and army machinery that are loyalist to the dictator and tyrannical regime of this millennium, merely our innocent brothers and sisters are defending their fundamental rights as their legitimate rights to living in this worldwide with their human dignity and identity as in fact the real Human Being like us, were we all created by one and unique our Almighty Lord and God, Holy Trinity in this Universe and simultaneously these our brothers and sisterhood stand honestly with their real nature of the People and Nation in that corner of the World.
Maubere People continue defiance to the very despotic and immoral leaders practices around the World in general and in particular to the Middle East, Asia and African Empire and inclusive our Fatherland East Timor towards the most ashamed leadership namely “TRIO”,
Jose Manuel Ramos Horta, cog-nominated by “REPOLHO”, Jose Alexandre Gusmão, cog-nominated by “BANANA” e Fernando de Araújo, cog-nominated by “KUDASAMA” were have in their account the most immoral responsibility towards the hundred of life’s of the innocent Maubere People that were forced to be arrested, detained, killed, tortured, and displaced from their normal residences as the our poor and weakness Maubere People were rejected their modus of expropriated rules of the political power through by mafias games where used malefic intentions with trickery's, conspirators with coup d’état in order to reach their infamies political objective to reign the People and Nation destiny but not by honest way or means of the real Democracy and Freedom consecrated in the DRET main Constitution as well-known by the United Nations Organizations and everyone around this Globe.
East Timor, on the top of the three sacred Mountains of Maubere People’s Ancestral Land, RAMKABIAN, 2011-02-20 .-
By Your World Fellowship Maubere Tuba Rai Metin,
vrijdag 11 februari 2011
... "وهنأ الشعب المصري شعب موبير محترف لفوزه على الديكتاتور المصري حسني مبارك كما فرعون الأخيرة من الإمبراطورية مصر"...
ودعا صديق والعدو ما يقرب من ثلاثين عاما السائدة طويلة حسني مبارك فرعون آخر ملوك مصر. ويبدو انه دون عائق تماما البلاد مرات سياسيا من الصعب للغاية لقد أرسلت الاقتصاد على طول الطريق لجزء وقد تم تحرير. سادت فقط مؤسس مصر الحديثة محمد علي باشا ، أطول (1805-1848).
يكاد لا يوجد بلد الحصول على دولار ممتنا كثيرا من واشنطن إذا كانت مصر مبارك المستقرة التي مسلم قمع التطرف. لكن منتقدين مبارك ويعتقد ان البلاد ليست مستقرة ، ولكن أن أقول المتوقفة تحت مبارك وحزبه السياسة الفاسدة للحزب الوطني الديمقراطي (الحاكم).
وكان مبارك يجلس بجوار سابقتها ، وأنور السادات في أكتوبر 1981 ، اغتيل من قبل المتطرفين. نجا نفسها حيث يعرف ست محاولات لاغتياله. ويبدو أن القوات الجوية السابق رئيس أبدا تقطيع اوصالها وملك بلا كلل من جانب من قصر رائع ، انه في العصور القديمة ومصر الجديدة وافتتح فندق قصر في ضاحية شمال شرق القاهرة شيك.
وبلغ مهد حسني مبارك على مكان أكثر تواضعا. وكان ولد 4 مايو 1928 في قرية في دلتا النيل. وذهب الى المدرسة الحربية. وتابع تدريبه في سلاح الجو. انه اخترق قيادة قوات الجيش ، وكان الأعلى في حرب 1973 ضد اسرائيل واحدة من أبطال العسكرية.
الانتفاضة السابقة
عين الرئيس السادات مبارك في عام 1975 لنائب الرئيس. وأوضح الموظف نفسه الذي لا يتزعزع من السادات مثيرة للجدل. جلبت من البلاد جميلة تختلف اختلافا جذريا عن التوجه الاشتراكي واحتضنت كل اقتصاد السوق المفاجئة. هي تدابير الولايات المتحدة في يناير 1977 إلى انتفاضة شعبية. كان هناك مئات الاشخاص الذين قتلوا خلال يومين من الآن. رأى السادات أنفسهم مضطرين اجراءاته اقتصادية مؤلمة على الانسحاب.
حملت في وقت لاحق من ذلك العام السادات يثير مرة أخرى عندما ذهب الى اسرائيل ، وبالتالي سلام مع ecopolitics ذلك البلد. وبقي مبارك بجوار له الدائمة على الرغم من عاصفة من الانتقادات العربية في الداخل والخارج. مبارك تغيير مسار الموالية للغرب لسلفه لا ، عندما نفسه في أكتوبر 1981 ، ونجح السادات قتل. ووجه وأعلنت حالة الطوارئ ، مبارك أبدا فيها.
إنه أداة مفيدة في محاكمة المشتبه فيهم والمعارضين. واتضح الكثير من الإسلام السياسي. في 1990s ، نظام مبارك بنجاح التطرف الإسلامي والإرهاب. وقال انه ساعد في ضوء حقيقة أن ولايته على جهاز الشرطة عملاقة من حكاية القصص الموضوعة تحت تصرفها ، وأن 83 مليون فقط 40000 كيلومتر مربع العيش معا.
وكان المتطرفون لمبارك في كثير من الأحيان حجة لآلية سعر الصرف الثابت السلطة في أيدي عقد. ومن دونه سوف ترث الأرض ، يجب أن يكون قال المقرضين. الانتخابات المزورة بشكل منهجي ، ولم يكونوا قط مشكلة لرئيس الجمهورية ورئيس جهاز الحزب الحاكم. في السنوات الأخيرة ، بدا أن تكون مفتوحة لديمقراطية حقيقية ، ولكن انتخابات العام الماضي كانت لا تزال غير شريفة أكثر من المعتاد. أفرغت الكثير من المعارضين من لمسة الأخيرة من الأمل في تحقيق الديمقراطية في إطار هذا 'فرعون.
عالية قابلة للاشتعال
عدم الرضا غير قابلة للاشتعال. ما يقرب من نصف السكان يعيشون على أقل من واحد ونصف يورو في اليوم الواحد. وللأشخاص الذين تقل أعمارهم عن ثلاثين عاما ، وكثير منهم في الأسابيع الأخيرة من نظام مبارك في الشوارع.
."Maubere People congratulated Egyptian People Power for their victory upon the dictator Hosni Mubarak as the last Pharaoh of Egypt Empire"...
Friend and enemy called the almost thirty years long prevailing Hosni Mubarak the last Pharaoh of Egypt. He seems totally undisturbed the country by politically extremely difficult times to have sent the economy along the way for a part has been liberalised. Only the founder of modern Egypt, Mohammed Ali Pasha, reigned longer (1805-1848).
Virtually no country get so much grateful dollars from Washington if Mubarak's stable Egypt that Muslim extremism suppressing. But Mubarak's critics believe that the country is not stable, but to say the stalled is under Mubarak and his corrupt party politics of the National Democratic Party (NDP).
Mubarak was sitting next to its predecessor, Anwar al-Sadat in October 1981, was assassinated by extremists. He survived itself where known six attempts on his life. The former air force Chief seemed never dismembered and reigned tirelessly by from a splendid Palace, that in ancient times as Heliopolis Palace Hotel was opened in a chic Northeastern suburb of Cairo.
The cradle of Hosni Mubarak stood on a more modest place. He was may 4, 1928 in a village in the delta of the Nile is born. To he went to the Military Academy. He continued his training at the air force. He penetrated the Army Forces top leadership and was in the war of 1973 against Israel one of the military heroes.
Previous uprising
President Sadat named Mubarak in 1975 to Vice President. He showed himself an unshakable employee of the very controversial Sadat. Who brought the country pretty radically different from the Socialist orientation and embraced all of a sudden the market economy. Are measures led in January 1977 to a popular uprising. There were hundreds of people killed in two days time. Sadat saw themselves forced his painful economic measures to withdraw.
Later that year bore Sadat again stir when he went to Israel and thus peace with that country's ecopolitics. Mubarak stayed right next to him standing despite a storm of Arab criticism at home and abroad. Mubarak changed the pro-Western course of his predecessor didn't, when he himself in October 1981, the murdered Sadat succeeded. The State of emergency was declared, drew Mubarak never in.
It is a useful instrument in the prosecution of suspects and opponents. It turned out a lot of political Islam. In the 1990s, Mubarak's regime successfully Islamic extremism and terrorism. He was helped by the fact that his police state on a gigantic device of tale-telling at its disposal and that the 83 million people just 40,000 square kilometres together live.
The extremists were for Mubarak often an argument to the power ferm in hold hands. Without him would inherit the land, he must have told lenders. The systematically fraudulent elections have never been a problem for the president and the device of the NDP. In recent years, they seemed to be open for real democracy, but the election last year were still more dishonest than usual. That robbed many opponents of their last touch of hope on democratisation under this 'Pharaoh'.
Highly flammable
The dissatisfaction is flammable. Almost half the population lives on less than one and a half euros per day. And to people under the age of thirty years, many of whom are the last weeks of Mubaraks regime the streets.
Friend and enemy called the almost thirty years long prevailing Hosni Mubarak the last Pharaoh of Egypt. He seems totally undisturbed the country by politically extremely difficult times to have sent the economy along the way for a part has been liberalised. Only the founder of modern Egypt, Mohammed Ali Pasha, reigned longer (1805-1848).
Virtually no country get so much grateful dollars from Washington if Mubarak's stable Egypt that Muslim extremism suppressing. But Mubarak's critics believe that the country is not stable, but to say the stalled is under Mubarak and his corrupt party politics of the National Democratic Party (NDP).
Mubarak was sitting next to its predecessor, Anwar al-Sadat in October 1981, was assassinated by extremists. He survived itself where known six attempts on his life. The former air force Chief seemed never dismembered and reigned tirelessly by from a splendid Palace, that in ancient times as Heliopolis Palace Hotel was opened in a chic Northeastern suburb of Cairo.
The cradle of Hosni Mubarak stood on a more modest place. He was may 4, 1928 in a village in the delta of the Nile is born. To he went to the Military Academy. He continued his training at the air force. He penetrated the Army Forces top leadership and was in the war of 1973 against Israel one of the military heroes.
Previous uprising
President Sadat named Mubarak in 1975 to Vice President. He showed himself an unshakable employee of the very controversial Sadat. Who brought the country pretty radically different from the Socialist orientation and embraced all of a sudden the market economy. Are measures led in January 1977 to a popular uprising. There were hundreds of people killed in two days time. Sadat saw themselves forced his painful economic measures to withdraw.
Later that year bore Sadat again stir when he went to Israel and thus peace with that country's ecopolitics. Mubarak stayed right next to him standing despite a storm of Arab criticism at home and abroad. Mubarak changed the pro-Western course of his predecessor didn't, when he himself in October 1981, the murdered Sadat succeeded. The State of emergency was declared, drew Mubarak never in.
It is a useful instrument in the prosecution of suspects and opponents. It turned out a lot of political Islam. In the 1990s, Mubarak's regime successfully Islamic extremism and terrorism. He was helped by the fact that his police state on a gigantic device of tale-telling at its disposal and that the 83 million people just 40,000 square kilometres together live.
The extremists were for Mubarak often an argument to the power ferm in hold hands. Without him would inherit the land, he must have told lenders. The systematically fraudulent elections have never been a problem for the president and the device of the NDP. In recent years, they seemed to be open for real democracy, but the election last year were still more dishonest than usual. That robbed many opponents of their last touch of hope on democratisation under this 'Pharaoh'.
Highly flammable
The dissatisfaction is flammable. Almost half the population lives on less than one and a half euros per day. And to people under the age of thirty years, many of whom are the last weeks of Mubaraks regime the streets.
يكاد لا يوجد بلد الحصول على دولار ممتنا كثيرا من واشنطن إذا كانت مصر مبارك المستقرة التي مسلم قمع التطرف. لكن منتقدين مبارك ويعتقد ان البلاد ليست مستقرة ، ولكن أن أقول المتوقفة تحت مبارك وحزبه السياسة الفاسدة للحزب الوطني الديمقراطي (الحاكم).
وكان مبارك يجلس بجوار سابقتها ، وأنور السادات في أكتوبر 1981 ، اغتيل من قبل المتطرفين. نجا نفسها حيث يعرف ست محاولات لاغتياله. ويبدو أن القوات الجوية السابق رئيس أبدا تقطيع اوصالها وملك بلا كلل من جانب من قصر رائع ، انه في العصور القديمة ومصر الجديدة وافتتح فندق قصر في ضاحية شمال شرق القاهرة شيك.
وبلغ مهد حسني مبارك على مكان أكثر تواضعا. وكان ولد 4 مايو 1928 في قرية في دلتا النيل. وذهب الى المدرسة الحربية. وتابع تدريبه في سلاح الجو. انه اخترق قيادة قوات الجيش ، وكان الأعلى في حرب 1973 ضد اسرائيل واحدة من أبطال العسكرية.
الانتفاضة السابقة
عين الرئيس السادات مبارك في عام 1975 لنائب الرئيس. وأوضح الموظف نفسه الذي لا يتزعزع من السادات مثيرة للجدل. جلبت من البلاد جميلة تختلف اختلافا جذريا عن التوجه الاشتراكي واحتضنت كل اقتصاد السوق المفاجئة. هي تدابير الولايات المتحدة في يناير 1977 إلى انتفاضة شعبية. كان هناك مئات الاشخاص الذين قتلوا خلال يومين من الآن. رأى السادات أنفسهم مضطرين اجراءاته اقتصادية مؤلمة على الانسحاب.
