Acknowledgement to the Worldwide and East Timor public opinion as title of this very important article to who might concern over Maubere People Revolution’s Council through this insignificant Press Release.
Maubere People Revolution’s Council stands up for revolution to manifesto that demands the Xanana government have to be dissolved, as it has operating corruption for the past ten years. Reform the government that no more represents the interest of the people.
2. The government is in chaos.
3. Institutional Crises.
Stop threats people with a police and army force, PM Xanana must take full responsibility for the violence and unrest that is taking place in East Timor today.
The blame rests on their shoulders alone, and they should have the guts to accept this, resign forever from politics in East Timor.
Pave the way for a united government (consisting of solely East Timor citizens)
The current humanitarian and political crisis in our country, much come to an end now, and the Maubere People Revolution’s Council prepared to do whatever it takes to achieve this.
What we concern is the problem that facing East Timor today, not debate about guerilla history with Mr. Xanana. No time for this. Because Xanana in his very flourished singsong singed out in DCC everyone have been testimony of his immoral and unfair explanation as more astuteness to captivate his followers heart and sentiments to support him massively in showing his arrogance and wild animal modus of governing Maubere People and this nation Timor Leste.
Rather than he acted with conscience act of good faith towards his ex-comrade and ex-fellowship during the hard and long duration of the guerrilla warfare against Indonesia Army forces during and almost 25 years of occupation, violation and aggression of our dignity, identity and integrity.
The revolution is irreversible to replace the bad and worst things with good and best, therefore this time for revolution will be contemplated in whole East Timor! … It is a Peaceful Revolution…
The biggest problem today is the allocation of Government funds and how these millions of dollars are spent. We do not know where this money goes. It is definitely not going to the people.
This is obvious by the lack of improvement to infrastructure throughout the country and the continuing poverty is well seen. So much money is being spent on so called Pilot Programs that are given huge amounts of cash to get started and then just fade into the wind with no follow up.
In Xanana government, Corruption has spread throughout the Government like a cancer, ever since we earned our Independence nearly ten years ago. This is obvious by the sudden wealth Ministers in the Government have today. Where did this wealth come from? Ministers are only paid 3800 dollars a month, yet some now live in mansions, drive very expensive private cars, spend weeks and weeks away from the country on paid overseas trips and are involved in more and more business deals outside their parliamentary duties. They are more interested in lining their own pockets than helping the people of East Timor. It seems to me that they don’t care about the important issues facing us…health, poverty, lack of clean water, and in particular the inefficient electricity service that disrupts our daily lives and puts a burden on the business community. The appalling electricity supply is also contributing to air pollution.
Every time the power goes out, hundreds of petrol and diesel driven generators spring into action and the pollution increases. Combine this with the lack of emission control on motor vehicles and the result is we have one of the highest levels of air pollution in South East Asia and nothing is being done about it.
The Xanana Gusmão Government has promised that electricity will be available to all Timorese, many Timorese in remote area cannot aces with electricity; just have a look at what happened a year ago with that multi-million dollar generator. It fell off the truck and is still lying on the side of the road nearly a month later. Does anyone really believe that he can deliver electricity to the nation if his contractors cannot even deliver the proper equipment to where it should go? This government is sometime a joke. They spend millions of dollars on a generator this size, it falls off the truck and there’s nothing in East Timor that can pick it up.
The Ministers talk a lot but not action has followed?
Example, look around you today just in Dili. The Capital city is called “Kota Hantu” which means the Ghost City.
There are no street lights at night and even if they were working they would cause even more blackouts by using up more power. The situation is disgraceful. For nearly ten years the present and past Governments have ignored this problem.
The roads are deteriorating worse and worse each year, especially when the rain comes. They have been too busy looking after their own interests and totally ignoring the very serious issues that are getting worse day by day.
For instance, these problems are the foundation of our Platform for the REVOLUTION and REVOLUTION can happen any time.
Our main concern is for the welfare of the people of East Timor. They have been ignored for too long.
Let’s talk about health. The standard of health throughout the country is appalling. Children still die from malnutrition and diseases that could be avoided if their parents were in a position to properly feed them. During the Portuguese time East Timor used to export Rice, now it is one of the most expensive commodities today. Why has this important source of food and income been allowed to disappear? We had a thriving coffee export business; today it is in the hands of only a few groups, with a lot of the profits not staying in the country. We know of people who live in some of the Districts who walk for hours into the hills and mountains to pick leaves from trees and bushes so their families can eat. This will change when we are becoming real leadership of this tiny nation, Timor Leste. We cry sometimes for the people of Timor and how they and their children have been neglected for the past nine and a half years.
