zaterdag 4 juni 2011


Os lideres mais poderosos deste mundo não podem ser hipócritas face este hediondo crime que devasta a Humanidade inteira neste milénio. E também, do mesmo modo, não podem utilizar dois pesos e duas medidas para com os conflitos sociais que neste momento expandem pelo mundo fora e que precisam que haja verdadeiramente uma justiça imparcial e independente que saiba legar os primados da Lei para todo e qualquer cidadão mundial sem excepção nenhuma de classes, de posições e de etnias sociais...

A lei é igual para todos e que os direitos primados e inalienáveis dos povos pobres, fracos e oprimidos devem ser bem protegidos pela justa Lei e não permitindo que os sanguessugas e déspotas líderes se vivem diariamente de luxuosas e com mordomias vidas arregaladas e tudo as suas disposições à custa do sofredor e pequenez Povo pobre e oprimido, enquanto que o pequeno e faminto povinho anda continuamente de tripas ao coração e com lágrimas e gritos lancinantes de dor e de angustia por esta grande injustiça que impera neste mundo dos imorais poderosos e desonestos ricos deste milénio...

Irmãos pobres e famintos deste mundo inteiro acordem que já chegou a nossa hora...A derradeira Hora de lutar pelo incontestável resgate da nossa sobrevivência como verdadeiros seres humanos neste mundo de injustiças e de ingratidões cujos autores eram e continuam a ser os vampiros, gatunos, mentirosos, escandalosos, imorais ricos e poderosos desta nossa sociedade Humana que imperam e reinam neste milénio...

De punhos bem erguidos e cerrados e encerramos as nossas reais fileiras e elevemos a nossa contundente voz de repúdio e indignação contra estes malfeitores lideres mundiais e dizemo-lhes... as vossas mentiras, com as vossas imorais lideranças, com as vossas grandes injustiças, com as vossas gatunagens, com as vossas hipocracias, com as vossas tiranias, com as vossas cínicas, com as vossas imorais e escandalosas práticas no engajamento da pedofilia, de adultério e consentimento de amor e sexo livre em todos os cantos deste Planeta, Terra, em que nós, todos os seres humanos, estamos habitando.



Actual liderança politica de Timor Leste é a clonagem dos seus masters do mundo Árabe...


No passado dia 20 foi dia da festa nacional de comemoração de 9 anos de independência de Timor Leste. Já lá vai o dia 20 e estas são as primeiras horas, os primeiros dias, do caminho a percorrer para o décimo aniversário da independência do país, sacramentada e reconhecida por toda a comunidade internacional. Em Maio de 2012 Timor-Leste estará em efervescência e à beira do período eleitoral para as Presidenciais e Legislativas. Será ano de grande rebuliço, ao contrário deste, em que as comemorações decorreram sem “casos”, para além dos ditos e mexericos provocados por um relatório da ONU que, segundo parece, pela primeira vez faz constar a verdade acerca do caráter de Xanana Gusmão. Não que para os responsáveis de topo da ONU em Timor-Leste e na sede isso fosse novidade. Porém, ao que julgamos nunca tinha sido registado preto no branco em relatório que deve ser tomado em consideração, ao menos desta vez. Agora, que nem Hasegawa nem Atul Kahre estão para encobrir o golpista e ditador que quase sempre se alapa em máscaras que sabe serem do agrado dos que o escutam e vêem. Xanana Gusmão além de bom ator é um bom executante e mestre do disfarce. O que convém nos políticos inescrupulosos quando se formam e que nele é inato.

Para quem se recusa a aceitar verdades afirmadas por vários elementos do coletivo da Fábrica dos Blogues, no Timor Lorosae Nação, principalmente no blogue que pertencia à primeira edição, de 2006 a 2010, talvez o relatório “secreto” da ONU possa agora contribuir um pouco mais para dissipar dúvidas e até doentios refúgios na negação. Obviamente que Xanana Gusmão representa desde a independência do país até à atualidade uma enorme desilusão. Foi exatamente isso que viemos sempre afirmando e demonstrando, baseados em exemplos bastante reais e proporcionados pelo próprio Xanana Gusmão publicamente. Assim, de repente, podemos recordar a ameaça direta e intempestiva que ele fez aos jornalistas que convocou porque haviam reportado as palavras do major Alfredo Reinado em que o responsabilizava ser mentor e principal responsável pelos acontecimentos que visaram a queda do governo legítimo de Mari Alkatiri, quando era então Gusmão PR e Comandante Supremo das Forças Armadas. O golpe de estado de 2006. Ora só um ditador, um anticonstitucionalista, teria o pejo de ameaçar profissionais da comunicação social com prisão sumária. E só profissionais temerosos se calariam. Na época, em Timor-Leste, houve os que realmente se calaram e a partir daí tudo passou a ser tratado de “pantufas” no que estava relacionado com Alfredo Reinado, o major que declarou que se fosse julgado e condenado, Xanana seria condenado por mais tempo.

