Friday, July 13,
By António Veríssimo
In Timor-Leste are growing rumors that the Party of Xanana Gusmão, CNRT, will ally itself with FRETILIN and form a Government of national unity which style. Reported that preliminary negotiations between the two political parties have already occurred and that FRETILIN is doing too much concession to Xanana Gusmão, causing unease among the fretilins that frown on such Alliance and who see with good eyes the FRETILIN Government at any price.
In a text published in the East Timorese blog Timor Hau Nian Doben we can see a poignant letter addressed to PR of Timor-Leste, Taur Matan Ruak asking that the "do not allow" the formation of "a Government of national unity," the authorship is Zizi Pedruco. There she specifies the reasons why tops the fail such a political maneuver which can only become more deficient democracy. We publish below this text.
For alleged reasons similar to Zizi Pedruco and immense Timorese also here in PG we transmitted our opinion in Timor-Leste: GOVERNMENT of NATIONAL UNITY or the collapse of the MATEBIAN? By now little more we want to add. We prefer, instead, to join the voice to that fear and fail the unnatural alliance-FRETILIN and CNRT sign underneath the Zizi's text and many more Timorese Pedruco. FRETILIN did not win the election, so it does not have to participate in a Government that will allow the Xanana Gusmão as Prime Minister, make the most of it-cover up the theft and corruption, stunts, and use another political party is ally where hiding. Costumes that we saw in the previous Government of Xanana Gusmão for five years and that it served to do what they wanted and "dry" the parties that he then allied with, except for the Democratic Party, de La Sama, because practically the same bag flour are.
Moreover, you will not be critic this situation in the future too, the "phenomenon", using the metaphor of the eucalyptus, said to be a tree that dry everything around ... Behold, Xanana Gusmão, the "secant" since the early days in which became involved in politics. By chance, sometimes, in addition to dry until it happened the politically many who lost their lives by varied and alleged circumstances here and now don't come to the case. It is certain that the "eucalyptus" continues to grow and the "dry" Timor-Leste. Until when ... Also depends a lot-almost totally-Taur Matan Ruak, the PR recently elected.
It happens the better for the Timorese, the people until now betrayed. It happens the better for Timor-Leste.
Read Zizi Pedruco on THND:
Zizi Pedruco
One of the main foundations of the candidacy of current President of the Republic was he want to strengthen democracy in East Timor, for this reason I, in my capacity as Zé-nobody, but who wants the best for the Timorese people, I very humbly ask your Excellency, Taur Matan Ruak, to not allow the formation of a Government of "national unity".
Is General Ruak that fits, in accordance with the constitutional powers conferred on it by the basic law in force in East Timor, "Appoint and swear in the Prime Minister nominated by the party or Alliance of parties with parliamentary majority, after having heard the political parties in the national Parliament."
Ramos-Horta appointed five years ago, an Alliance of parties that was given the name of Alliance of parliamentary majority and completely ignored the will of the people, who gave the majority of their votes to the party with the aim of this party to rule the country. According to Fretilin in the past five years, East Timor had a Government "in fact" and not "de jure". I agreed with Fretilin. It was a tactical error of Horta, with this "joke", lost the opportunity to be awarded a second presidential term, deservedly, tell yourself.
Taur Matan Ruak, a good man, I honestly believe that has the interests of the people and this country as the primacy of your Presidency cannot ignore the will of the people, and this was demonstrated in past elections Saturday.
The will of the Timorese was unequivocally the have the CNRT as Government and opposition Fretilin. There is talk of "buying votes", I believe there was (damn Uncle Alexander, ugly thing!), but may not in any way have been the determining factor for Xanana Gusmão has won these elections. Let us not be naïve gentlemen, just look at the results of legislative elections at the national level and see that Xanana had a resounding victory on Saturday. It is obvious that this is who the people of East Timor trust. As I said earlier, I here "swallow a brave frog" but do not question the willingness expressed by my people. It was what was missing! Who am I to do?
Now, the country remains without a strong opposition and walk all wanting to govern and the people get completely defenseless and silent, is absurd. No doubt that the country will be a despot, where the supervision to this Government of "national unity" will be weak and the national Parliament will be composed of clowns to play the game of democracy. A real attack against the highest interests and rights of the Maubere people. Anyone who says otherwise is acting in bad faith and do not want the genuine good of the people. STOP LYING!