حملت في وقت لاحق من ذلك العام السادات يثير مرة أخرى عندما ذهب الى اسرائيل ، وبالتالي سلام مع ecopolitics ذلك البلد. وبقي مبارك بجوار له الدائمة على الرغم من عاصفة من الانتقادات العربية في الداخل والخارج. مبارك تغيير مسار الموالية للغرب لسلفه لا ، عندما نفسه في أكتوبر 1981 ، ونجح السادات قتل. ووجه وأعلنت حالة الطوارئ ، مبارك أبدا فيها.
إنه أداة مفيدة في محاكمة المشتبه فيهم والمعارضين. واتضح الكثير من الإسلام السياسي. في 1990s ، نظام مبارك بنجاح التطرف الإسلامي والإرهاب. وقال انه ساعد في ضوء حقيقة أن ولايته على جهاز الشرطة عملاقة من حكاية القصص الموضوعة تحت تصرفها ، وأن 83 مليون فقط 40000 كيلومتر مربع العيش معا.
وكان المتطرفون لمبارك في كثير من الأحيان حجة لآلية سعر الصرف الثابت السلطة في أيدي عقد. ومن دونه سوف ترث الأرض ، يجب أن يكون قال المقرضين. الانتخابات المزورة بشكل منهجي ، ولم يكونوا قط مشكلة لرئيس الجمهورية ورئيس جهاز الحزب الحاكم. في السنوات الأخيرة ، بدا أن تكون مفتوحة لديمقراطية حقيقية ، ولكن انتخابات العام الماضي كانت لا تزال غير شريفة أكثر من المعتاد. أفرغت الكثير من المعارضين من لمسة الأخيرة من الأمل في تحقيق الديمقراطية في إطار هذا 'فرعون.
عالية قابلة للاشتعال
عدم الرضا غير قابلة للاشتعال. ما يقرب من نصف السكان يعيشون على أقل من واحد ونصف يورو في اليوم الواحد. وللأشخاص الذين تقل أعمارهم عن ثلاثين عاما ، وكثير منهم في الأسابيع الأخيرة من نظام مبارك في الشوارع.
."Maubere People congratulated Egyptian People Power for their victory upon the dictator Hosni Mubarak as the last Pharaoh of Egypt Empire"...
Friend and enemy called the almost thirty years long prevailing Hosni Mubarak the last Pharaoh of Egypt. He seems totally undisturbed the country by politically extremely difficult times to have sent the economy along the way for a part has been liberalised. Only the founder of modern Egypt, Mohammed Ali Pasha, reigned longer (1805-1848).
Virtually no country get so much grateful dollars from Washington if Mubarak's stable Egypt that Muslim extremism suppressing. But Mubarak's critics believe that the country is not stable, but to say the stalled is under Mubarak and his corrupt party politics of the National Democratic Party (NDP).
Mubarak was sitting next to its predecessor, Anwar al-Sadat in October 1981, was assassinated by extremists. He survived itself where known six attempts on his life. The former air force Chief seemed never dismembered and reigned tirelessly by from a splendid Palace, that in ancient times as Heliopolis Palace Hotel was opened in a chic Northeastern suburb of Cairo.
The cradle of Hosni Mubarak stood on a more modest place. He was may 4, 1928 in a village in the delta of the Nile is born. To he went to the Military Academy. He continued his training at the air force. He penetrated the Army Forces top leadership and was in the war of 1973 against Israel one of the military heroes.
Previous uprising
President Sadat named Mubarak in 1975 to Vice President. He showed himself an unshakable employee of the very controversial Sadat. Who brought the country pretty radically different from the Socialist orientation and embraced all of a sudden the market economy. Are measures led in January 1977 to a popular uprising. There were hundreds of people killed in two days time. Sadat saw themselves forced his painful economic measures to withdraw.
Later that year bore Sadat again stir when he went to Israel and thus peace with that country's ecopolitics. Mubarak stayed right next to him standing despite a storm of Arab criticism at home and abroad. Mubarak changed the pro-Western course of his predecessor didn't, when he himself in October 1981, the murdered Sadat succeeded. The State of emergency was declared, drew Mubarak never in.
It is a useful instrument in the prosecution of suspects and opponents. It turned out a lot of political Islam. In the 1990s, Mubarak's regime successfully Islamic extremism and terrorism. He was helped by the fact that his police state on a gigantic device of tale-telling at its disposal and that the 83 million people just 40,000 square kilometres together live.
The extremists were for Mubarak often an argument to the power ferm in hold hands. Without him would inherit the land, he must have told lenders. The systematically fraudulent elections have never been a problem for the president and the device of the NDP. In recent years, they seemed to be open for real democracy, but the election last year were still more dishonest than usual. That robbed many opponents of their last touch of hope on democratisation under this 'Pharaoh'.
Highly flammable
The dissatisfaction is flammable. Almost half the population lives on less than one and a half euros per day. And to people under the age of thirty years, many of whom are the last weeks of Mubaraks regime the streets.
Friend and enemy called the almost thirty years long prevailing Hosni Mubarak the last Pharaoh of Egypt. He seems totally undisturbed the country by politically extremely difficult times to have sent the economy along the way for a part has been liberalised. Only the founder of modern Egypt, Mohammed Ali Pasha, reigned longer (1805-1848).
Virtually no country get so much grateful dollars from Washington if Mubarak's stable Egypt that Muslim extremism suppressing. But Mubarak's critics believe that the country is not stable, but to say the stalled is under Mubarak and his corrupt party politics of the National Democratic Party (NDP).
Mubarak was sitting next to its predecessor, Anwar al-Sadat in October 1981, was assassinated by extremists. He survived itself where known six attempts on his life. The former air force Chief seemed never dismembered and reigned tirelessly by from a splendid Palace, that in ancient times as Heliopolis Palace Hotel was opened in a chic Northeastern suburb of Cairo.
The cradle of Hosni Mubarak stood on a more modest place. He was may 4, 1928 in a village in the delta of the Nile is born. To he went to the Military Academy. He continued his training at the air force. He penetrated the Army Forces top leadership and was in the war of 1973 against Israel one of the military heroes.
Previous uprising
President Sadat named Mubarak in 1975 to Vice President. He showed himself an unshakable employee of the very controversial Sadat. Who brought the country pretty radically different from the Socialist orientation and embraced all of a sudden the market economy. Are measures led in January 1977 to a popular uprising. There were hundreds of people killed in two days time. Sadat saw themselves forced his painful economic measures to withdraw.
Later that year bore Sadat again stir when he went to Israel and thus peace with that country's ecopolitics. Mubarak stayed right next to him standing despite a storm of Arab criticism at home and abroad. Mubarak changed the pro-Western course of his predecessor didn't, when he himself in October 1981, the murdered Sadat succeeded. The State of emergency was declared, drew Mubarak never in.
It is a useful instrument in the prosecution of suspects and opponents. It turned out a lot of political Islam. In the 1990s, Mubarak's regime successfully Islamic extremism and terrorism. He was helped by the fact that his police state on a gigantic device of tale-telling at its disposal and that the 83 million people just 40,000 square kilometres together live.
The extremists were for Mubarak often an argument to the power ferm in hold hands. Without him would inherit the land, he must have told lenders. The systematically fraudulent elections have never been a problem for the president and the device of the NDP. In recent years, they seemed to be open for real democracy, but the election last year were still more dishonest than usual. That robbed many opponents of their last touch of hope on democratisation under this 'Pharaoh'.
Highly flammable
The dissatisfaction is flammable. Almost half the population lives on less than one and a half euros per day. And to people under the age of thirty years, many of whom are the last weeks of Mubaraks regime the streets.
..."Maubere People congratulated Egyptian People Power for their victory upon the dictator Hosni Mubarak as the last Pharaoh of Egypt Empire"...
Friend and enemy called the almost thirty years long prevailing Hosni Mubarak the last Pharaoh of Egypt. He seems totally undisturbed the country by politically extremely difficult times to have sent the economy along the way for a part has been liberalised. Only the founder of modern Egypt, Mohammed Ali Pasha, reigned longer (1805-1848).
Virtually no country get so much grateful dollars from Washington if Mubarak's stable Egypt that Muslim extremism suppressing. But Mubarak's critics believe that the country is not stable, but to say the stalled is under Mubarak and his corrupt party politics of the National Democratic Party (NDP).
Mubarak was sitting next to its predecessor, Anwar al-Sadat in October 1981, was assassinated by extremists. He survived itself where known six attempts on his life. The former air force Chief seemed never dismembered and reigned tirelessly by from a splendid Palace, that in ancient times as Heliopolis Palace Hotel was opened in a chic Northeastern suburb of Cairo.
The cradle of Hosni Mubarak stood on a more modest place. He was may 4, 1928 in a village in the delta of the Nile is born. To he went to the Military Academy. He continued his training at the air force. He penetrated the legertop and was in the war of 1973 against Israel one of the military heroes.
Previous uprising
President Sadat named Mubarak in 1975 to Vice President. He showed himself an unshakable employee of the very controversial Sadat. Who brought the country pretty radically different from the Socialist orientation and embraced all of a sudden the market economy. Are measures led in January 1977 to a popular uprising. There were hundreds of people killed in two days time. Sadat saw themselves forced his painful economic measures to withdraw.
Later that year bore Sadat again stir when he went to Israel and thus peace with that country's ecopolitics. Mubarak stayed right next to him standing despite a storm of Arab criticism at home and abroad. Mubarak changed the pro-Western course of his predecessor didn't, when he himself in October 1981, the murdered Sadat succeeded. The State of emergency was declared, drew Mubarak never in.
It is a useful instrument in the prosecution of suspects and opponents. It turned out a lot of political Islam. In the 1990s, Mubarak's regime successfully Islamic extremism and terrorism. He was helped by the fact that his police state on a gigantic device of tale-telling at its disposal and that the 83 million people just 40,000 square kilometres together live.
The extremists were for Mubarak often an argument to the power ferm in hold hands. Without him would inherit the land, he must have told lenders. The systematically fraudulent elections have never been a problem for the president and the device of the NDP. In recent years, they seemed to be open for real democracy, but the election last year were still more dishonest than usual. That robbed many opponents of their last touch of hope on democratisation under this 'Pharaoh'.
Highly flammable
The dissatisfaction is flammable. Almost half the population lives on less than one and a half euros per day. And to people under the age of thirty years, many of whom are the last weeks of Mubaraks regime the streets.
Virtually no country get so much grateful dollars from Washington if Mubarak's stable Egypt that Muslim extremism suppressing. But Mubarak's critics believe that the country is not stable, but to say the stalled is under Mubarak and his corrupt party politics of the National Democratic Party (NDP).
Mubarak was sitting next to its predecessor, Anwar al-Sadat in October 1981, was assassinated by extremists. He survived itself where known six attempts on his life. The former air force Chief seemed never dismembered and reigned tirelessly by from a splendid Palace, that in ancient times as Heliopolis Palace Hotel was opened in a chic Northeastern suburb of Cairo.
The cradle of Hosni Mubarak stood on a more modest place. He was may 4, 1928 in a village in the delta of the Nile is born. To he went to the Military Academy. He continued his training at the air force. He penetrated the legertop and was in the war of 1973 against Israel one of the military heroes.
Previous uprising
President Sadat named Mubarak in 1975 to Vice President. He showed himself an unshakable employee of the very controversial Sadat. Who brought the country pretty radically different from the Socialist orientation and embraced all of a sudden the market economy. Are measures led in January 1977 to a popular uprising. There were hundreds of people killed in two days time. Sadat saw themselves forced his painful economic measures to withdraw.
Later that year bore Sadat again stir when he went to Israel and thus peace with that country's ecopolitics. Mubarak stayed right next to him standing despite a storm of Arab criticism at home and abroad. Mubarak changed the pro-Western course of his predecessor didn't, when he himself in October 1981, the murdered Sadat succeeded. The State of emergency was declared, drew Mubarak never in.
It is a useful instrument in the prosecution of suspects and opponents. It turned out a lot of political Islam. In the 1990s, Mubarak's regime successfully Islamic extremism and terrorism. He was helped by the fact that his police state on a gigantic device of tale-telling at its disposal and that the 83 million people just 40,000 square kilometres together live.
The extremists were for Mubarak often an argument to the power ferm in hold hands. Without him would inherit the land, he must have told lenders. The systematically fraudulent elections have never been a problem for the president and the device of the NDP. In recent years, they seemed to be open for real democracy, but the election last year were still more dishonest than usual. That robbed many opponents of their last touch of hope on democratisation under this 'Pharaoh'.
Highly flammable
The dissatisfaction is flammable. Almost half the population lives on less than one and a half euros per day. And to people under the age of thirty years, many of whom are the last weeks of Mubaraks regime the streets.
donderdag 10 februari 2011
… "[موبر] الناس تضامن إلى الكاملة مصريّة الناس كفاح ضدّ الدكتاتورة مبارك قاعدة يسود حتّى الناس مصريّة سوفت يحقّق حقّا [فينل غل] هم, كالحرية حقيقيّة والديموقراطيّة حقيقيّة لكاملة مصريات الناس وكلّ [ميدّل ست] منطقة "…
… "[موبر] الناس تضامن إلى الكاملة مصريّة الناس كفاح ضدّ الدكتاتورة مبارك قاعدة يسود حتّى الناس مصريّة سوفت يحقّق حقّا [فينل غل] هم, كالحرية حقيقيّة والديموقراطيّة حقيقيّة لكاملة مصريات الناس وكلّ [ميدّل ست] منطقة "…
قد كان [وورلدويد-فلّووشيبس] عزيزة, الحقيقيّة الناس قوة جدّا يبدى ويستمرّ أن يبدي مع يطلب أنّ الدكتاتوريّة حسين مبارك في مصر سوفت فورا إيقاف عمل من قوة كالرئيس من المصريّة الناس وأمة.