Our public clinics and pharmacies have become the dumping ground of Asia for medicines that have passed their shelf life. We also get food products that are also the same, yet nothing is done about it. It would not surprise me at all if some of the Government ministers are in partnership with those responsible for this dumping.
Staying on the subject of health, so many things need to be changes immediately, since we began fighting for the rights of the people, we have always said that we would ensure that every citizen had the right to a Health System that was free, efficient and beneficial to all. Hospitals must be built in every District. Hospitals that are modern and well equipped with the latest technology, staffed by overseas trained Timorese Doctors and Nurses; equipment that works and is maintained properly – not like in today’s hospitals. When vital equipment breaks down these days it is just pushed to the side and left to gather dust. Why? Because the Government does not provide enough money to medical facilities to do what they are supposed to do. Instead they are spending $15 million dollars on new cars for themselves. This is a cowboy Government like in the Wild West of America.
The President of East Timor has the power to control the spending of Parliament, only if the Government is transparent. Today it is spending money like it was their own money, it’s not theirs; it belongs to the people and should be spend appropriately. Actually the whole parliamentary system is another joke. It’s like a bad play with actors who cannot act.
The Parliamentary sessions are carried out in only the Portuguese language. Some of the Ministers cannot even speak Portuguese and when it comes to voting on legislation they are woken up from their sleep, nod their heads in approval, and then go back to sleep. Again we question the wisdom of our so called “founding fathers”.
For hundreds of years we were forced to speak Portuguese, then Indonesian during the 25 year occupation and now we are back to Portuguese. Tetun is our National language and our second language should be English.
What is the advantage of forcing our school children to learn Portuguese, a language that is spoken in only a few countries in the World? English is spoken throughout the World. It just doesn’t make sense to us.
The current President, TAUR MATAN RUAK has lost sight of his duties. He has become a puppet for PM Xanana to player and seems to spend more time promoting East Timor on overseas trips, instead of facing up to the real problems that we have mentioned already.
However, he tries to do what he can do on his office just too completed Mr. Xanana administration, but at the same time no attention has been brought to the present day conditions. Our people continue to suffer.
Mr. Xanana should resign, Xanana time is over. He’s not done what was expected from the people and he’s a good example of saying “Rebel leaders do not necessarily make good politicians.”
We also very concerned about the future of Timor’s oil and Gas reserves?
These oil and gas reserves under the right control will guarantee the future wealth of this nation and its people. But look again at the present Government’s performance in this matter. They are still bickering over where the gas processing plant should be built. The oil company wants it to be a floating platform off-shore; Xanana wants it built in Timor. Again is another joke. The Government cannot even guarantee the safety of the man and woman in the street, how can it guarantee the safety of a multi-billion dollar investment that could at any time become the target of anti-Government protestors?
It is vital to East Timor that a secure agreement is made as soon as possible that is a win-win situation for both parties. What’s going to happen if the current MOU expires? Does the Government think that another International company is going to step in and take over from where Woodside left off?
If this did happen we would have no revenue coming in and would leave ourselves vulnerable to a quick fix solution from say a powerful player, like China for instance and we would be left with only crumbs from what should have been half a loaf of bread.“Rebel leaders do not necessarily make good politicians”.
We are not a bit hard on the Prime Minister, no way! But, he’s been in the Government since Independence; he’s surrounded himself with family and friends and put many of them in Ministerial and top Government positions.
One Minister, who controls a great deal of money, was a check-out girl in a Department store before being appointed to her position. Now she’s running a multimillion dollar Government department and is being investigated for corruption. Do we make our point?
What we would do if someone dumped a million dollars cash on your table just to sign off a business deal?
We would call in our security, have the person arrested, charged, tried in court and thrown in jail for the rest of his or her life.
Corruption is a cancer that has infiltrated this country, a leftover from the 25 year occupation by the Indonesians. Take a look at where Indonesia sits on the list of most corrupt countries in South East Asia. By taking payoffs a person becomes a slave to someone else. We are nobody’s slave; we regard our self as the “servants” to the people.
If we had our way we would make corruption the number one crime in East Timor, from the Government down and would make sure that the courts handed out the most extreme punishment. No exceptions.
