woensdag 11 december 2013

S p e e c h for the 65 Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights existence in this Planet, Earth, that we all human being are living in now.

World-Fellowships and our Country-Compatriots.

10 December per each year, every people around the world realize great fest, fest of democracy and liberty based on the universal declaration of human rights of which Democratic Republic of East Timor’s Constitution based on it with very clear and lucid manner.

It gives us great pleasure to welcome you all to this important event.

As you are all aware we are standing for coming leadership at the forthcoming election in Timor Leste.

Over the past years and since independence, dark clouds have gathered over East Timor and evil empire has possessed and enslaved the gentle spirit of my beautiful country.

Since independence we seem to have exchanged one form of oppression for another and the latter is more painful as it sets compatriots against one another.

Great hope was dashed as the ugly tentacles of corruption took hold of every cross section of government virtually grinding Timor Leste to a Holt.

Today we are seeing the results of past and current government neglect and our people are still waiting for;

 Employment, shelter, health, education, transport and so on…

While the current government and sitting idle, the country is decaying and society is being pushed to the verge of anarchy.

The blame for all this has to be laid at feet of the current Xanana government and his fellows’ incompetent, arrogant and prepotent ones…

Considering the incompetence of East Timor’s current masters and their inability to break out of existing ideological patterns is making it clearer that there is only one avenue for Timor Leste to break through the dark clouds that been holding back its people.

A change of government and the election of new leadership that represents a fundamentally progressive policy platform will send a strong message to those who have held back our economy prosperity and social advancement.

Today we want to celebrate with you this very first step towards our quest of bringing normality back to East Timor’s wonderful people and sanity to a troubled country.

Let me briefly elaborate on my platform for economical and social reform.

The platform we are going to adopted is based on three principals:

  1. Social justice
  2. A strong economy
  3. An investment in to the future

Social justice means that all people of East Timor receive a fair go at the opportunity of life. Furthermore recognizing that certain groups of people in East Timor are affected by economic, social and political disadvantage or discrimination, we will ensure that the four interrelated principals of equity, access, participation and right permeate throughout our legislative frameworks and bureaucratic network.

In working towards a fairer society we are committed to foster and oversee a regime of transparency, ethics and honesty in government.

East Timor has not yet recovered from the effects of the past foreign intervention and occupation.

Despite self-determination and autonomy the country has achieved little in economic term.

As such it is important to base east Timor’s future economic strength on material and social dimension of a social market economy framework. To safeguard the smooth implementation of such a policy, we will ensure that East Timor’s economy is free of state intervention and domination.

East Timor’s social market policy will only help the wealthy but also care for the workers and others who may not be able to cope with the strenuous competitive demands of market economy.

This will establish an economy that is both conservative and dynamic.

People of East Timor having missed out on economic prosperity for decades, we will ensure that government of East Timor makes an investment into the future, which means an investment by government of East Timor in its people.

Education and training, the exploitation of natural resources, the development of sustainable industries and infrastructure as well as a stable currency are elements of an effective and strong economic framework

We will ensure that all East Timorese People will be able to access:

Education, training, employment and have access to a diverse network of media both electronic and printed.

An effective telecommunications system as well as full access to internet services by all Timorese will start an era of true democracy and liberty.

An investment into the future also means that we will champion and strongly support the establishment of innovative science and technology networks that will assist in advancing Timor into the 21 century.

As leadership of Timor Leste we will ensure that collaborative networks with other nations, particularly with nations that are standing with our common goals and aims, primarily with the nations based on same faith and believer, like Christian brothers and sisters-hood surround us in this geo-political area and than Europe, America, Africa, European Union, Non-Aligned Movement and United Nations are established to frame appropriate bilateral and multilateral agreement for the benefit of all.

In order to achieve the breadth of reform; we require your active assistance and that of the worldwide government and community. Those abide in very scrupulous manner the Sacred Principles of Democracy and Liberty for all Human Being without exception based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that today we are gathering in this open field to celebrate its anniversary for 65 years of its existence after World War II.

Without economic and social reform East Timor and its people are doomed to live in perpetual poverty leading to violence and chaos.

Please extend your hands to assist us in this Maubere People Revolution with economic and financial aspects in order eases us to reach our real goal with our final objective to liberate the our Weakness and Poor Maubere People under this immoral and paranoid executive of Xanana and his Mafioso’s Master, those this moment are operate in our Homeland under the tutelage of Xanana and Lasama executive…

We would like to thank you for all, for coming today and supporting this Maubere People’s Revolution for prosperity and peaceful way to reach our political goals and objectives in East Timor.

We need a change, and we need a new leadership. Thank you.


             President of Maubere People Revolution’s Council

Mauk Moruk Ran Nakaly Lemoray Teky Timor / Maubere Tuba Rai Metin



Dili, 10 December 2013.


PS. Unfortunately our manifestation in two notorious events, 28/11 and 10/12 had not realized as the result of banner from PNTL commander namely: Pedro Belo, Dili       District Commander and Armando Monteiro BOP Commander.

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