تلقّيت نحن كلّ الناس حول العالم أنّ يكون تضامن في السبب صحيحة من إخواننا وأخويّة من مصر نحن كنت باستمرار مع ختام يراقب تماما ماذا سيذهب الآن مع الدكتاتورة قاعدة حزب وه [بوورفولّي] زعيمة يعيّن حسين مبارك [أف وهيش] [لدد] مصر الناس وأمة داخل ال 30 سنون مع حديد أيادي وال كثير مسلخ زعيمة في المنطقة سوفت استقلت اليوم دون [أني موش] يؤخّر.
خلاف ذلك الالناس قوة إرادة عواصف الكاملة حكومة قاعدة حزب وإرادة يجبر مبارك أن يستقيل مع طريقة صادقة جدّا أن يحترم و [فولفيل] البهجة سفط من الالناس كاملة مصريّة.
مصر إضطراب حالة سياسيّة يجبر ب [بيوبل] [بوور] نحو الإستبداد ودكتاتورة قيادة مبارك [إين فكت] المجازفة عال أكثر تحت مبارك نظامة في هذا ألفية. حتّى الناس قد ضحّى قوة ويخسر حياة تقريبا ألف من البريئة مصريّة الناس وحشيّة ووحشيّ يقتل بكلاب مخلصة من المسلخ زعيمة مبارك غير أنّ نتيجة يتلقّى يبدي الآن إلى العالميّ نطاق أنّ الالناس قوة قد ربح [فينل غل] هم, فورا مغادرة من مبارك من مصريّة أمة والناس قيادة.
بما أنّ البداية نحن [موبر] الناس في وطننا تيمور شرقيّة يكون تماما تضامن مع نا فقراء وحالة ضعف الناس مصريّة أن يتنازع ضدّ ال [أنكرونيك] ونظامة متروكة من يحكم مصريات أمة والناس بدكتاتورة مبارك أثناء ال 30 سنون في قوة كأسطورة هامّة وإلهة من الأمة مصريّة والناس.
[لونغ ليف] إلى كلّ مصريات الناس وأمة.
[لونغ ليف] إلى التضامن دوليّة!
يفسد [لونغ ليف] إلى الالناس قوة في هذا كرة أرضيّة كاملة ك [كونتر-بلنس] حقيقيّة من ال كثير دكتاتورة, [نبوتيستيك] وتواطؤات نظامات حول العالميّ نطاق!
[لونغ ليف] إلى [موبر] الناس والناس قوة عرض سوفت تممت في [موبر] الناس وطن نحو الفاسدة, تواطؤات ومحاباة الأقارب, إستبداد ودكتاتوريات قيادة أيّ [هورتا], [إكسننا], [لسما] وهم مسلخ كلاب, عطشان ويجوع إلى البريئة [موبر] الناس دم ولحظ بما أنّ طويلة هم يستمرّون يحكم و [لدد] [موبر] الناس قدر.
يسخّن تحيات إلى كلّ من أنت أنّ نحن ودود ويعجب, ك متحمّلة, جدّا مجيدة وجدّا أداء بارع عمل من الالناس قوة ضدّ الدكتاتوريّة مبارك في ال [مدّل] منطقة شرقيّة بما أنّ حقّا الشهيق إلى كلّ الناس حول العالم في أمر هم يتمّ أيضا يتبع ممرك أن يساهم من هذا مسيرة عظيمة من الناس قوة أن يحدث [إين فكت] هم فاشيّ, دكتاتورة, فاسدة, مجنونة, يتفخّر ومسلخ زعيمات حول هذا كرة أرضيّة, أرض, أنّ الكلّ إنسان كائن يعيش [إين.].
تيمور شرقيّة, على الأعلى من الثلاثة مقدّسة وأجبال عال [رمكبيا], فبراير - شباط 10, 2011. -
[موبر] توب [ري] [متين],
..."Maubere People's solidarity to the entire Egyptian People's struggle against the dictator Mubarak's rule prevailing till Egyptian People should achieved really their final goal,as the real Freedom and the real Democracy for whole Egyptians People and all Middle East Region"...
Dear Worldwide-Fellowships, the very real People Power have been showed and continuing to show with demanding that the Dictatorship Hussein Mubarak in Egypt should immediately shutdown from power as the President of the Egyptian People and Nation.
We all people around the world that are solidarity in the just cause of our brothers and sisterhood from Egypt we are permanently with close watching precisely what will go now with the dictator rule party and its powerfully leader named Hussein Mubarak of which have leaded Egypt people and Nation into the 30 years with iron hands and the most butchery leader in the region should resign today without any more delay.
Otherwise the People Power will storms the entire government rule party and will forced Mubarak to resign with very honest manner to respect and fulfil the delight aspiration of the entire Egyptian People.
The Egypt turmoil political situation forced by People Power towards the tyranny and dictator leadership of Mubarak is in fact the most high venture under the Mubarak regime in this millennium. Even People Power have sacrificed and lost life almost one thousand of the innocent Egyptian People savagery and brutality murdered by loyal dogs of the butchery leader Mubarak but result has showing now to the worldwide that the People Power have won their final goal, immediately departure of the Mubarak from Egyptian Nation and People’s leadership.
As the beginning we the Maubere People in our Homeland East Timor are totally solidarity with our poor and weakness Egyptian People to fight against the anchronic and outdated system of governing Egyptians Nation and People by dictator Mubarak during the 30 years in power as considerable myth and god of the Egyptian nation and People.
Long life to all Egyptians People and Nation .
Long life to the International Solidarity!
Long life to the People Power in this entire Globe as real counter-balance of the most dictator corrupts, nepotistic and collusions regimes around the Worldwide!
Long life to the Maubere People and People Power showing should take place in Maubere People’s Homeland towards the corrupt, collusions and nepotism, tyranny and dictators leadership namely Horta, Xanana, Lasama and their butchery dogs, thirsty and starving to the innocent Maubere People blood and flesh as long they continue governing and leaded Maubere People's fate.
Warms greetings to all of you that we are loving and admiring, your durable, very glorious and very bravura action of the People Power against the dictatorship Mubarak in the Meddle East Region as indeed the inspiration to all People around the World in order they do also following your path to take part of this great march of People Power to determine in fact their fascist, dictator, corrupt, insane, arrogant and butchery leaders around this Globe, Earth, that the all human being living in.
East Timor, on the top of the three sacred and high mountains RAMKABIA, February 10, 2011.-
Maubere Tuba Rai Metin,
قد كان [وورلدويد-فلّووشيبس] عزيزة, الحقيقيّة الناس قوة جدّا يبدى ويستمرّ أن يبدي مع يطلب أنّ الدكتاتوريّة حسين مبارك في مصر سوفت فورا إيقاف عمل من قوة كالرئيس من المصريّة الناس وأمة.
تلقّيت نحن كلّ الناس حول العالم أنّ يكون تضامن في السبب صحيحة من إخواننا وأخويّة من مصر نحن كنت باستمرار مع ختام يراقب تماما ماذا سيذهب الآن مع الدكتاتورة قاعدة حزب وه [بوورفولّي] زعيمة يعيّن حسين مبارك [أف وهيش] [لدد] مصر الناس وأمة داخل ال 30 سنون مع حديد أيادي وال كثير مسلخ زعيمة في المنطقة سوفت استقلت اليوم دون [أني موش] يؤخّر.
خلاف ذلك الالناس قوة إرادة عواصف الكاملة حكومة قاعدة حزب وإرادة يجبر مبارك أن يستقيل مع طريقة صادقة جدّا أن يحترم و [فولفيل] البهجة سفط من الالناس كاملة مصريّة.
مصر إضطراب حالة سياسيّة يجبر ب [بيوبل] [بوور] نحو الإستبداد ودكتاتورة قيادة مبارك [إين فكت] المجازفة عال أكثر تحت مبارك نظامة في هذا ألفية. حتّى الناس قد ضحّى قوة ويخسر حياة تقريبا ألف من البريئة مصريّة الناس وحشيّة ووحشيّ يقتل بكلاب مخلصة من المسلخ زعيمة مبارك غير أنّ نتيجة يتلقّى يبدي الآن إلى العالميّ نطاق أنّ الالناس قوة قد ربح [فينل غل] هم, فورا مغادرة من مبارك من مصريّة أمة والناس قيادة.
بما أنّ البداية نحن [موبر] الناس في وطننا تيمور شرقيّة يكون تماما تضامن مع نا فقراء وحالة ضعف الناس مصريّة أن يتنازع ضدّ ال [أنكرونيك] ونظامة متروكة من يحكم مصريات أمة والناس بدكتاتورة مبارك أثناء ال 30 سنون في قوة كأسطورة هامّة وإلهة من الأمة مصريّة والناس.
[لونغ ليف] إلى كلّ مصريات الناس وأمة.
[لونغ ليف] إلى التضامن دوليّة!
يفسد [لونغ ليف] إلى الالناس قوة في هذا كرة أرضيّة كاملة ك [كونتر-بلنس] حقيقيّة من ال كثير دكتاتورة, [نبوتيستيك] وتواطؤات نظامات حول العالميّ نطاق!
[لونغ ليف] إلى [موبر] الناس والناس قوة عرض سوفت تممت في [موبر] الناس وطن نحو الفاسدة, تواطؤات ومحاباة الأقارب, إستبداد ودكتاتوريات قيادة أيّ [هورتا], [إكسننا], [لسما] وهم مسلخ كلاب, عطشان ويجوع إلى البريئة [موبر] الناس دم ولحظ بما أنّ طويلة هم يستمرّون يحكم و [لدد] [موبر] الناس قدر.
يسخّن تحيات إلى كلّ من أنت أنّ نحن ودود ويعجب, ك متحمّلة, جدّا مجيدة وجدّا أداء بارع عمل من الالناس قوة ضدّ الدكتاتوريّة مبارك في ال [مدّل] منطقة شرقيّة بما أنّ حقّا الشهيق إلى كلّ الناس حول العالم في أمر هم يتمّ أيضا يتبع ممرك أن يساهم من هذا مسيرة عظيمة من الناس قوة أن يحدث [إين فكت] هم فاشيّ, دكتاتورة, فاسدة, مجنونة, يتفخّر ومسلخ زعيمات حول هذا كرة أرضيّة, أرض, أنّ الكلّ إنسان كائن يعيش [إين.].
تيمور شرقيّة, على الأعلى من الثلاثة مقدّسة وأجبال عال [رمكبيا], فبراير - شباط 10, 2011. -
[موبر] توب [ري] [متين],
..."Maubere People's solidarity to the entire Egyptian People's struggle against the dictator Mubarak's rule prevailing till Egyptian People should achieved really their final goal,as the real Freedom and the real Democracy for whole Egyptians People and all Middle East Region"...
Dear Worldwide-Fellowships, the very real People Power have been showed and continuing to show with demanding that the Dictatorship Hussein Mubarak in Egypt should immediately shutdown from power as the President of the Egyptian People and Nation.
We all people around the world that are solidarity in the just cause of our brothers and sisterhood from Egypt we are permanently with close watching precisely what will go now with the dictator rule party and its powerfully leader named Hussein Mubarak of which have leaded Egypt people and Nation into the 30 years with iron hands and the most butchery leader in the region should resign today without any more delay.
Otherwise the People Power will storms the entire government rule party and will forced Mubarak to resign with very honest manner to respect and fulfil the delight aspiration of the entire Egyptian People.
The Egypt turmoil political situation forced by People Power towards the tyranny and dictator leadership of Mubarak is in fact the most high venture under the Mubarak regime in this millennium. Even People Power have sacrificed and lost life almost one thousand of the innocent Egyptian People savagery and brutality murdered by loyal dogs of the butchery leader Mubarak but result has showing now to the worldwide that the People Power have won their final goal, immediately departure of the Mubarak from Egyptian Nation and People’s leadership.
As the beginning we the Maubere People in our Homeland East Timor are totally solidarity with our poor and weakness Egyptian People to fight against the anchronic and outdated system of governing Egyptians Nation and People by dictator Mubarak during the 30 years in power as considerable myth and god of the Egyptian nation and People.
Long life to all Egyptians People and Nation .
Long life to the International Solidarity!
Long life to the People Power in this entire Globe as real counter-balance of the most dictator corrupts, nepotistic and collusions regimes around the Worldwide!
Long life to the Maubere People and People Power showing should take place in Maubere People’s Homeland towards the corrupt, collusions and nepotism, tyranny and dictators leadership namely Horta, Xanana, Lasama and their butchery dogs, thirsty and starving to the innocent Maubere People blood and flesh as long they continue governing and leaded Maubere People's fate.
Warms greetings to all of you that we are loving and admiring, your durable, very glorious and very bravura action of the People Power against the dictatorship Mubarak in the Meddle East Region as indeed the inspiration to all People around the World in order they do also following your path to take part of this great march of People Power to determine in fact their fascist, dictator, corrupt, insane, arrogant and butchery leaders around this Globe, Earth, that the all human being living in.
East Timor, on the top of the three sacred and high mountains RAMKABIA, February 10, 2011.-
Maubere Tuba Rai Metin,
..."Maubere People's solidarity to the entire Egyptian People's struggle against the dictator Mubarak's rule prevailing till Egyptian People should achieved really their final goal,as the real Freedom and the real Democracy for whole Egyptians People and all Middle East Region"...
Dear Worldwide-Fellowships, the very real People Power have been showed and continuing to show with demanding that the Dictatorship Hussein Mubarak in Egypt should immediately shutdown from power as the President of the Egyptian People and Nation.