A Alfredo Reinado, como ao militar de confiança que sempre o acompanhava, Leopoldino Exposto, o atrevimento valeu-lhes a execução no jardim da casa de Ramos Horta - onde foram atraídos em flagrante emboscada na manhã de 11 de Fevereiro de 2008. Provas que constavam na autópsia que o coletivo de juízes do Tribunal de Díli tudo fez para ignorar, como habitualmente acontece em regimes em que se temem ditadores e anti-constitucionalistas. Sobre isto muito haveria a repetir mas já foi dito durante vários anos e será por muitos mais, até deixar de cair em saco roto e em aparente esquecimento…

O que nos diz o relatório da ONU, agora divulgado, é que Xanana Gusmão é um elemento perigoso que ameaça as liberdades, a justiça e a democracia em Timor-Leste. Não sendo novidade, sendo aquilo que repetidamente tem sido afirmado por nós com alguma veemência, assim como por outros – quase sempre em circulo fechado – que não sendo seus opositores, mas sim indivíduos entendidos e experientes, acabam por “reconhecer os defeitos perniciosos para a democracia” do atual PM timorense.

Ficou demonstrado uma vez mais o que é e quem é Xanana Gusmão quando respondeu ao constante no polémico mas correto e pertinente relatório. Espontaneamente o praticante e adepto de inconstitucionalidades disse que os da ONU “
Façam as malas e vão para o Iraque ou Afeganistão”. E lá usou dos argumentos e prosápias que podem verificar, manipulando com base numa ou noutra verdade, sendo inexato, usando inverdades e pretendendo, com ingratidão, que se ignorem os fatores positivos que a presença da ONU teve para com Timor-Leste. É agora que são todos uns malandros e parasitas, sem ressalvas. Porque houve quem não lhe aparasse os golpes e tornasse oficial a enfermidade de caráter de Gusmão. Como já devia há muito ter sido feito, porque ao não o fazerem corremos o risco de estar a “fabricar monstros”. Sabemos que isso não acontece pela primeira vez. Antes pelo contrário, de volta meia repete~se em África e noutras partes do mundo. Ora se há coisa que deve aborrecer a comunidade internacional, representada pela ONU, em Timor-Leste como noutras partes do mundo, é contribuir para o “fabrico” de monstros políticos que mais cedo que tarde acabam por subjugar povos, atropelar as legalidades nacionais e internacionais, cometer atrocidades imensuráveis.

Pelo constante no relatório Xanana Gusmão devia de ter tido uma atitude de reconhecimento às constatações relatadas e tomá-las por críticas objetivas, merecedoras da sua atenção e empenho em se corrigir, praticando e demonstrando o contrário a partir deste momento – auto-analisando-se e auto-criticando-se. Fazendo psicanálise. Porque não? Porque os ditadores, os dos entraves às legalidades, aos preceitos constitucionais, à justiça elaborada democraticamente, não possuem a peculiaridade de assim proceder. São absolutos, julgam-se deuses, julgam-se sempre justos, infalíveis, detentores da razão perpétua, mais sabedores, omnipotentes e omnipresentes através de informadores e de outros indivíduos, manipulados, subjugados e quase sempre ao seu serviço.

Como devia, politicamente, Ramos Horta, na qualidade de PR, veio a terreiro em defesa do PM Xanana Gusmão. Ora Ramos Horta não é estúpido e sabe que no relatório estão inscritas verdades. Pese embora que o próprio também tem no seu “cadastro” o cometimento de algumas inconstitucionalidades. Conhecidas e pelos nossos blogues e imprensa domada descritas. Para não provocar um alongamento exagerado da prosa é melhor ficar por aqui.

Em “
Presidente indignado com documento da missão da ONU que aponta PM como obstáculo” podemos ler em lauda da Lusa que Horta manifesta "indignação com a inaceitável pseudo-análise inventada por um burocrata da UNMIT referindo-se à liderança do primeiro-ministro Xanana Gusmão". E que mais à frente afirma que "Ninguém neste país, ou na região, está mais empenhado do que o primeiro-ministro Xanana Gusmão na democracia, no primado da lei e na paz". Não é verdade. E Horta sabe isso. Houve fase em que ele próprio “pulou a cerca” da legalidade e implantaram “esquemas paralelos”, caso do MUNJ, de que já nem se ouve falar, sendo argumentado que foi criado para “torpedear” Alfredo Reinado e… E conseguiram. E os do MUNJ na atualidade onde estão? Como vivem? O que fazem? Que bens possuem? Cadê o MUNJ?