We are all naive and we believe that for five years the Lords in power will all understand each other and that will be by mutual agreement at all, and that every day will work hard in the interests of this great people? ... We are not stupid and ignorant, does it? Those who do not know you that you buy! Shut up your mouth...
The only one who will miss this great farce of a Government of "national unity" is inevitably the Timorese people. The President of the Republic should not accept that such an atrocity is committed against this people that has already suffered so much, and continues to suffer. By Timorese without voice and the well of them, a major does not have to be told this FARCE that call for "national unity" Government. NO, PERIOD! A strong opposition and serious is what this people need and not a Government of, "all to the sauce and faith in God". For consistency!
The credible non-governmental organization (NGO), la'o Hamutuk alert on a statement to the dangers of this Government of "national unity", stating that "a State is essential to a genuine multiparty democracy."
This NGO also alert to the fact that the next Government will be crucial to the development of the country and improvement of life of his people, because the "mama" of our oil resources, one day, will dry up. Not being appropriately managed wealth from future oil for the Timorese people will be in danger.
"The question is critical-the Fifth Constitutional Government of Timor may be the last significant oil wealth to spend. If this revenue is not used for exporting these resources to build our non-oil economy, reduce the dependence on imports, the strengthening of agriculture and building strong human resources to replace oil, soon we will face a disaster shortly after 2017. A Government without the opposition institutionalized policy-if he is called "national unity" or "a single party State"-often take poor decisions and ignores the wishes of the people, endangering the future of the next generation of Timor-Leste "-says the statement from La'o Hamutuk.
This year was the year of the "feast of Democracy" in East Timor; the Timorese went to the polls to choose a President of the Republic and a Government and did so as always, in a dignified manner and manifest. Why are want to tamper with and betraying the will of this people?
The people is not ignorant (already gave us so many times demonstrated its electoral intelligence), it is clear that has its reasons, legitimate, let it be, to have voted in the CNRT and not in Fretilin. It is not for me that have no partisan affiliation with this party to electoral disaster exam or make deep reflection of what is evil in this party. Something goes wrong in the "Kingdom of Fretilin," we have no doubts about it. In three months lost two elections of presidential incontrovertibly the and now the legislation. Fretilin took a "great ballet dancer" of his opponents in both elections. Something does not go at all well...
Fretilin lost? Goes to the opposition, now this! So is democracy! Another way is a betrayal to the will of the people! INADMISSIBLE!
So that photos like the one above do not recur, to see an aunt (so called ladies older East Timorese) my scour the garbage in search of food with a face of suffering that makes cry stones, so that the Timorese people have a dignified future he so richly deserves, I beg to Mr. President of the Republic for that does not allow this joke with obscure interests of a Government of "national unity".
Mr. General Taur Matan Ruak, person I deserve my utmost respect, consideration and admiration, do not allow these people to be abandoned to their fate, do not allow the national Parliament is transformed into a circus, where we only clowns as actors and where the legitimate interests of the Timorese people are pilfered.
These people deserve everything and very little or even nothing, has enjoyed. Enough of injustice! JUST!
Translated by MAUBERE TUBA RAI
Jumat, 13 Juli 2012
Oleh: António Veríssimo
Di Timor-Leste yang tumbuh rumor bahwa partai Xanana Gusmao, CNRT, akan Sekutu sendiri dengan FRETILIN dan membentuk pemerintah persatuan nasional yang gaya. Melaporkan bahwa awal negosiasi antara dua partai politik telah terjadi dan bahwa FRETILIN melakukan terlalu banyak konsesi untuk Xanana Gusmao, menyebabkan kegelisahan di antara fretilins bahwa berkerut Aliansi tersebut dan siapa yang melihat dengan mata yang baik pemerintah FRETILIN harga apapun.
Dalam teks yang diterbitkan dalam blog Timor Timur Timor Hau Nian Doben kita dapat melihat surat tajam yang ditujukan untuk PR dari Timor Leste, Taur Matan Ruak bertanya bahwa "tidak mengizinkan" pembentukan "sebuah pemerintah persatuan nasional," kepengarangan adalah Zizi Pedruco. Sana ia menentukan alasan mengapa puncak gagal seperti manuver politik yang hanya bisa menjadi lebih kurang demokrasi. Kami menerbitkan di bawah teks ini.