We all people around the world that are solidarity in the just cause of our brothers and sisterhood from Egypt we are permanently with close watching precisely what will go now with the dictator rule party and its powerfully leader named Hussein Mubarak of which have leaded Egypt people and Nation into the 30 years with iron hands and the most butchery leader in the region should resign today without any more delay.
Otherwise the People Power will storms the entire government rule party and will forced Mubarak to resign with very honest manner to respect and fulfil the delight aspiration of the entire Egyptian People.
The Egypt turmoil political situation forced by People Power towards the tyranny and dictator leadership of Mubarak is in fact the most high venture under the Mubarak regime in this millennium. Even People Power have sacrificed and lost life almost one thousand of the innocent Egyptian People savagery and brutality murdered by loyal dogs of the butchery leader Mubarak but result has showing now to the worldwide that the People Power have won their final goal, immediately departure of the Mubarak from Egyptian Nation and People’s leadership.
As the beginning we the Maubere People in our Homeland East Timor are totally solidarity with our poor and weakness Egyptian People to fight against the anchronic and outdated system of governing Egyptians Nation and People by dictator Mubarak during the 30 years in power as considerable myth and god of the Egyptian nation and People.
Long life to all Egyptians People and Nation .
Long life to the International Solidarity!
Long life to the People Power in this entire Globe as real counter-balance of the most dictator corrupts, nepotistic and collusions regimes around the Worldwide!
Long life to the Maubere People and People Power showing should take place in Maubere People’s Homeland towards the corrupt, collusions and nepotism, tyranny and dictators leadership namely Horta, Xanana, Lasama and their butchery dogs, thirsty and starving to the innocent Maubere People blood and flesh as long they continue governing and leaded Maubere People's fate.
Warms greetings to all of you that we are loving and admiring, your durable, very glorious and very bravura action of the People Power against the dictatorship Mubarak in the Meddle East Region as indeed the inspiration to all People around the World in order they do also following your path to take part of this great march of People Power to determine in fact their fascist, dictator, corrupt, insane, arrogant and butchery leaders around this Globe, Earth, that the all human being living in.
East Timor, on the top of the three sacred and high mountains RAMKABIA, February 10, 2011.-
Maubere Tuba Rai Metin,
We all people around the world that are solidarity in the just cause of our brothers and sisterhood from Egypt we are permanently with close watching precisely what will go now with the dictator rule party and its powerfully leader named Hussein Mubarak of which have leaded Egypt people and Nation into the 30 years with iron hands and the most butchery leader in the region should resign today without any more delay.
Otherwise the People Power will storms the entire government rule party and will forced Mubarak to resign with very honest manner to respect and fulfil the delight aspiration of the entire Egyptian People.
The Egypt turmoil political situation forced by People Power towards the tyranny and dictator leadership of Mubarak is in fact the most high venture under the Mubarak regime in this millennium. Even People Power have sacrificed and lost life almost one thousand of the innocent Egyptian People savagery and brutality murdered by loyal dogs of the butchery leader Mubarak but result has showing now to the worldwide that the People Power have won their final goal, immediately departure of the Mubarak from Egyptian Nation and People’s leadership.
As the beginning we the Maubere People in our Homeland East Timor are totally solidarity with our poor and weakness Egyptian People to fight against the anchronic and outdated system of governing Egyptians Nation and People by dictator Mubarak during the 30 years in power as considerable myth and god of the Egyptian nation and People.
Long life to all Egyptians People and Nation .
Long life to the International Solidarity!
Long life to the People Power in this entire Globe as real counter-balance of the most dictator corrupts, nepotistic and collusions regimes around the Worldwide!
Long life to the Maubere People and People Power showing should take place in Maubere People’s Homeland towards the corrupt, collusions and nepotism, tyranny and dictators leadership namely Horta, Xanana, Lasama and their butchery dogs, thirsty and starving to the innocent Maubere People blood and flesh as long they continue governing and leaded Maubere People's fate.
Warms greetings to all of you that we are loving and admiring, your durable, very glorious and very bravura action of the People Power against the dictatorship Mubarak in the Meddle East Region as indeed the inspiration to all People around the World in order they do also following your path to take part of this great march of People Power to determine in fact their fascist, dictator, corrupt, insane, arrogant and butchery leaders around this Globe, Earth, that the all human being living in.
East Timor, on the top of the three sacred and high mountains RAMKABIA, February 10, 2011.-
Maubere Tuba Rai Metin,
donderdag 3 februari 2011
أكثر الأعمال الوحشية وسفك الدماء من العنف الذي اثارته الكلاب البرية من دكتاتور مستبد ومبارك في مصر مهددة بالانقراض الحياة المصرية الابرياء
مع الوضع فيما يتعلق الفوضى السياسية والاجتماعية الناجمة عن الكلاب مجزرة مع الأعمال الوحشية واللاإنسانية التي حشية من معظم الديكتاتور والنظام المستبد للرئيس مبارك كما لوحظ في نطاق عالية جدا مع استخدام غير متناسب للقوات ضد الناس الأبرياء في مصر ، وتلك هي الشكوى للرأي العام الدولي والحكم من أجل كل إنسان من العالم كله يمكن أن يقف أصوات ضد نظام الرئيس مبارك لتنفيذ في الواقع الديمقراطية الحقيقية والحرية لجميع شعوب الشرق التدخل بأكملها بصفة عامة وعلى وجه الخصوص إلى تونس ، غابون ، اليمن ومصر والأردن وغيرها أكثر الأمم في جميع أنحاء القارة الأفريقية التي لا تزال سائدة اليوم عملهما من الإدارة مع نظام قديمة جدا مثل الفاشية الأبوية والبطريركية والإقطاع مع السيارات رشح لتولي منصب الأساطير ما يسمى آلهة والإقليم ، إلا أنها لذلك الحق تماما أن تفعل ما تريد القيام به من أجل إثراء أنفسهم ، ولكن ليس لديهم أي شعور جيد للرعاية أو حماية شعوبها الفقيرة والضعف.
وقد تسببت حالة الاضطراب الناجمة عن الكلاب معظم المجاعات لنظام سياد بري في المنطقة أكثر الأضرار في العديد من الأبرياء الحياة من عناصر القوة حتى الناس الصحفيين من جميع أنحاء العالم التي هي الآن في الميدان وشاهد عيان لهذا الحدث الحزن جدا. مع المتعلقة بهذه الحالة المؤسفة للغاية السياسية والاجتماعية التي تسببها العناصر غير أخلاقي وحشية حكومة الدكتاتور مبارك مع بدعم من فئة النخبة في مصر هي تلك التي aliened رئيسهم مبارك وينبغي التحقيق من قبل المحكمة الدولية دون تأخير.
نحن شعوب موبير ونحث جميع الحكومات على مستوى العالم ، المنظمات غير الحكومية والصحفيين ومنظمات حقوق الإنسان ومنظمة العفو الدولية وأطباء بلا حدود ، والزعماء الدينيين والنقابات العمالية والطلاب في جميع المستويات ، والشباب والنساء والرجال ، عدم الانحياز حركة من جميع أنحاء العالم هؤلاء الناس هم في الواقع اعتبرت الأوصياء الحقيقية للمبادئ المقدسة للإعلان العالمي لحقوق الإنسان بوصفه حجر الزاوية في حياة الإنسان اليومية ويجري في هذا الكوكب ، الأرض ، أن كل إنسان يجب أن تلتزم مع نحو دقيق للغاية من دون تحايل وغير أخلاقي والألعاب غير عادلة...
وأظهرت المزيد من القسوة والأعمال الوحشية التي قامت بها يدعم أخلاقي وسفك الدماء من مجزرة الماجستير والدكتاتور مبارك ضد مظاهرة سلمية من الفقراء والناس ضعف كامل من مصر إلى الرأي العام الدولي والعينين أن هذه الأعمال الوحشية والمنعكس من الحقيقي لتمحى عذاب الديكتاتور مبارك من شعب مصر بأكمله التاريخ كما في الواقع أناس حقيقيين والأمة مع هويتهم نقية والطبيعة البشرية ويجري في ذلك الركن من العالم في وقت واحد أن دمج كجزء من شعوب العالم والأمم تحت مظلة واحدة فريدة من نوعها الله ، وربنا عز وجل والله الثالوث القدوس ونقف معا لمراقبة وتحقيق مع نحو دقيق جدا المبادئ المقدسة للصايا الله تزامن مع الإعلان العالمي لحقوق الإنسان حيث يتم فرض هذه الديمقراطية الحقيقية والحرية ل جميع الشعوب والأمم.
ينبغي لنا أن السلطة الشعبية في هذا العالم أبدا الاستسلام للقيادة الدكتاتور المحتضرة وجميع أنحاء العالم مع نهجهم بغيض جدا من يحكم الشعب والأمة. نفعل استمرار جوقة والتضامن مع إخواننا الفقراء والضعف وsisterhoods حول العالم ، وتلك هي شكوى أمام الله والقانون أفعال فاضحة وحشية قادتها المجانين ، ولا سيما ما ورد على خمس دول مثل الجزائر ، مصر ، غابون ، الأردن ، تونس واليمن... والاهتمام الأكثر ملاءمة لمصر الآن كما نفعل مرافقة الأعمال الوحشية والبربرية للغاية من العنف التي ترعاها الديكتاتور المجاعات مبارك الحفريات البرية من fleshes إنسان والمتعطشين لدماء البشر.
عزيزي الاخوة المصريين الفقراء والضعف والأخوات الخاص الدماء والدموع والتضحيات الخاص بك هائلة هنا أيضا لنا ونحن إخوانكم وأخواتكم مع الطبقات نفسها التي الكتف التي تحمل نفعل حفر حياتنا لمكافحة جميع الزعماء المستبدين في جميع أنحاء العالم و وسوف تكون أصواتنا معقل لدينا للنهوض ضد قيادات الدكتاتور والاستبداد طموحة ومتغطرسة. ليس فقط نحن ايضا مصممون على إظهار لالطغاة القيادات في جميع أنحاء العالم أنه حتى في اللحظة الأخيرة من معاناتهم التي لا تزال تلجأ جميع أسلحة آلية قوية مثل النووية والأسلحة البيولوجية لمحاولة منع الفقراء وضعف طموحات الناس حول العالم أنهم لن تحقيقه حتى واختفائهم بارزة من الشعوب والأمم يتم تسجيل التاريخ مع مسيرة النصر للشعب السلطة تجاه الجبناء ، جنون العظمة ، ومجنون 'القادة التي تؤدي في الوقت الحاضر ومصائر شعوب الأمم بحزن جدا وشعبية' المرضى النفسيين الطريقة.
الحياة طويلة إلى الفقراء والضعف في جميع أنحاء العالم.
الطويلة في الحياة للناس الفقراء وضعف القارة الأفريقية بأسرها.
الحياة طويلة من أجل الفقراء والشعب المصري الضعف الذي تعاني الآن أكثر وأكثر لمجرد مصالح الأقلية والطبقة المسيطرة من مستكشف والطغاة الظالمين ، والجزارة من مبارك مجزرة الحيوانات البرية مع سبعة قرون في الشرق بين مصر والتدخل.
مواصلة نضالنا حتى غير أخلاقية ، والفضائحية ، سفك الدماء والاستبداد ، ويفسد ، فإن قادة التواطؤ في المحاباة ماحيا من شعبنا وتاريخ الأمم.
تحية لكم في جميع أنحاء العالم من ارتفاع درجة حرارة الارض الرفيق ، زمالة وشقيقه موبير طوبا ميتين راي في أرض الشعب موبير على أعلى الجبل مقدس .
شرق تيمور / دي .
The most barbaric and butchery acts of violence provoked by wild dogs of despotic and dictator Mubarak in Egypt endangered Egyptian Innocent's life...
With concerning the chaotic social political situation provoked by the butchery dogs with brutal and savagery acts of inhuman being from the most dictator and tyrannical regime of Mubarak as noted in very high scale with disproportional use of forces against the innocent people of Egypt, those are complain to the international public opinion and judgement in order all human being from entire World could stand voices against the Mubarak’s regime to implement in fact the real Democracy and Freedom for all people of the entire Meddle East in general and in particular to the Tunisia, Gabon, Yemen, Egypt, Jordan and more others nations across the African Continent that today still prevailing their modus of the governing with very outdated system like paternalism patriarchal, fascism, feudalism with auto nominated as the so called myths and gods of the Region, therefore only they have the fully right to do what they want to do in order to enrich themselves, but they have no any good sense to care or protect their poor and weakness people.
The turmoil situation created by the most famines dogs of the dictator regime in the Region have caused more damages in many innocents life’s from People Power elements even journalists from all over the World that are now in the field as eyewitness of that very sadness event. With concerning this very deplorable political and social situation caused by the immoral and savagery elements of the government of Dictator Mubarak with supported by the elite class of the Egypt those are aliened by their boss Mubarak should be investigated by the International Court without delay.
We the Maubere’s People urge all Worldwide Government, Non-Government Organizations, Journalists, Human Rights Organizations, Amnesty International, Medical Doctors without frontiers, Religious Leaders, Labour Syndicates, Students in all levels, Youths, Women and Men, Nonaligned Movement of the Worldwide People those are in fact the real guardians of the sacred principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights were considered as Cornerstone of the daily Human Being life in this Planet, Earth, that all human being should abide it with very scrupulous manner without trickery and immoral and unfair games…
The more cruelty and barbaric acts carried out by immoral and butchery supports of the master butchery and dictator Mubarak against the peaceful demonstration from poor and weakness entire People of the Egypt demonstrated to the International Public opinion and eyes that these brutal acts are reflex of the real agony of the dictator Mubarak to be erased from entire Egypt People History as in fact the real People and Nation with their pure identity and Human Being nature in that corner of the World that simultaneously as part integrate of the Worldwide Peoples and Nations under the umbrella of the One Unique God, our Almighty Lord and God Holy Trinity and we do stand together to observe and accomplish with very scrupulous manner the sacred principles of the God Commandments with synchronization to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights where are prescribed the real Democracy and Freedom for all Peoples and Nations.