East Timor should apply a death penalty for all corruption,
We have not ruled that out. Sixteen Asia Pacific countries continue to apply the death penalty for the offences of drug trafficking and possession.
Corruption is far more damaging to a Nation than drugs, but at the same time, we have a drug problem in East Timor that is getting worse. Chemical drugs, such as Ecstasy and Ice are starting to appear on our streets. But there is only talk about increased control but still the drugs continue to cross our border. That’s one of the things that we get angry over. Too much talk and not enough action; enough is enough. It’s time we had a Government that was committed to bring East Timor into the 21st Century. Our children need protection from these sorts of drugs and a positive education program to inform them of the dangers chemical drugs. The people who distribute these drugs also need to be made an example of, an example that will make anyone think twice about trafficking in East Timor.
In this country’s population these days is made up of mainly young people seemingly wanting a good education, yet I see on the streets children pushing vendor carts, selling telephone credit cards or scrounging in rubbish bins. Should not these kids be in school?
Of course! Education is high on world agenda. Free education for all children from primary School through to University and a university education that is affordable to all students. At the moment in East Timor there are schools that don’t even have enough desks and chairs for the children to sit on. Books have to share and teachers oversee far too many students in each class. It’s again a crime that children do not have proper schools with just the basic facilities to provide a decent education. I have plans to establish Government sponsored TAFE schools in every district. At these institutions students can learn trades and skills that are being carried out by mainly foreigners in East Timor today.
We have a vast number of unemployed people. Bored people who turn to so called Martial Arts groups for support and inevitably get exposed to the darker side of life in the country. They become trouble makers and violence is all they learn. This must also stop. The basis of true Martial Arts is self-defense, not using the skills in a violent way.
What PM Xanana government prepared for our police force? Our police force is in such a shambles they cannot even control traffic properly. These men and woman are paid very low salaries and are not given enough funding to improve their performance.
There was a time a few weeks ago when the Police could not attend calls because there was no money to buy petrol or diesel for their cars.
Yet since Independence ten billion dollars -that’s ten thousand million dollars- in foreign aid has poured into the pockets of the Government. Our plan is to develop a strong, efficient police force that would be proud to wear their uniforms. Yes we will admit here that will be a difficult task, considering that corruption is also a problem today, but given the right guidance and training, with a strong Justice system to back them up, we believe it can be done.
We were of the impression that one major part of the United Nation’s agenda was to train the police and army?
That is correct, but on the surface the UN has appeared to be carrying out that part of their role, but the results today speak for themselves. The United Nations personnel here in Dili in particular, seem to just drive around in empty cars looking for somewhere different to have their breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Our sister Bibere ANGELA FREITAS office is adjacent to a hair salon and every day UN people park their cars out the front and go in for haircuts. The streets outside bars and restaurants day and night become parking lots for UN cars. We believe the UN is treating East Timor like a holiday camp.
The increase in HIV Aids and Sexually Transmitted Disease has skyrocketed since the UN Mission was set up in 1999 and the local economy has suffered a high degree of false inflation, which has forced up the price of locally grown produce. Basic food stuff has now become expensive for the Timorese. The only real people who have benefitted from the UN Mission have been the owners of hotels, restaurants, and apartments.
Many Timorese have been renting their buildings and homes to UN people and have made good money over the years, but what’s happen when the UN pulls out the country last year. These places suffer until now. They are far too expensive for local people.
Couldn’t these places be filled by tourists in the future?
That’s quite right, but why wouldn’t tourists want to come to East Timor today? The infrastructure to support tourism is nowhere near being completed or not? Again we refer to the electricity problem, the bad roads, the filth that litters our streets and waters, the high price of airfares and accommodation. The millions of plastic bottles that are discarded or burnt every day are an eyesore for the tourist. We need a clean country, with good roads, constant electricity, clean and comfortable accommodation to cater for all levels of tourism from the backpacker to the five stars. Our country is unique. It is one of the most beautiful countries in the world; Untouched and unspoiled. But we haven’t had real tourism development since the Indonesians invaded and again since Independence. The only real sign of tourist investment has been the deals done with foreign interests to build hotels to basically cater for the expat community. Peace and Security is vital to establish permanently before our Tourist Industry can blossom. Imagine what would happen if we had a repeat of 2006? We would be back to square one without a dollar in our pockets.
Look the plastic bottle situation, how come Xanana government cannot tackle this problem? Are very small things to solve?