Untuk dugaan alasan mirip Zizi Pedruco dan Timor Timur yang besar juga di sini di PG kami memebrikan pendapat kami di Timor-Leste: pemerintah persatuan nasional atau runtuhnya MATEBIAN?. Sekarang sedikit lebih kita ingin menambahkan. Kami memilih, sebaliknya, untuk bergabung dengan suara untuk rasa takut dan gagal tidak wajar Aliansi-FRETILIN dan CNRT tanda di bawah Zizi teks dan banyak lebih Timor Pedruco. FRETILIN tidak memenangkan pemilu, sehingga tidak ada untuk berpartisipasi dalam pemerintahan yang akan memungkinkan Xanana Gusmão sebagai Perdana Menteri, membuat sebagian besar it-menutupi pencurian dan korupsi, stunt, dan menggunakan si partai politik lain Sekutu di mana bersembunyi. Kostum yang kita lihat dalam pemerintahan Xanana Gusmão sebelumnya selama lima tahun dan yang berfungsi untuk melakukan apa yang mereka inginkan dan "kering" pihak yang ia kemudian bersekutu dengan, kecuali untuk Partai Demokrat, de La Sama, karena hampir sama tas tepung adalah.
Selain itu, Anda tidak akan menbahayankan situasi ini di masa depan juga, "fenomena", menggunakan metafora eucalyptus, dikatakan pohon yang kering segala sesuatu di sekitar... Lihatlah, Xanana Gusmao, "sekan" sejak hari-hari awal di mana menjadi terlibat dalam politik. Secara kebetulan, kadang-kadang, selain kering sampai hal itu terjadi secara politis banyak yang kehilangan nyawa mereka oleh keadaan bervariasi dan dugaan di sini dan sekarang jangan datang ke kasus. Pasti bahwa "eucalyptus" terus tumbuh dan Timor-Leste "kering". Sampai kapan... Juga tergantung banyak hampir benar-benar-Taur Matan Ruak, PR yang terpilih.
Itu terjadi lebih baik untuk kebudayaan, orang-orang sampai sekarang dikhianati. Itu terjadi lebih baik untuk Timor Leste.
Baca Zizi Pedruco di THND:
Zizi Pedruco
Salah satu dasar-dasar utama pencalonan Presiden Republik adalah dia ingin untuk memperkuat demokrasi di Timor Timur, untuk alasan ini saya, dalam kapasitas saya sebagai Zé-tak ada, tapi yang keinginan yang terbaik bagi Rakyat Timor Timur, aku sangat rendah hati memohon kpd yg Mulia, Taur Matan Ruak, untuk tak diijinkan atau tak memungkinkan pembentukan pemerintahan "Persatuan Nasional".
Adalah umum Ruak yang sesuai, sesuai dengan kekuasaan konstitusional yang diberikan di atasnya oleh undang-undang dasar yang berlaku di Timor Timur, "menunjuk dan bersumpah di Perdana Menteri dinominasikan oleh partai atau aliansi partai dengan mayoritas parlementer, setelah mendengar partai-partai politik di Parlemen Nasional."
Ramos-Horta ditunjuk lima tahun yang lalu, aliansi partai yang diberi nama Aliansi mayoritas parlementer dan benar-benar mengabaikan kehendak rakyat, yang memberikan mayoritas suara mereka kepada partai dengan tujuan Partai ini untuk memerintah negara ini. Menurut Fretilin di lima tahun, Timor Timur telah pemerintah "pada kenyataannya" dan bukan "de jure". Saya setuju dengan Fretilin. Itu adalah kesalahan taktis Horta, dengan ini "lelucon", kehilangan kesempatan untuk diberikan jabatan Presiden, sepatutnya, memberitahu diri sendiri.
Taur Matan Ruak, seorang pria yang baik, jujur aku percaya yang memiliki kepentingan Rakyat dan negara ini sebagai keunggulan Presiden. Anda tidak dapat mengabaikan kehendak rakyat, dan ini ditunjukkan dalam pemilu terakhir Sabtu.