We the People Power in this Worldwide should never to surrender to the moribund and dictator leadership around the World with their very repugnant manner of governing people and Nation. We do continuing chorus and solidarity with our poor and weakness brothers and sisterhoods around the Worldwide, those are complain before the God and Law the immoral and savagery acts of their insane leaders, in particular to the upon mentioned five nations like, Algeria, Egypt, Gabon, Jordan, Tunisia and Yemen…And most relevant attention to the Egypt now as we do accompany the very brutal and barbaric acts of violence sponsored by the dictator Mubarak wild digs famines of the human being fleshes and thirsty of the human being bloods.
Dear Egyptians poor and weakness brothers and sisters your bloods, your tears and your immense sacrifices are also ours as we are your brothers and sisters with same classes that are shoulder by shoulder we do dig our life to fight against all despotic leaders around the World and our voices will be our stronghold to advance against the dictator and tyranny ambitious and arrogant leaderships. Not only we also are determined to show to the dictators leaderships around the World that even in last minute of their agony they still resort all powerful machinery weapons like Nuclear and Biological Weapons to try barred Poor and Weakness Worldwide People aspirations they will never achieved it till their eminent disappearance from People and Nations History will be registered with triumphal march of the People Power towards the cowards, paranoids, insane and psychopaths’ leaders that nowadays lead nations and peoples fates with very sadness and disguises’ manner.
Long life to the Poor and Weakness People around the World.
Long life to the Poor and Weakness People of the whole African Continent.
Long life to the Egyptian Poor and Weakness People that are now suffering more and more merely for interests of the minority and dominant class of explorer's and oppressors, dictators and butcheries of the wild butchery animal Mubarak with seven horns in Egypt-Meddle East.
Our struggle continue till the immoral, scandalous, butchery, tyranny, corrupts, collusion's nepotistic leaders will wiping out from our People and Nations History.
Warms greetings from your worldwide fellowship, comrade and brother MAUBERE TUBA RAI METIN in the Maubere People’s Land on the top of the SACRED TRINGULE MOUNTAIN RAMKABIAN.
East-Timor/ Dili, 3 February 2011.-
وقد تسببت حالة الاضطراب الناجمة عن الكلاب معظم المجاعات لنظام سياد بري في المنطقة أكثر الأضرار في العديد من الأبرياء الحياة من عناصر القوة حتى الناس الصحفيين من جميع أنحاء العالم التي هي الآن في الميدان وشاهد عيان لهذا الحدث الحزن جدا. مع المتعلقة بهذه الحالة المؤسفة للغاية السياسية والاجتماعية التي تسببها العناصر غير أخلاقي وحشية حكومة الدكتاتور مبارك مع بدعم من فئة النخبة في مصر هي تلك التي aliened رئيسهم مبارك وينبغي التحقيق من قبل المحكمة الدولية دون تأخير.
نحن شعوب موبير ونحث جميع الحكومات على مستوى العالم ، المنظمات غير الحكومية والصحفيين ومنظمات حقوق الإنسان ومنظمة العفو الدولية وأطباء بلا حدود ، والزعماء الدينيين والنقابات العمالية والطلاب في جميع المستويات ، والشباب والنساء والرجال ، عدم الانحياز حركة من جميع أنحاء العالم هؤلاء الناس هم في الواقع اعتبرت الأوصياء الحقيقية للمبادئ المقدسة للإعلان العالمي لحقوق الإنسان بوصفه حجر الزاوية في حياة الإنسان اليومية ويجري في هذا الكوكب ، الأرض ، أن كل إنسان يجب أن تلتزم مع نحو دقيق للغاية من دون تحايل وغير أخلاقي والألعاب غير عادلة...
وأظهرت المزيد من القسوة والأعمال الوحشية التي قامت بها يدعم أخلاقي وسفك الدماء من مجزرة الماجستير والدكتاتور مبارك ضد مظاهرة سلمية من الفقراء والناس ضعف كامل من مصر إلى الرأي العام الدولي والعينين أن هذه الأعمال الوحشية والمنعكس من الحقيقي لتمحى عذاب الديكتاتور مبارك من شعب مصر بأكمله التاريخ كما في الواقع أناس حقيقيين والأمة مع هويتهم نقية والطبيعة البشرية ويجري في ذلك الركن من العالم في وقت واحد أن دمج كجزء من شعوب العالم والأمم تحت مظلة واحدة فريدة من نوعها الله ، وربنا عز وجل والله الثالوث القدوس ونقف معا لمراقبة وتحقيق مع نحو دقيق جدا المبادئ المقدسة للصايا الله تزامن مع الإعلان العالمي لحقوق الإنسان حيث يتم فرض هذه الديمقراطية الحقيقية والحرية ل جميع الشعوب والأمم.
ينبغي لنا أن السلطة الشعبية في هذا العالم أبدا الاستسلام للقيادة الدكتاتور المحتضرة وجميع أنحاء العالم مع نهجهم بغيض جدا من يحكم الشعب والأمة. نفعل استمرار جوقة والتضامن مع إخواننا الفقراء والضعف وsisterhoods حول العالم ، وتلك هي شكوى أمام الله والقانون أفعال فاضحة وحشية قادتها المجانين ، ولا سيما ما ورد على خمس دول مثل الجزائر ، مصر ، غابون ، الأردن ، تونس واليمن... والاهتمام الأكثر ملاءمة لمصر الآن كما نفعل مرافقة الأعمال الوحشية والبربرية للغاية من العنف التي ترعاها الديكتاتور المجاعات مبارك الحفريات البرية من fleshes إنسان والمتعطشين لدماء البشر.
عزيزي الاخوة المصريين الفقراء والضعف والأخوات الخاص الدماء والدموع والتضحيات الخاص بك هائلة هنا أيضا لنا ونحن إخوانكم وأخواتكم مع الطبقات نفسها التي الكتف التي تحمل نفعل حفر حياتنا لمكافحة جميع الزعماء المستبدين في جميع أنحاء العالم و وسوف تكون أصواتنا معقل لدينا للنهوض ضد قيادات الدكتاتور والاستبداد طموحة ومتغطرسة. ليس فقط نحن ايضا مصممون على إظهار لالطغاة القيادات في جميع أنحاء العالم أنه حتى في اللحظة الأخيرة من معاناتهم التي لا تزال تلجأ جميع أسلحة آلية قوية مثل النووية والأسلحة البيولوجية لمحاولة منع الفقراء وضعف طموحات الناس حول العالم أنهم لن تحقيقه حتى واختفائهم بارزة من الشعوب والأمم يتم تسجيل التاريخ مع مسيرة النصر للشعب السلطة تجاه الجبناء ، جنون العظمة ، ومجنون 'القادة التي تؤدي في الوقت الحاضر ومصائر شعوب الأمم بحزن جدا وشعبية' المرضى النفسيين الطريقة.
الحياة طويلة إلى الفقراء والضعف في جميع أنحاء العالم.
الطويلة في الحياة للناس الفقراء وضعف القارة الأفريقية بأسرها.
الحياة طويلة من أجل الفقراء والشعب المصري الضعف الذي تعاني الآن أكثر وأكثر لمجرد مصالح الأقلية والطبقة المسيطرة من مستكشف والطغاة الظالمين ، والجزارة من مبارك مجزرة الحيوانات البرية مع سبعة قرون في الشرق بين مصر والتدخل.
مواصلة نضالنا حتى غير أخلاقية ، والفضائحية ، سفك الدماء والاستبداد ، ويفسد ، فإن قادة التواطؤ في المحاباة ماحيا من شعبنا وتاريخ الأمم.
تحية لكم في جميع أنحاء العالم من ارتفاع درجة حرارة الارض الرفيق ، زمالة وشقيقه موبير طوبا ميتين راي في أرض الشعب موبير على أعلى الجبل مقدس .
شرق تيمور / دي .
The most barbaric and butchery acts of violence provoked by wild dogs of despotic and dictator Mubarak in Egypt endangered Egyptian Innocent's life...
With concerning the chaotic social political situation provoked by the butchery dogs with brutal and savagery acts of inhuman being from the most dictator and tyrannical regime of Mubarak as noted in very high scale with disproportional use of forces against the innocent people of Egypt, those are complain to the international public opinion and judgement in order all human being from entire World could stand voices against the Mubarak’s regime to implement in fact the real Democracy and Freedom for all people of the entire Meddle East in general and in particular to the Tunisia, Gabon, Yemen, Egypt, Jordan and more others nations across the African Continent that today still prevailing their modus of the governing with very outdated system like paternalism patriarchal, fascism, feudalism with auto nominated as the so called myths and gods of the Region, therefore only they have the fully right to do what they want to do in order to enrich themselves, but they have no any good sense to care or protect their poor and weakness people.
The turmoil situation created by the most famines dogs of the dictator regime in the Region have caused more damages in many innocents life’s from People Power elements even journalists from all over the World that are now in the field as eyewitness of that very sadness event. With concerning this very deplorable political and social situation caused by the immoral and savagery elements of the government of Dictator Mubarak with supported by the elite class of the Egypt those are aliened by their boss Mubarak should be investigated by the International Court without delay.
We the Maubere’s People urge all Worldwide Government, Non-Government Organizations, Journalists, Human Rights Organizations, Amnesty International, Medical Doctors without frontiers, Religious Leaders, Labour Syndicates, Students in all levels, Youths, Women and Men, Nonaligned Movement of the Worldwide People those are in fact the real guardians of the sacred principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights were considered as Cornerstone of the daily Human Being life in this Planet, Earth, that all human being should abide it with very scrupulous manner without trickery and immoral and unfair games…
The more cruelty and barbaric acts carried out by immoral and butchery supports of the master butchery and dictator Mubarak against the peaceful demonstration from poor and weakness entire People of the Egypt demonstrated to the International Public opinion and eyes that these brutal acts are reflex of the real agony of the dictator Mubarak to be erased from entire Egypt People History as in fact the real People and Nation with their pure identity and Human Being nature in that corner of the World that simultaneously as part integrate of the Worldwide Peoples and Nations under the umbrella of the One Unique God, our Almighty Lord and God Holy Trinity and we do stand together to observe and accomplish with very scrupulous manner the sacred principles of the God Commandments with synchronization to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights where are prescribed the real Democracy and Freedom for all Peoples and Nations.
We the People Power in this Worldwide should never to surrender to the moribund and dictator leadership around the World with their very repugnant manner of governing people and Nation. We do continuing chorus and solidarity with our poor and weakness brothers and sisterhoods around the Worldwide, those are complain before the God and Law the immoral and savagery acts of their insane leaders, in particular to the upon mentioned five nations like, Algeria, Egypt, Gabon, Jordan, Tunisia and Yemen…And most relevant attention to the Egypt now as we do accompany the very brutal and barbaric acts of violence sponsored by the dictator Mubarak wild digs famines of the human being fleshes and thirsty of the human being bloods.
Dear Egyptians poor and weakness brothers and sisters your bloods, your tears and your immense sacrifices are also ours as we are your brothers and sisters with same classes that are shoulder by shoulder we do dig our life to fight against all despotic leaders around the World and our voices will be our stronghold to advance against the dictator and tyranny ambitious and arrogant leaderships. Not only we also are determined to show to the dictators leaderships around the World that even in last minute of their agony they still resort all powerful machinery weapons like Nuclear and Biological Weapons to try barred Poor and Weakness Worldwide People aspirations they will never achieved it till their eminent disappearance from People and Nations History will be registered with triumphal march of the People Power towards the cowards, paranoids, insane and psychopaths’ leaders that nowadays lead nations and peoples fates with very sadness and disguises’ manner.
Long life to the Poor and Weakness People around the World.
Long life to the Poor and Weakness People of the whole African Continent.
Long life to the Egyptian Poor and Weakness People that are now suffering more and more merely for interests of the minority and dominant class of explorer's and oppressors, dictators and butcheries of the wild butchery animal Mubarak with seven horns in Egypt-Meddle East.
Our struggle continue till the immoral, scandalous, butchery, tyranny, corrupts, collusion's nepotistic leaders will wiping out from our People and Nations History.
Warms greetings from your worldwide fellowship, comrade and brother MAUBERE TUBA RAI METIN in the Maubere People’s Land on the top of the SACRED TRINGULE MOUNTAIN RAMKABIAN.
East-Timor/ Dili, 3 February 2011.-
The most barbaric and butchery acts of violence provoked by wild dogs of despotic and dictator Mubarak in Egypt endangered Egyptian Innocent's life...
With concerning the chaotic social political situation provoked by the butchery dogs with brutal and savagery acts of inhuman being from the most dictator and tyrannical regime of Mubarak as noted in very high scale with disproportional use of forces against the innocent people of Egypt, those are complain to the international public opinion and judgement in order all human being from entire World could stand voices against the Mubarak’s regime to implement in fact the real Democracy and Freedom for all people of the entire Meddle East in general and in particular to the Tunisia, Gabon, Yemen, Egypt, Jordan and more others nations across the African Continent that today still prevailing their modus of the governing with very outdated system like paternalism patriarchal, fascism, feudalism with auto nominated as the so called myths and gods of the Region, therefore only they have the fully right to do what they want to do in order to enrich themselves, but they have no any good sense to care or protect their poor and weakness people.