We have already an action plan for a recycling plant which would be set up by the Government. For around a half a million dollars a plant can be built first in Dili. People would be paid per kilo of plastic they brought to the plant and the recycled plastic can then be sold. A simple solution to a major pollution problem is very rarely you can see an aluminum can in the street because it is worth a quarter a kilo. Plastic is worth nothing. Further recycling plants can then be set up in other Districts. We also believe that there are enough idle hands in this country that could make traditional baskets and bags as an alternative and at the same time, re-ignite a cottage industry that has been lost over the years. A cottage industry that provides employment and improves the standard of living.
Supermarkets in Australia are moving towards the removal of plastic bags and have sold environmentally friendly cloth bags to their customers. Why can’t we do the same using traditional bags instead? We cannot get away from plastic products, but we can control the pollution problem.
East Timor also has an abundant supply of natural water. We would also push the Government to set up local water manufacturing plants instead of relying on bottled water coming in from other countries. This creates employment for Timorese and the profits stay in the country, strengthening our economy for the future generations. Our people also need education programs to discourage the habit of just throwing rubbish into the street.
We need a rubbish collection system that is environmentally friendly; we desperately need an efficient postal system and more importantly competition in the Telecommunications field. Timor Telecom is a monopoly. In most countries in the civilized world a monopoly is illegal.
Again our people are being penalized by having to pay whatever Timor Telecom charges. We have no choice. The Aviation Industry also has to be revised. Again a monopoly is controlling the prices of airfares to and from East Timor. For example, Australian tourists are going to other Asian countries because they have “choice”.
For the price of a return trip from Darwin to Dili, which is around the $700 dollar mark, an Australian can have a week’s holiday in Bali. Hotel prices here are too expensive compared to other Asian cities.
So why should they even consider East Timor as holiday destination? There is a huge Timorese population living in Australia. How many people here can afford to visit them, only a few?
Competition is good for business, services improve and prices come down, again easing the financial burden on the Timorese people. How stupid was the Government to sign a 15 year monopoly agreement with Timor Telecom – again self interests before the peoples.
Why Xanana government cannot improve the standard of living people in this Country? If we lead the country, we want to introduce a social security system for the people, backed up by fair and just labor laws. Every citizen should have the right to make a decent and comfortable living. At the moment some people are being paid what we will call “slave wages”, less than 80 US dollars a month for an eight to ten hour working day. Workers do not have any laws to protect them from exploitation. There’s sexual harassment in the workplace and victims of this crime have no-one to turn to. We need centers to be set up where they and victims of Domestic Violence can receive confidential counseling. We must legislate so the Justice system can provide punishment for these acts of violation against women.
In our male dominated society many men think they can get away with offences against women, under our leadership we will certainly change this. Also we want a fair taxation system that does not penalize anyone for their efforts but at the same time makes our working citizens accountable to helping the country prosper. We cannot rely on oil and gas for the rest of our lives.
We had a hydro-electric system established by the Portuguese years ago. This must be put back into working order. Solar power must be established and research conducted into further options.
There is so much to do and so much time has already been wasted but our future can be fantastic with the power of Government in the right hands. East Timor will have billions of dollars in revenue coming in from the Timor Gap fields for many years to come. If this money is used wisely to develop alternate means of fuel, a strong and reliable infrastructure, love and peace, stability and security, progressive and modern education and health systems, proper sewage management, environmental programs, labor and land reform laws that provide the working class with just outcomes and combined with a booming tourist trade, East Timor can survive for centuries to come.
It all sounds grand and rosy, but to achieve these goals we have to work together
Since we first began fighting for the rights of the Timorese we have seen what the leaders have done and the results they have achieved.
It’s time for the new leaders to take over, stop manipulated the people with money, project, let build the country with a new leadership and prepare a city beauty that everyone can enjoy. We know we can do it. We have committed our life to helping our country and the people but of course it is up to them to decide what they want for themselves and their children future. We are already prepared to take over as a new Leadership. We have everything drafted and worked out, a blueprint for the future. In 2013 the Timorese people must ask themselves, do they want to bring about a change in their lives or do they want another five years exactly like the past ten? Our campaign slogan is “Revolution Now” – a peaceful, democratic revolution that will take East Timor to where it belongs on the World stage.
Twelve year old boy selling vegetables
Hundreds of plastic bottle and raw sewage flows untreated into the sea off Dili 24 hours a day, 365 days of every year.
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