Akan kebudayaan adalah tegas telah turut hadir sebagai pemerintah dan oposisi Fretilin. Ada pembicaraan dari "membeli suara", saya percaya ada (sialan paman Alexander, hal jelek!), tapi tidak dengan cara apapun mungkin faktor yang menentukan untuk Xanana Gusmao telah memenangkan pemilihan ini. Mari kita tidak tuan-tuan naif, hanya melihat hasil pemilu legislatif di tingkat nasional dan melihat bahwa Xanana memiliki kemenangan gemilang pada hari Sabtu. Hal ini jelas bahwa ini adalah yang percaya orang-orang Timor Timur. Seperti saya katakan sebelumnya, aku di sini "menelan seekor kodok yg hebat sekali" tapi tidak mempertanyakan kesediaan yang diungkapkan oleh orang-orang. Itu apa itu hilang! Yang saya lakukan?
Sekarang, negara tetap tanpa oposisi yang kuat dan berjalan semua ingin mengatur dan dan mendapatkan orang-orang benar-benar berdaya dan diam, tidak masuk akal. Tidak diragukan lagi bahwa negara akan nubuat, di mana pengawasan pemerintah ini "Persatuan Nasional" akan menjadi lemah dan parlemen nasional akan terdiri dari badut untuk memainkan permainan demokrasi. Serangan nyata terhadap kepentingan dan hak-hak rakyat Maubere tertinggi. Siapa pun yang mengatakan sebaliknya bertindak itikad buruk dan tidak ingin baik asli dari orang-orang. BERHENTI BERBOHONG!
Kita semua naif dan kami percaya bahwa selama lima tahun penguasa kekuasaan akan semua mengerti satu sama lain dan yang akan dengan persetujuan bersama sama sekali, dan bahwa setiap hari akan bekerja keras untuk kepentingan orang-orang hebat ini? Oh... Kami tidak bodoh dan bodoh, apakah itu? Orang-orang yang tidak tahu Anda, bahwa Anda membeli! Tutup mulut Anda...
Satu-satunya yang akan kehilangan ini lelucon besar dari pemerintah "Persatuan Nasional" adalah pasti orang-orang Timor Timur. Presiden Republik, tidak boleh menerima suatu kekejaman dilakukan terhadap orang-orang ini yang telah mengalami begitu banyak, dan terus menderita. Oleh Timor Timur tanpa suara dan baik dari mereka, besar tidak harus diberitahu ini LELUCON yang memanggil untuk "kesatuan nasional" pemerintah. TIDAK, MASA! Oposisi yang kuat dan serius adalah apa yang orang ini perlu dan tidak pemerintah, "semua untuk saus dan iman dalam Tuhan". Untuk konsistensi!
Kredibel organisasi non-pemerintah (LSM), La'o Hamutuk waspada pada sebuah pernyataan bahaya ini pemerintah persatuan"nasional", menyatakan bahwa "negara penting untuk demokrasi multipartai yang sejati."
LSM ini juga waspada terhadap kenyataan bahwa pemerintah berikutnya akan sangat penting untuk perkembangan negara dan perbaikan kehidupan umat-Nya, karena "mama" sumber daya minyak kami, suatu hari, akan mengering. Tidak menjadi tepat dikelola kekayaan dari masa depan minyak untuk masyarakat akan berada dalam bahaya.
"Pertanyaan kritis-kelima konstitusional pemerintah Timor mungkin kekayaan minyak signifikan terakhir untuk menghabiskan. Jika pendapatan ini tidak digunakan untuk mengekspor sumber daya ini untuk membangun perekonomian non-minyak, mengurangi ketergantungan pada impor, memperkuat pertanian dan pembangunan sumber daya manusia yang kuat untuk mengganti minyak, segera kita akan menghadapi bencana tak lama setelah 2017. Pemerintahan tanpa oposisi dilembagakan kebijakan-jika ia disebut "Persatuan Nasional" atau "satu partai negara" pasti akan sering mengambil keputusan miskin dan mengabaikan keinginan Rakyat, membahayakan masa depan generasi berikutnya dari Timor Leste " mengatakan menurut pernyataan dari La'o Hamutuk.
Tahun ini adalah tahun "pesta demokrasi" di Timor Timur, Timor Timur pergi ke tempat pemungutan suara untuk memilih Presiden Republik dan pemerintah dan melakukannya seperti biasa, dalam cara yang bermartabat dan nyata. Mengapa yang ingin mengutak-atik dan mengkhianati kehendak Rakyat ini?