The turmoil situation created by the most famines dogs of the dictator regime in the Region have caused more damages in many innocents life’s from People Power elements even journalists from all over the World that are now in the field as eyewitness of that very sadness event. With concerning this very deplorable political and social situation caused by the immoral and savagery elements of the government of Dictator Mubarak with supported by the elite class of the Egypt those are aliened by their boss Mubarak should be investigated by the International Court without delay.
We the Maubere’s People urge all Worldwide Government, Non-Government Organizations, Journalists, Human Rights Organizations, Amnesty International, Medical Doctors without frontiers, Religious Leaders, Labour Syndicates, Students in all levels, Youths, Women and Men, Nonaligned Movement of the Worldwide People those are in fact the real guardians of the sacred principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights were considered as Cornerstone of the daily Human Being life in this Planet, Earth, that all human being should abide it with very scrupulous manner without trickery and immoral and unfair games…
The more cruelty and barbaric acts carried out by immoral and butchery supports of the master butchery and dictator Mubarak against the peaceful demonstration from poor and weakness entire People of the Egypt demonstrated to the International Public opinion and eyes that these brutal acts are reflex of the real agony of the dictator Mubarak to be erased from entire Egypt People History as in fact the real People and Nation with their pure identity and Human Being nature in that corner of the World that simultaneously as part integrate of the Worldwide Peoples and Nations under the umbrella of the One Unique God, our Almighty Lord and God Holy Trinity and we do stand together to observe and accomplish with very scrupulous manner the sacred principles of the God Commandments with synchronization to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights where are prescribed the real Democracy and Freedom for all Peoples and Nations.
We the People Power in this Worldwide should never to surrender to the moribund and dictator leadership around the World with their very repugnant manner of governing people and Nation. We do continuing chorus and solidarity with our poor and weakness brothers and sisterhoods around the Worldwide, those are complain before the God and Law the immoral and savagery acts of their insane leaders, in particular to the upon mentioned five nations like, Algeria, Egypt, Gabon, Jordan, Tunisia and Yemen…And most relevant attention to the Egypt now as we do accompany the very brutal and barbaric acts of violence sponsored by the dictator Mubarak wild digs famines of the human being fleshes and thirsty of the human being bloods.
Dear Egyptians poor and weakness brothers and sisters your bloods, your tears and your immense sacrifices are also ours as we are your brothers and sisters with same classes that are shoulder by shoulder we do dig our life to fight against all despotic leaders around the World and our voices will be our stronghold to advance against the dictator and tyranny ambitious and arrogant leaderships. Not only we also are determined to show to the dictators leaderships around the World that even in last minute of their agony they still resort all powerful machinery weapons like Nuclear and Biological Weapons to try barred Poor and Weakness Worldwide People aspirations they will never achieved it till their eminent disappearance from People and Nations History will be registered with triumphal march of the People Power towards the cowards, paranoids, insane and psychopaths’ leaders that nowadays lead nations and peoples fates with very sadness and disguises’ manner.
Long life to the Poor and Weakness People around the World.
Long life to the Poor and Weakness People of the whole African Continent.
Long life to the Egyptian Poor and Weakness People that are now suffering more and more merely for interests of the minority and dominant class of explorer's and oppressors, dictators and butcheries of the wild butchery animal Mubarak with seven horns in Egypt-Meddle East.
Our struggle continue till the immoral, scandalous, butchery, tyranny, corrupts, collusion's nepotistic leaders will wiping out from our People and Nations History.
Warms greetings from your worldwide fellowship, comrade and brother MAUBERE TUBA RAI METIN in the Maubere People’s Land on the top of the SACRED TRINGULE MOUNTAIN RAMKABIAN.
East-Timor/ Dili, 3 February 2011.-
The turmoil situation created by the most famines dogs of the dictator regime in the Region have caused more damages in many innocents life’s from People Power elements even journalists from all over the World that are now in the field as eyewitness of that very sadness event. With concerning this very deplorable political and social situation caused by the immoral and savagery elements of the government of Dictator Mubarak with supported by the elite class of the Egypt those are aliened by their boss Mubarak should be investigated by the International Court without delay.
We the Maubere’s People urge all Worldwide Government, Non-Government Organizations, Journalists, Human Rights Organizations, Amnesty International, Medical Doctors without frontiers, Religious Leaders, Labour Syndicates, Students in all levels, Youths, Women and Men, Nonaligned Movement of the Worldwide People those are in fact the real guardians of the sacred principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights were considered as Cornerstone of the daily Human Being life in this Planet, Earth, that all human being should abide it with very scrupulous manner without trickery and immoral and unfair games…
The more cruelty and barbaric acts carried out by immoral and butchery supports of the master butchery and dictator Mubarak against the peaceful demonstration from poor and weakness entire People of the Egypt demonstrated to the International Public opinion and eyes that these brutal acts are reflex of the real agony of the dictator Mubarak to be erased from entire Egypt People History as in fact the real People and Nation with their pure identity and Human Being nature in that corner of the World that simultaneously as part integrate of the Worldwide Peoples and Nations under the umbrella of the One Unique God, our Almighty Lord and God Holy Trinity and we do stand together to observe and accomplish with very scrupulous manner the sacred principles of the God Commandments with synchronization to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights where are prescribed the real Democracy and Freedom for all Peoples and Nations.
We the People Power in this Worldwide should never to surrender to the moribund and dictator leadership around the World with their very repugnant manner of governing people and Nation. We do continuing chorus and solidarity with our poor and weakness brothers and sisterhoods around the Worldwide, those are complain before the God and Law the immoral and savagery acts of their insane leaders, in particular to the upon mentioned five nations like, Algeria, Egypt, Gabon, Jordan, Tunisia and Yemen…And most relevant attention to the Egypt now as we do accompany the very brutal and barbaric acts of violence sponsored by the dictator Mubarak wild digs famines of the human being fleshes and thirsty of the human being bloods.
Dear Egyptians poor and weakness brothers and sisters your bloods, your tears and your immense sacrifices are also ours as we are your brothers and sisters with same classes that are shoulder by shoulder we do dig our life to fight against all despotic leaders around the World and our voices will be our stronghold to advance against the dictator and tyranny ambitious and arrogant leaderships. Not only we also are determined to show to the dictators leaderships around the World that even in last minute of their agony they still resort all powerful machinery weapons like Nuclear and Biological Weapons to try barred Poor and Weakness Worldwide People aspirations they will never achieved it till their eminent disappearance from People and Nations History will be registered with triumphal march of the People Power towards the cowards, paranoids, insane and psychopaths’ leaders that nowadays lead nations and peoples fates with very sadness and disguises’ manner.
Long life to the Poor and Weakness People around the World.
Long life to the Poor and Weakness People of the whole African Continent.
Long life to the Egyptian Poor and Weakness People that are now suffering more and more merely for interests of the minority and dominant class of explorer's and oppressors, dictators and butcheries of the wild butchery animal Mubarak with seven horns in Egypt-Meddle East.
Our struggle continue till the immoral, scandalous, butchery, tyranny, corrupts, collusion's nepotistic leaders will wiping out from our People and Nations History.
Warms greetings from your worldwide fellowship, comrade and brother MAUBERE TUBA RAI METIN in the Maubere People’s Land on the top of the SACRED TRINGULE MOUNTAIN RAMKABIAN.
East-Timor/ Dili, 3 February 2011.-
woensdag 2 februari 2011
مرفوع للللسلطة الشعبية في تونس ومصر هو في الواقع إلهام حقيقي جميع أنحاء العالم إلى المجاعة والبطالة والفقراء ، والناس بائسة وضعف جميع أنحاء العالم تصل إلى أفاق من ظلام أعمال المنافية للآداب والوحشية والمذاهب من قادة القتل في جميع أنحاء العالم بصفة عامة وعلى وجه الخصوص إلى نظام إسلامي متطرف قادة الحكم الشعوب والأمم حتى عام في هذه الأيام في هذه الألفية...
The despotic leaders in the Middle East are being shaken by the turbulent politics events caused by the Popular Revolution is irreversible for an end of injustice, corruption, hunger, misery and unemployment of which very alarming at the Regional and World sponsored by the disgusting Muslim leaders and their fates are now to be under of People Power decision accordingly their gravity of wrong doing during their decades of the years of their despotic and dictator government system towards the fate of the poor, weakness people that were subject of the exploration and oppression due the above mentioned barbaric leadership system of governing. In the political arena is fully supportive by the Maubere People for the just cause of the brotherly peoples of Egypt and Tunisia.
The Show of Popular Forces or people Power uprising came into dynamic action and became the Popular Revolution in the Millennium in the Middle East in particular and to the worldwide in general, against the most disgusting and immoral practices of despotic regimes and thugs who are now ruling the people with outdated systems of oppression and exploitation of peoples of the world second to their heart's delights such as their fates are to be counted as the palms of fury of the masses and will be forced to resign en mass so that people can and to be free to choose their governance systems which ensure the maintenance of their fundamental freedoms with democratic principles and fundamental values of mutual respect without discrimination's of the ethnic races, social positions, educational and high profiles of the cultural and intellectual graduation all based in very lucid and delight manner into the basic principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as the cornerstone of true Democracy and Freedom in which all Worldwide Peace lovers People should aspire and abide to get them in full freedom with very conscious manner without constraint forces from no ones in our Human Society.
Social and Economic degraded Political situation today forced Worldwide People required Freedoms and Democracies of which sounding in every corner and space as World Air powders that are exploding now in everywhere with aim to inspire the oppressed and exploited worldwide people to realize to achieve their goals and dream to become the real free fighters against the dishonest and unfair class of riches and powerful idiots men and women that have been transformed our human society in the real situation of the chaos, extravasation, misery and very deplorable that all of us are aware that it will become more and more worst to destroy in fact our Human Social Nature in entire this Planet, Earth, that we the human being are inhabitant now.
In order to avoid the Human Social Nature's catastrophe we call all of you to awake up from your deeper sleep and rise up your voice against all despotic and murderous regimes of this millennium to their total overthrow and dismantling, because they are the real paranoids and insane leaders that are trying lead our human society's fate to the hell and therefore we should stand firmly to barre all these evils intentions and we the consent people will guide and lead our fate as our Lord and God, Holy Trinity have been given us...
The ongoing political social and economical situations explosion in the Middle East caught the attention of worldwide politicians of the caliber to revise their political stances on how to manage the destinies of peoples in order to avoid serve judgement and punishment of the Worldwide People towards their arrogant, incompetent, corrupts, tyrannic and dictator leaders practices and fates, they do try now to do the best to serve in fact the poor and weakness Worldwide People sacred interests rather than they do succumbed in the hell forever...
Wake up People who love peace, justice, brotherly love, equality of rights and duties towards our true Creator God of the Universe great willingness to create us and the true Law that contemplates the true interests of the poor and weakness in this Worldwide, and take your own yoke with your real hands and do justice with your own hands too to the butchery and immoral rulers of this world with hands of bloodshed of innocent people that are opposed their barbaric and savagery modus of governing nations and Peoples.
All of us, we should know in very loudly and clear manner that the killers who govern us today just aiming to make us suffer and sacrifice unfortunately for their family interests, of their clans and their political interests in how they have managed it with very infamous and disguise manner that diametrically opposed to the genuine interests of poor and weakness people of the worldwide.
مرفوع للللسلطة الشعبية في تونس ومصر هو في الواقع إلهام حقيقي جميع أنحاء العالم إلى المجاعة والبطالة والفقراء ، والناس بائسة وضعف جميع أنحاء العالم تصل إلى أفاق من ظلام أعمال المنافية للآداب والوحشية والمذاهب من قادة القتل في جميع أنحاء العالم بصفة عامة وعلى وجه الخصوص إلى نظام إسلامي متطرف قادة الحكم الشعوب والأمم حتى عام في هذه الأيام في هذه الألفية...
ويجري هزت الزعماء المستبدين في الشرق الأوسط بسبب الأحداث السياسية المضطربة الناجمة عن ثورة شعبية لا رجعة فيه إلى وضع حد للظلم والفساد والجوع والبؤس والبطالة التي تنذر بالخطر للغاية على الصعيدين الإقليمي والعالمي التي يرعاها قادة مسلم مثير للاشمئزاز ومصائرهم الآن لتكون تحت سلطة الشعب من المقرر وفقا لخطورتها من الخطأ القيام بها خلال عقود من السنين من نظامهم الحكومة الاستبدادية والديكتاتورية نحو مصير الفقراء الضعف ، التي تخضع للاستكشاف والاضطهاد بسبب و المذكورة أعلاه همجية نظام قيادة الإدارة. في الساحة السياسية تدعم بالكامل من قبل الشعب موبير للقضية العادلة للشعوب الشقيقة مصر وتونس.
وجاء عرض للقوات الشعبية أو انتفاضة الشعب الطاقة في عمل دينامية وأصبحت الثورة الشعبية في الألفية في الشرق الأوسط على وجه الخصوص وإلى جميع أنحاء العالم في العام ، ضد الممارسات معظم مثير للاشمئزاز وغير اخلاقية من الأنظمة الاستبدادية والبلطجية الذين يحكمون الآن الشعب مع أنظمة قديمة من الاضطهاد والاستغلال من شعوب العالم الثانية لقلوبهم المسرات مثل مصائرهم أن تحسب الراحتين من غضب الجماهير وسيضطر الى الاستقالة بشكل جماعي بحيث يمكن للناس ، وأن تكون حرة في اختيار نظم الحكم فيها والتي تكفل الحفاظ على حرياتهم الأساسية مع المبادئ والقيم الديمقراطية الأساسية من الاحترام المتبادل دون تمييز من الأجناس العرقية والمواقف الاجتماعية والتعليمية وملامح عالية من التخرج الثقافية والفكرية وكلها ترتكز في واضح جدا وفرحة الطريقة في المبادئ الأساسية للإعلان العالمي لحقوق الإنسان بوصفها حجر الزاوية في الديموقراطية الحقيقية والحرية فيه جميع محبي السلام في العالم أجمع الناس يجب أن تطمح والالتزام للحصول عليها في حرية تامة مع طريقة واعية للغاية من دون قيود من أي القوات الموجودة في مواردنا البشرية المجتمع.