Orang-orang ini tidak bodoh (telah memberi kita begitu banyak kali menunjukkan kecerdasan yang pemilihan), yang memiliki alasan yang jelas, sah, biarlah, untuk memiliki suara dalam CNRT dan tidak dalam Fretilin. Hal ini tidak bagi saya, yang tidak memiliki partisan afiliasi dengan Partai ini untuk pemilihan bencana ujian atau membuat dalam refleksi dari apa yang jahat di Partai ini. Sesuatu yang tidak beres di "Kerajaan Fretilin," kami tidak mempunyai keraguan tentang hal itu. Dalam tiga bulan kehilangan dua pemilihan presiden dan sekarang dg parlament ini tak di ragukan lagi. Fretilin mengambil "kegagalan yg amat besar" dari lawannya dalam pemilihan kedua. Sesuatu tidak pergi sama sekali yah...
Fretilin hilang? Pergi ke oposisi, sekarang ini! Jadi adalah demokrasi! Cara lain, adalah pengkhianatan kehendaknya Rakyat! TIDAK DAPAT DITERIMA!
Sehingga foto seperti yang di atas tidak terulang, untuk melihat sewanita Tante (disebut wanita tua di Timor Timur) yg sedang menjelajahi sampah untuk mencari makanan dengan wajah penderitaan yang membuat menangis batu, agar Rakyat Timor Timur memiliki masa depan yang bermartabat dan pantas jadi kaya raya, oleh karana itu saya mohon kpd Tuan Presiden Republik supaya tidak mengizinkan atau memungkinkan lelucon ini dengan jelas kepentingan pemerintahan saja yg di wakili oleh "Persatuan Nasional", tetapi bukan demi kepengtinan rakyat Timor Leste.
Tuan Jenderal Taur Matan Ruak, orang yang aku pantas dan sangat hormati, pertimbangan dan kekaguman, jangan sampai biarkan Rakyat kecil dan miskin ini ditinggalkan untuk nasibnya sendiri, tidak mengizinkan Parlemen Nasional berubah menjadi sebuah sirkus, di mana kita hanya punya orang2 yg tak bermoral sebagai aktor dan di mana kepentingan sah masyarakat akan di menghilangakn di mata publik.
Rakyat ini pantas mendapat segala sesuatu yg hasil dari masa pejuangannya, namum sampai dg pd saat ini belum ada apa2 yg dia telah menikmati bagi kehidupannya di negerinya tercinta ini sendiri. Karena telah demikian mak kita katakan bahwa… Cukuplah melalukan ketidakadilan terhadap nasib Rakyat ini! Dan kiranya masa kesusahan dan kepahitan kpd Rakyat yg tersayang ini perluh di akhirnya sampai di sini…
Di Terjemakan oleh: MAUBERE
Sexta-feira, 13 de
Julho de 2012
António Veríssimo
Em Timor-Leste correm rumores crescentes de que o partido de Xanana Gusmão, CNRT, vai aliar-se com a FRETILIN e formar um governo que denominam de Unidade Nacional. Referiram-nos que as negociações preliminares entre os dois partidos políticos já ocorreram e que a FRETILIN está a fazer cedências em demasia a Xanana Gusmão, provocando mal-estar entre os fretilins que desaprovam tal aliança e os que vêem com bons olhos a FRETILIN ser governo a qualquer preço.
Num texto publicado no blogue timorense Timor Hau Nian Doben podemos ver uma carta pungente dirigida ao PR de Timor-Leste, Taur Matan Ruak pedindo que o PR “não permita” a formação de “um governo de unidade nacional”, a autoria é de Zizi Pedruco. Ali ela especifica as razões porque encabeça a reprovação de tal manobra política que só poderá tornar mais deficitária a democracia. Publicamos mais em baixo o referido texto.