مطلوب الاجتماعية والاقتصادية المتدهورة الحالة السياسية اليوم القسري شخص في العالم الحريات والديمقراطيات التي السبر في كل زاوية ومساحة ومساحيق الجوية العالمية التي تنفجر الآن في كل مكان مع تهدف إلى إلهام الناس المقهورين والمستغلين في جميع أنحاء العالم لتحقيق لتحقيق أهدافهم والحلم لتصبح المقاتلين الحقيقية مجاني ضد الطبقة غير شريفة وغير عادلة من ثروات وقوة الرجال والنساء البلهاء التي حولت مجتمعنا الإنسان في حالة حقيقية من الفوضى والبؤس والتسرب والمؤسف جدا أننا جميعا ندرك أنه لن تصبح أكثر وأكثر لتدمير أسوأ في الواقع الاجتماعي طبيعتنا البشرية في هذا الكوكب بأكمله ، والأرض ، وأننا للإنسان وساكن الآن.
من أجل تجنب الكارثة الاجتماعية الإنسان الطبيعة وندعو لكم جميعا تصل إلى مستيقظا من النوم أعمق الخاص وترتفع صوتك ضد كل الأنظمة الاستبدادية والقاتلة لهذه الألفية لمجموع من الإطاحة بها وتفكيكها ، لأنها جنون العظمة الحقيقية والمجنون القادة الذين يحاولون قيادة مصير مجتمعنا الإنسان إلى الجحيم ، وبالتالي يجب علينا الوقوف بحزم لبري عن هذه النوايا والشرور نحن شعب موافقة سوف توجيه وقيادة مصيرنا وربنا وإلهنا ، وقد قدم لنا الثالوث المقدس...
اشتعلت السياسية الجارية انفجار الأوضاع الاجتماعية والاقتصادية في الشرق الأوسط على اهتمام السياسيين في جميع أنحاء العالم من عيار لمراجعة مواقفهم السياسية حول كيفية التعامل مع مصائر الشعوب من أجل تجنب تخدم الحكم ومعاقبة شخص على مستوى العالم نحو متعجرف منها ، غير كفء ، ويفسد ، الإستبداد والديكتاتورية ومصائر قادة الممارسات ، فإنها تحاول الآن أن أبذل قصارى جهدي لخدمة الفقراء في الواقع وضعف شخص في العالم بدلا من المصالح المقدسة لا يستسلم أنهم في الجحيم إلى الأبد...
يستيقظ الناس الذين يحبون السلام والعدالة والمحبة الأخوية ، والمساواة في الحقوق والواجبات تجاه خالقنا الله الحقيقي للرغبة كبيرة لخلق الكون لنا وقانون صحيح أن يتأمل في المصالح الحقيقية للفقراء والضعف في هذا العالم ، واتخاذ نير الخاصة بك مع يديك حقيقية وينصف بيديك جدا من سفك الدماء والحكام غير أخلاقية في هذا العالم مع يد سفك دماء الأبرياء التي تعارض عملهما الوحشية والهمجية التي تحكم من الأمم والشعوب.
كل واحد منا ، يجب أن نعرف في بصوت عال جدا وبطريقة واضحة على أن القتلة الذين يحكموننا اليوم تهدف فقط لجعل منا يعاني والتضحية للأسف لمصالح أسرهم ، وعشائرهم ومصالحها السياسية في الكيفية التي تمكنت مع الشهيرة جدا والتخفي بطريقة تتعارض تماما مع المصالح الحقيقية للفقراء وضعف في مختلف أنحاء العالم.
The despotic leaders in the Middle East are being shaken by the turbulent politics events caused by the Popular Revolution is irreversible for an end of injustice, corruption, hunger, misery and unemployment of which very alarming at the Regional and World sponsored by the disgusting Muslim leaders and their fates are now to be under of People Power decision accordingly their gravity of wrong doing during their decades of the years of their despotic and dictator government system towards the fate of the poor, weakness people that were subject of the exploration and oppression due the above mentioned barbaric leadership system of governing. In the political arena is fully supportive by the Maubere People for the just cause of the brotherly peoples of Egypt and Tunisia.
The Show of Popular Forces or people Power uprising came into dynamic action and became the Popular Revolution in the Millennium in the Middle East in particular and to the worldwide in general, against the most disgusting and immoral practices of despotic regimes and thugs who are now ruling the people with outdated systems of oppression and exploitation of peoples of the world second to their heart's delights such as their fates are to be counted as the palms of fury of the masses and will be forced to resign en mass so that people can and to be free to choose their governance systems which ensure the maintenance of their fundamental freedoms with democratic principles and fundamental values of mutual respect without discrimination's of the ethnic races, social positions, educational and high profiles of the cultural and intellectual graduation all based in very lucid and delight manner into the basic principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as the cornerstone of true Democracy and Freedom in which all Worldwide Peace lovers People should aspire and abide to get them in full freedom with very conscious manner without constraint forces from no ones in our Human Society.
Social and Economic degraded Political situation today forced Worldwide People required Freedoms and Democracies of which sounding in every corner and space as World Air powders that are exploding now in everywhere with aim to inspire the oppressed and exploited worldwide people to realize to achieve their goals and dream to become the real free fighters against the dishonest and unfair class of riches and powerful idiots men and women that have been transformed our human society in the real situation of the chaos, extravasation, misery and very deplorable that all of us are aware that it will become more and more worst to destroy in fact our Human Social Nature in entire this Planet, Earth, that we the human being are inhabitant now.
In order to avoid the Human Social Nature's catastrophe we call all of you to awake up from your deeper sleep and rise up your voice against all despotic and murderous regimes of this millennium to their total overthrow and dismantling, because they are the real paranoids and insane leaders that are trying lead our human society's fate to the hell and therefore we should stand firmly to barre all these evils intentions and we the consent people will guide and lead our fate as our Lord and God, Holy Trinity have been given us...
The ongoing political social and economical situations explosion in the Middle East caught the attention of worldwide politicians of the caliber to revise their political stances on how to manage the destinies of peoples in order to avoid serve judgement and punishment of the Worldwide People towards their arrogant, incompetent, corrupts, tyrannic and dictator leaders practices and fates, they do try now to do the best to serve in fact the poor and weakness Worldwide People sacred interests rather than they do succumbed in the hell forever...
Wake up People who love peace, justice, brotherly love, equality of rights and duties towards our true Creator God of the Universe great willingness to create us and the true Law that contemplates the true interests of the poor and weakness in this Worldwide, and take your own yoke with your real hands and do justice with your own hands too to the butchery and immoral rulers of this world with hands of bloodshed of innocent people that are opposed their barbaric and savagery modus of governing nations and Peoples.
All of us, we should know in very loudly and clear manner that the killers who govern us today just aiming to make us suffer and sacrifice unfortunately for their family interests, of their clans and their political interests in how they have managed it with very infamous and disguise manner that diametrically opposed to the genuine interests of poor and weakness people of the worldwide.
مرفوع للللسلطة الشعبية في تونس ومصر هو في الواقع إلهام حقيقي جميع أنحاء العالم إلى المجاعة والبطالة والفقراء ، والناس بائسة وضعف جميع أنحاء العالم تصل إلى أفاق من ظلام أعمال المنافية للآداب والوحشية والمذاهب من قادة القتل في جميع أنحاء العالم بصفة عامة وعلى وجه الخصوص إلى نظام إسلامي متطرف قادة الحكم الشعوب والأمم حتى عام في هذه الأيام في هذه الألفية...
ويجري هزت الزعماء المستبدين في الشرق الأوسط بسبب الأحداث السياسية المضطربة الناجمة عن ثورة شعبية لا رجعة فيه إلى وضع حد للظلم والفساد والجوع والبؤس والبطالة التي تنذر بالخطر للغاية على الصعيدين الإقليمي والعالمي التي يرعاها قادة مسلم مثير للاشمئزاز ومصائرهم الآن لتكون تحت سلطة الشعب من المقرر وفقا لخطورتها من الخطأ القيام بها خلال عقود من السنين من نظامهم الحكومة الاستبدادية والديكتاتورية نحو مصير الفقراء الضعف ، التي تخضع للاستكشاف والاضطهاد بسبب و المذكورة أعلاه همجية نظام قيادة الإدارة. في الساحة السياسية تدعم بالكامل من قبل الشعب موبير للقضية العادلة للشعوب الشقيقة مصر وتونس.
وجاء عرض للقوات الشعبية أو انتفاضة الشعب الطاقة في عمل دينامية وأصبحت الثورة الشعبية في الألفية في الشرق الأوسط على وجه الخصوص وإلى جميع أنحاء العالم في العام ، ضد الممارسات معظم مثير للاشمئزاز وغير اخلاقية من الأنظمة الاستبدادية والبلطجية الذين يحكمون الآن الشعب مع أنظمة قديمة من الاضطهاد والاستغلال من شعوب العالم الثانية لقلوبهم المسرات مثل مصائرهم أن تحسب الراحتين من غضب الجماهير وسيضطر الى الاستقالة بشكل جماعي بحيث يمكن للناس ، وأن تكون حرة في اختيار نظم الحكم فيها والتي تكفل الحفاظ على حرياتهم الأساسية مع المبادئ والقيم الديمقراطية الأساسية من الاحترام المتبادل دون تمييز من الأجناس العرقية والمواقف الاجتماعية والتعليمية وملامح عالية من التخرج الثقافية والفكرية وكلها ترتكز في واضح جدا وفرحة الطريقة في المبادئ الأساسية للإعلان العالمي لحقوق الإنسان بوصفها حجر الزاوية في الديموقراطية الحقيقية والحرية فيه جميع محبي السلام في العالم أجمع الناس يجب أن تطمح والالتزام للحصول عليها في حرية تامة مع طريقة واعية للغاية من دون قيود من أي القوات الموجودة في مواردنا البشرية المجتمع.
مطلوب الاجتماعية والاقتصادية المتدهورة الحالة السياسية اليوم القسري شخص في العالم الحريات والديمقراطيات التي السبر في كل زاوية ومساحة ومساحيق الجوية العالمية التي تنفجر الآن في كل مكان مع تهدف إلى إلهام الناس المقهورين والمستغلين في جميع أنحاء العالم لتحقيق لتحقيق أهدافهم والحلم لتصبح المقاتلين الحقيقية مجاني ضد الطبقة غير شريفة وغير عادلة من ثروات وقوة الرجال والنساء البلهاء التي حولت مجتمعنا الإنسان في حالة حقيقية من الفوضى والبؤس والتسرب والمؤسف جدا أننا جميعا ندرك أنه لن تصبح أكثر وأكثر لتدمير أسوأ في الواقع الاجتماعي طبيعتنا البشرية في هذا الكوكب بأكمله ، والأرض ، وأننا للإنسان وساكن الآن.
من أجل تجنب الكارثة الاجتماعية الإنسان الطبيعة وندعو لكم جميعا تصل إلى مستيقظا من النوم أعمق الخاص وترتفع صوتك ضد كل الأنظمة الاستبدادية والقاتلة لهذه الألفية لمجموع من الإطاحة بها وتفكيكها ، لأنها جنون العظمة الحقيقية والمجنون القادة الذين يحاولون قيادة مصير مجتمعنا الإنسان إلى الجحيم ، وبالتالي يجب علينا الوقوف بحزم لبري عن هذه النوايا والشرور نحن شعب موافقة سوف توجيه وقيادة مصيرنا وربنا وإلهنا ، وقد قدم لنا الثالوث المقدس...
اشتعلت السياسية الجارية انفجار الأوضاع الاجتماعية والاقتصادية في الشرق الأوسط على اهتمام السياسيين في جميع أنحاء العالم من عيار لمراجعة مواقفهم السياسية حول كيفية التعامل مع مصائر الشعوب من أجل تجنب تخدم الحكم ومعاقبة شخص على مستوى العالم نحو متعجرف منها ، غير كفء ، ويفسد ، الإستبداد والديكتاتورية ومصائر قادة الممارسات ، فإنها تحاول الآن أن أبذل قصارى جهدي لخدمة الفقراء في الواقع وضعف شخص في العالم بدلا من المصالح المقدسة لا يستسلم أنهم في الجحيم إلى الأبد...
يستيقظ الناس الذين يحبون السلام والعدالة والمحبة الأخوية ، والمساواة في الحقوق والواجبات تجاه خالقنا الله الحقيقي للرغبة كبيرة لخلق الكون لنا وقانون صحيح أن يتأمل في المصالح الحقيقية للفقراء والضعف في هذا العالم ، واتخاذ نير الخاصة بك مع يديك حقيقية وينصف بيديك جدا من سفك الدماء والحكام غير أخلاقية في هذا العالم مع يد سفك دماء الأبرياء التي تعارض عملهما الوحشية والهمجية التي تحكم من الأمم والشعوب.