Por alegadas razões similares às de Zizi Pedruco e de imensos timorenses também aqui no PG veiculámos a nossa opinião em Timor-Leste: GOVERNO DE UNIDADE NACIONAL OU A DERROCADA DO MATEBIAN?. Por agora pouco mais queremos acrescentar. Preferimos, isso sim, juntar a voz aos que temem e reprovam a aliança contra-natura da FRETILIN-CNRT e assinarmos por baixo o texto de Zizi Pedruco e de muitos mais timorenses da mesma opinião. A FRETILIN não venceu as eleições, por isso não tem de participar num governo que irá permitir a Xanana Gusmão, enquanto primeiro-ministro, fazer mais do mesmo - acobertar os roubos e a corrupção, os conluios, e usar outro partido político a si aliado onde se escudar. Figurino que vimos no anterior governo de Xanana Gusmão por cinco anos e que lhe serviu para fazer o que quis e “secar” os partidos que a ele então se aliaram, excepto o Partido Democrático, de La Sama, porque praticamente são farinha do mesmo saco.
Aliás, não será demais futuramente escalpelizar esta situação, o “fenómeno”, usando a metáfora do eucalipto, que dizem ser uma árvore que seca tudo à sua volta… Eis Xanana Gusmão, o “secante” desde os primórdios em que se envolveu na política. Por acaso, por vezes, além de secar politicamente imensos até aconteceu os que perderam a vida por variadas e alegadas circunstâncias que aqui e agora não vêm para o caso. Certo é que o “eucalipto” continua a crescer e a “secar” Timor-Leste. Até quando… Depende também muito – quase totalmente - de Taur Matan Ruak, o PR recentemente eleito.
Que aconteça o melhor para os timorenses, o povo até agora traído. Que aconteça o melhor para Timor-Leste.
Um dos grandes alicerces da candidatura do atual Presidente da República foi o de ele querer fortalecer a democracia em Timor Leste, por esse motivo eu, na minha qualidade de Zé-ninguém, mas de quem deseja o melhor para o povo timorense, venho muito humildemente pedir a Sua Excelência, Taur Matan Ruak, para que não permita a formação de um governo de "unidade nacional".
É ao General Ruak que cabe, de acordo com os poderes constitucionais que lhe são conferidos pela Lei Fundamental vigente em Timor Leste, "Nomear e empossar o Primeiro-Ministro indigitado pelo partido ou aliança de partidos com maioria parlamentar, depois de ter ouvido os partidos políticos no Parlamento Nacional".
Ramos Horta há cinco anos atrás, empossou uma aliança de partidos a que foi dada o nome de Aliança da Maioria Parlamentar e ignorou completamente a vontade do povo, que deu a maioria dos seus votos à Fretilin com o intuito deste partido governar o país. De acordo com a Fretilin nos últimos cinco anos, Timor Leste teve um governo "de facto" e não "de jure". Eu concordei com a Fretilin. Foi um erro tático de Horta, com esta "brincadeira", perdeu a oportunidade de lhe ser conferido um segundo mandato presidencial, merecidamente, diga-se.
Taur Matan Ruak, um homem de bem, que eu sinceramente acredito que tem os interesses deste povo e deste país como o primado da sua presidência não pode ignorar a vontade do povo, e esta foi demonstrada nas eleições do passado sábado.
A vontade dos timorenses foi INEQUIVOCAMENTE a de ter o CNRT como governo e a Fretilin na oposição. Fala-se de " compra de votos", eu acredito que houve (caramba tio Alexandre, coisa feia!), mas não pode de maneira nenhuma ter sido o fator determinante para Xanana Gusmão ter ganho estas eleições legislativas. Não sejamos ingénuos meus senhores, basta olhar para os resultados das eleições legislativas a nível nacional e vermos que Xanana teve uma vitória RETUMBANTE no passado sábado. É óbvio que é nele quem o povo de Timor Leste confia. Como eu disse anteriormente, eu cá " engoli um valente sapo" mas não questiono a vontade expressada pelo meu povo. Era o que mais faltava! Quem sou eu para o fazer?
Agora, o país ficar sem uma oposição forte e andarem todos a quererem governar e e o povo ficar completamente indefeso e mudo, é um ABSURDO. Indubitavelmente que o país irá ser um Estado Déspota, onde a fiscalização a este governo de " unidade nacional" será fraca e o Parlamento Nacional irá ser composto por palhaços a brincarem ao jogo da democracia. Um verdadeiro atentado contra os mais altos interesses e direitos do Povo Maubere. Quem disser o contrário está a agir de má-fé e não quer o genuíno bem deste povo. PAREM DE MENTIR!
Somos todos ingénuos e vamos acreditar que durante cinco anos os senhores detentores do poder vão TODOS entenderem-se e que estarão de comum acordo em tudo, e que todos os dias vão trabalhar arduamente em prol dos interesses deste grande povo? Ohhhhhhh... Não somos estúpidos e ignorantes, pois não? Quem não vos conhece, que vos compre! Cala-te boca...
O único que vai perder nesta grande FARSA de um governo de " unidade nacional" é infalivelmente, o povo timorense. O Presidente da República, não deve aceitar que tamanha atrocidade seja cometida contra este povo que já sofreu tanto, e continua a sofrer. Pelos timorenses sem voz e a bem deles, um grande NÃO tem de ser dito a esta PALHAÇADA a que chamam de governo de " unidade nacional". NÃO, PONTO FINAL! Uma oposição forte e séria é o que este povo precisa e não de um governo de, " todos ao molho e fé em Deus". Haja coerência!
A credível Organização Não Governamental (ONG), La'o Hamutuk alerta num comunicado para os perigos deste governo de " unidade nacional", afirmando que, " um Estado multipartidário é essencial para uma genuína democracia".
Esta ONG alerta também para o facto, de que o próximo governo, vai ser crucial para o desenvolvimento do país e da melhoria de vida do seu povo, porque a " mama" dos nossos recursos petrolíferos, um dia, vai secar. Não sendo gerida apropriadamente a riqueza proveniente do petróleo o futuro do povo timorense irá estar em perigo.
"A questão é crítica - O Quinto Governo Constitucional de Timor pode ser o último com a riqueza do petróleo significativa para gastar. Se este rendimento não for usado para exportar esses recursos para construir a nossa economia não petrolífera, reduzir a dependência das importações, o fortalecimento da agricultura e construir fortes recursos humanos para substituir o petróleo, em breve iremos enfrentar um desastre pouco depois de 2017. Um governo sem oposição política institucionalizada - se ele é chamado de "unidade nacional" ou "um partido único do Estado" - muitas vezes toma decisões pobres e ignora os desejos do povo, pondo em perigo o futuro da próxima geração de Timor-Leste"- diz o comunicado da La'o Hamutuk.
Este ano, foi o ano da " Festa da Democracia" em Timor Leste, os timorenses foram às urnas para escolherem um Presidente da República e um governo e fizeram-no como sempre, de forma digna e manifesta. Porquê que estão a querer adulterar e trair a vontade deste povo?
O povo NÃO É ignorante (já nos deu tantas vezes provas da sua inteligência eleitoral), é evidente que tem as suas razões, legítimas, diga-se, para terem votado no CNRT e não na Fretilin. Não me cabe a mim, que não tenho nenhuma afiliação partidária com este partido de fazer o exame do desastre eleitoral ou de fazer uma reflexão profunda do que está mal neste partido. Algo vai mal no " reino da Fretilin", não tenhamos dúvidas sobre isso. Em três meses perderam duas eleições de forma inquestionável, as presidenciais e agora as legislativas. A Fretilin levou um " grande bailinho" dos seus adversários em ambas as eleições. Algo não vai nada bem...
A Fretilin perdeu? Vai para a oposição, ora esta! Assim é em democracia! Doutra maneira, é uma TRAIÇÃO À VONTADE DO POVO! INADMISSÍVEL!
Para que fotos como a que está em cima não se repitam, de ver uma tia ( assim chamamos às senhoras timorenses mais velhas) minha a vasculhar o lixo em busca de comida com uma cara de sofrimento que faz chorar as pedras, para que o povo timorense tenha um futuro digno que tanto merece, eu imploro ao Sr. Presidente da República para que não permita esta brincadeira com interesses obscuros de um governo de " unidade nacional".
Sr. General Taur Matan Ruak, pessoa que me merece o
meu maior respeito, consideração e admiração, não permita que este povo seja
abandonado à sua sorte, não permita que o Parlamento Nacional seja transformado
num circo, onde teremos apenas palhaços como atores e onde os legítimos
interesses do povo timorense sejam escamoteados.
Este povo merece TUDO e de muito pouco, ou mesmo de
nada, tem usufruído. Basta de injustiças! BASTA!