كل واحد منا ، يجب أن نعرف في بصوت عال جدا وبطريقة واضحة على أن القتلة الذين يحكموننا اليوم تهدف فقط لجعل منا يعاني والتضحية للأسف لمصالح أسرهم ، وعشائرهم ومصالحها السياسية في الكيفية التي تمكنت مع الشهيرة جدا والتخفي بطريقة تتعارض تماما مع المصالح الحقيقية للفقراء وضعف في مختلف أنحاء العالم.
dinsdag 1 februari 2011
The despotic leaders in the Middle East are being shaken by the turbulent politics events caused by the Popular Revolution is irreversible for an end of injustice, corruption, hunger, misery and unemployment of which very alarming at the Regional and World sponsored by the disgusting Muslim leaders and their fates are now to be under of People Power decision accordingly their gravity of wrong doing during their decades of the years of their despotic and dictator government system towards the fate of the poor, weakness people that were subject of the exploration and oppression due the above mentioned barbaric leadership system of governing. In the political arena is fully supportive by the Maubere People for the just cause of the brotherly peoples of Egypt and Tunisia.
The Show of Popular Forces or people Power uprising came into dynamic action and became the Popular Revolution in the Millennium in the Middle East in particular and to the worldwide in general, against the most disgusting and immoral practices of despotic regimes and thugs who are now ruling the people with outdated systems of oppression and exploitation of peoples of the world second to their heart's delights such as their fates are to be counted as the palms of fury of the masses and will be forced to resign en mass so that people can and to be free to choose their governance systems which ensure the maintenance of their fundamental freedoms with democratic principles and fundamental values of mutual respect without discrimination's of the ethnic races, social positions, educational and high profiles of the cultural and intellectual graduation all based in very lucid and delight manner into the basic principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as the cornerstone of true Democracy and Freedom in which all Worldwide Peace lovers People should aspire and abide to get them in full freedom with very conscious manner without constraint forces from no ones in our Human Society.
Social and Economic degraded Political situation today forced Worldwide People required Freedoms and Democracies of which sounding in every corner and space as World Air powders that are exploding now in everywhere with aim to inspire the oppressed and exploited worldwide people to realize to achieve their goals and dream to become the real free fighters against the dishonest and unfair class of riches and powerful idiots men and women that have been transformed our human society in the real situation of the chaos, extravasation, misery and very deplorable that all of us are aware that it will become more and more worst to destroy in fact our Human Social Nature in entire this Planet, Earth, that we the human being are inhabitant now.
In order to avoid the Human Social Nature's catastrophe we call all of you to awake up from your deeper sleep and rise up your voice against all despotic and murderous regimes of this millennium to their total overthrow and dismantling, because they are the real paranoids and insane leaders that are trying lead our human society's fate to the hell and therefore we should stand firmly to barre all these evils intentions and we the consent people will guide and lead our fate as our Lord and God, Holy Trinity have been given us...
The ongoing political social and economical situations explosion in the Middle East caught the attention of worldwide politicians of the caliber to revise their political stances on how to manage the destinies of peoples in order to avoid serve judgement and punishment of the Worldwide People towards their arrogant, incompetent, corrupts, tyrannic and dictator leaders practices and fates, they do try now to do the best to serve in fact the poor and weakness Worldwide People sacred interests rather than they do succumbed in the hell forever...
Wake up People who love peace, justice, brotherly love, equality of rights and duties towards our true Creator God of the Universe great willingness to create us and the true Law that contemplates the true interests of the poor and weakness in this Worldwide, and take your own yoke with your real hands and do justice with your own hands too to the butchery and immoral rulers of this world with hands of bloodshed of innocent people that are opposed their barbaric and savagery modus of governing nations and Peoples.
All of us, we should know in very loudly and clear manner that the killers who govern us today just aiming to make us suffer and sacrifice unfortunately for their family interests, of their clans and their political interests in how they have managed it with very infamous and disguise manner that diametrically opposed to the genuine interests of poor and weakness people of the worldwide.
The Show of Popular Forces or people Power uprising came into dynamic action and became the Popular Revolution in the Millennium in the Middle East in particular and to the worldwide in general, against the most disgusting and immoral practices of despotic regimes and thugs who are now ruling the people with outdated systems of oppression and exploitation of peoples of the world second to their heart's delights such as their fates are to be counted as the palms of fury of the masses and will be forced to resign en mass so that people can and to be free to choose their governance systems which ensure the maintenance of their fundamental freedoms with democratic principles and fundamental values of mutual respect without discrimination's of the ethnic races, social positions, educational and high profiles of the cultural and intellectual graduation all based in very lucid and delight manner into the basic principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as the cornerstone of true Democracy and Freedom in which all Worldwide Peace lovers People should aspire and abide to get them in full freedom with very conscious manner without constraint forces from no ones in our Human Society.
Social and Economic degraded Political situation today forced Worldwide People required Freedoms and Democracies of which sounding in every corner and space as World Air powders that are exploding now in everywhere with aim to inspire the oppressed and exploited worldwide people to realize to achieve their goals and dream to become the real free fighters against the dishonest and unfair class of riches and powerful idiots men and women that have been transformed our human society in the real situation of the chaos, extravasation, misery and very deplorable that all of us are aware that it will become more and more worst to destroy in fact our Human Social Nature in entire this Planet, Earth, that we the human being are inhabitant now.
In order to avoid the Human Social Nature's catastrophe we call all of you to awake up from your deeper sleep and rise up your voice against all despotic and murderous regimes of this millennium to their total overthrow and dismantling, because they are the real paranoids and insane leaders that are trying lead our human society's fate to the hell and therefore we should stand firmly to barre all these evils intentions and we the consent people will guide and lead our fate as our Lord and God, Holy Trinity have been given us...
The ongoing political social and economical situations explosion in the Middle East caught the attention of worldwide politicians of the caliber to revise their political stances on how to manage the destinies of peoples in order to avoid serve judgement and punishment of the Worldwide People towards their arrogant, incompetent, corrupts, tyrannic and dictator leaders practices and fates, they do try now to do the best to serve in fact the poor and weakness Worldwide People sacred interests rather than they do succumbed in the hell forever...
Wake up People who love peace, justice, brotherly love, equality of rights and duties towards our true Creator God of the Universe great willingness to create us and the true Law that contemplates the true interests of the poor and weakness in this Worldwide, and take your own yoke with your real hands and do justice with your own hands too to the butchery and immoral rulers of this world with hands of bloodshed of innocent people that are opposed their barbaric and savagery modus of governing nations and Peoples.
All of us, we should know in very loudly and clear manner that the killers who govern us today just aiming to make us suffer and sacrifice unfortunately for their family interests, of their clans and their political interests in how they have managed it with very infamous and disguise manner that diametrically opposed to the genuine interests of poor and weakness people of the worldwide.
The upraised of the people Power in Tunisia and Egypt is indeed the real inspiration to the Worldwide famine, unemployment, poor, miserable and weakness Worldwide people to awake up from darkness of the immoral and savagery acts and doctrines of murder leaders around the World in general and in particular to the Islamic Fanatic Leaders system of governing People and nations till nowadays in this millennium....
The despotic leaders in the Middle East are being shaken by the turbulent politics events caused by the Popular Revolution is irreversible for an end of injustice, corruption, hunger, misery and unemployment of which very alarming at the Regional and World sponsored by the disgusting Muslim leaders and their fates are now to be under of People Power decision accordingly their gravity of wrong doing during their decades of the years of their despotic and dictator government system towards the fate of the poor, weakness people that were subject of the exploration and oppression due the above mentioned barbaric leadership system of governing. In the political arena is fully supportive by the Maubere People for the just cause of the brotherly peoples of Egypt and Tunisia.
The Show of Popular Forces or people Power uprising came into dynamic action and became the Popular Revolution in the Millennium in the Middle East in particular and to the worldwide in general, against the most disgusting and immoral practices of despotic regimes and thugs who are now ruling the people with outdated systems of oppression and exploitation of peoples of the world second to their heart's delights such as their fates are to be counted as the palms of fury of the masses and will be forced to resign en mass so that people can and to be free to choose their governance systems which ensure the maintenance of their fundamental freedoms with democratic principles and fundamental values of mutual respect without discrimination's of the ethnic races, social positions, educational and high profiles of the cultural and intellectual graduation all based in very lucid and delight manner into the basic principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as the cornerstone of true Democracy and Freedom in which all Worldwide Peace lovers People should aspire and abide to get them in full freedom with very conscious manner without constraint forces from no ones in our Human Society.
Social and Economic degraded Political situation today forced Worldwide People required Freedoms and Democracies of which sounding in every corner and space as World Air powders that are exploding now in everywhere with aim to inspire the oppressed and exploited worldwide people to realize to achieve their goals and dream to become the real free fighters against the dishonest and unfair class of riches and powerful idiots men and women that have been transformed our human society in the real situation of the chaos, extravasation, misery and very deplorable that all of us are aware that it will become more and more worst to destroy in fact our Human Social Nature in entire this Planet, Earth, that we the human being are inhabitant now.
In order to avoid the Human Social Nature's catastrophe we call all of you to awake up from your deeper sleep and rise up your voice against all despotic and murderous regimes of this millennium to their total overthrow and dismantling, because they are the real paranoids and insane leaders that are trying lead our human society's fate to the hell and therefore we should stand firmly to barre all these evils intentions and we the consent people will guide and lead our fate as our Lord and God, Holy Trinity have been given us...
The ongoing political social and economical situations explosion in the Middle East caught the attention of worldwide politicians of the caliber to revise their political stances on how to manage the destinies of peoples in order to avoid serve judgement and punishment of the Worldwide People towards their arrogant, incompetent, corrupts, tyrannic and dictator leaders practices and fates, they do try now to do the best to serve in fact the poor and weakness Worldwide People sacred interests rather than they do succumbed in the hell forever...
Wake up People who love peace, justice, brotherly love, equality of rights and duties towards our true Creator God of the Universe great willingness to create us and the true Law that contemplates the true interests of the poor and weakness in this Worldwide, and take your own yoke with your real hands and do justice with your own hands too to the butchery and immoral rulers of this world with hands of bloodshed of innocent people that are opposed their barbaric and savagery modus of governing nations and Peoples.
All of us, we should know in very loudly and clear manner that the killers who govern us today just aiming to make us suffer and sacrifice unfortunately for their family interests, of their clans and their political interests in how they have managed it with very infamous and disguise manner that diametrically opposed to the genuine interests of poor and weakness people of the worldwide.
The despotic leaders in the Middle East are being shaken by the turbulent politics events caused by the Popular Revolution is irreversible for an end of injustice, corruption, hunger, misery and unemployment of which very alarming at the Regional and World sponsored by the disgusting Muslim leaders and their fates are now to be under of People Power decision accordingly their gravity of wrong doing during their decades of the years of their despotic and dictator government system towards the fate of the poor, weakness people that were subject of the exploration and oppression due the above mentioned barbaric leadership system of governing. In the political arena is fully supportive by the Maubere People for the just cause of the brotherly peoples of Egypt and Tunisia.
The Show of Popular Forces or people Power uprising came into dynamic action and became the Popular Revolution in the Millennium in the Middle East in particular and to the worldwide in general, against the most disgusting and immoral practices of despotic regimes and thugs who are now ruling the people with outdated systems of oppression and exploitation of peoples of the world second to their heart's delights such as their fates are to be counted as the palms of fury of the masses and will be forced to resign en mass so that people can and to be free to choose their governance systems which ensure the maintenance of their fundamental freedoms with democratic principles and fundamental values of mutual respect without discrimination's of the ethnic races, social positions, educational and high profiles of the cultural and intellectual graduation all based in very lucid and delight manner into the basic principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as the cornerstone of true Democracy and Freedom in which all Worldwide Peace lovers People should aspire and abide to get them in full freedom with very conscious manner without constraint forces from no ones in our Human Society.
Social and Economic degraded Political situation today forced Worldwide People required Freedoms and Democracies of which sounding in every corner and space as World Air powders that are exploding now in everywhere with aim to inspire the oppressed and exploited worldwide people to realize to achieve their goals and dream to become the real free fighters against the dishonest and unfair class of riches and powerful idiots men and women that have been transformed our human society in the real situation of the chaos, extravasation, misery and very deplorable that all of us are aware that it will become more and more worst to destroy in fact our Human Social Nature in entire this Planet, Earth, that we the human being are inhabitant now.
In order to avoid the Human Social Nature's catastrophe we call all of you to awake up from your deeper sleep and rise up your voice against all despotic and murderous regimes of this millennium to their total overthrow and dismantling, because they are the real paranoids and insane leaders that are trying lead our human society's fate to the hell and therefore we should stand firmly to barre all these evils intentions and we the consent people will guide and lead our fate as our Lord and God, Holy Trinity have been given us...
The ongoing political social and economical situations explosion in the Middle East caught the attention of worldwide politicians of the caliber to revise their political stances on how to manage the destinies of peoples in order to avoid serve judgement and punishment of the Worldwide People towards their arrogant, incompetent, corrupts, tyrannic and dictator leaders practices and fates, they do try now to do the best to serve in fact the poor and weakness Worldwide People sacred interests rather than they do succumbed in the hell forever...
Wake up People who love peace, justice, brotherly love, equality of rights and duties towards our true Creator God of the Universe great willingness to create us and the true Law that contemplates the true interests of the poor and weakness in this Worldwide, and take your own yoke with your real hands and do justice with your own hands too to the butchery and immoral rulers of this world with hands of bloodshed of innocent people that are opposed their barbaric and savagery modus of governing nations and Peoples.
All of us, we should know in very loudly and clear manner that the killers who govern us today just aiming to make us suffer and sacrifice unfortunately for their family interests, of their clans and their political interests in how they have managed it with very infamous and disguise manner that diametrically opposed to the genuine interests of poor and weakness people of the worldwide.
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