Temos assim que aos 9 anos de independência Timor-Leste já tem umas quantas histórias sujas para contar e que também por razão dessas práticas é que existe o relatório que aponta Xanana Gusmão como individuo “
considerado obstáculo para a democracia em relatório da ONU”. O ideal era que, pelo menos, fosse reconhecida alguma razão de existir ao constante no relatório e que PR e PM procedessem às devidas correções nas suas práticas de se armarem em todos-poderosos, como já por várias vezes aconteceu e assistimos. Incluindo Ramos Horta.

Sendo verdade que o parasitarismo e flagrante oportunismo está colado à pele e às entranhas de certos elementos da ONU, na UNMIT e noutras partes do mundo, temos de saber reconhecer que nem tudo tem sido negativo e que no seu quadro de colaboradores existiram e existem elementos valiosos que têm contribuído para melhorar a situação de Timor-Leste e dos timorenses. Só o indivíduo descrito no polémico relatório é que se enquadra no perfil de agora declarar que “vão para o Iraque e Afeganistão”. Como o peixe, Xanana Gusmão “morre pela boca” vezes demais. Revela-se, também por palavras, o que na realidade é. E que pretende esconder por saber ser reprovável por muitos que ainda o admiram e pelos anónimos ou não que lhe guardam desilusão. Não fosse conhecermos-lhe a falsa modéstia, a arte de bem representar, e talvez um dia ainda voltássemos a acreditar nele por razões e por atos que demonstrasse honestamente. Difícil, mas não impossível. Ainda agora o país é uma “criança”, nem chegou à adolescência. Chegará com o próximo governo, que governará até 2017. Então teremos oportunidade de saber se o crescimento do jovem é promissor e se se funda em alicerces de justiça, empregos, paz, pão, democracia e liberdade. Se assim acontecer será um país a sério e a Pátria que os timorenses merecem.


donderdag 2 juni 2011


In the past thirteen days was 20 May 2011 the feast day of national celebration of 9 years of independence of East Timor. Gone are the days 20 and these are the first few hours the first day, the way to go to the tenth anniversary of independence, enshrined and recognized throughout the international community. In May 2012 Timor-Leste will be in turmoil and on the verge of the election period for the Presidential and Legislative. It will be years of great turmoil, unlike the latter, where the celebrations took place without "cases" in addition to the sayings and gossip provoked by a UN report which, it seems, for the first time gives out the truth about the character of Xanana Gusmao . Not that top officials for the UN in East Timor and headquarters that were new. However, when we judge had never been recorded in black and white in the report that should be taken into account, at least this time. Now, that neither Hasegawa Atul Kahre are not to cover up the coup leader and dictator who almost always ALAPA shades that you know is the liking of those who hear and see. Xanana Gusmao also good actor is a good performer and master of disguise. What we want unscrupulous politicians when they graduate and that it is innate.
For those who refuse to accept truths asserted by various elements of the collective of the Factory of Blogging in East Timor nation, especially in the blog you belonged to the first edition, from 2006 to 2010, perhaps the report "secret" of the UN can now contribute a little more to dispel doubts and unhealthy shelters in denial. Obviously, Xanana Gusmao is the country since independence until the present time a huge disappointment. That's exactly what we came always saying and showing, based on examples provided by the very real and very Xanana Gusmao publicly. So, suddenly, one may recall the untimely direct threat he made to reporters who called because they had reported the words of Major Alfredo Reinado who was blaming the chief mentor and the events that targeted the fall of the legitimate government of Mari Alkatiri, when Gusmao was then PR and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces. The coup of 2006. Now only a dictator, an unconstitutional, would threaten the shame of media professionals with summary arrest. Only professionals are fearful calariam. At the time, East Timor, there were those who actually fell silent and from there everything started to be treated "slippers" in it was related to Alfredo Reinado, who said Maj. if tried and convicted, Xanana would be condemned by most time.
The Alfredo Reinado, as the military confidence that always accompanied him, Leopoldino Exposed, earned them the audacity to play in the backyard of Ramos Horta - have been entrapped in blatant ambush on the morning of February 11, 2008. Evidence that appeared in the autopsy that the collective of judges of the Court of Dili has done everything to ignore, as usually happens in regimes in which dictators fear and anti-constitutionalists. A great deal would be a repeat but has been told for several years and will be for many more, to stop falling on deaf ears and in apparent oblivion ...What it tells us the UN report, released now is that Xanana Gusmao is a dangerous element that threatens the freedoms, justice and democracy in Timor-Leste. Do not be novelty, and what has been stated repeatedly by us with some vehemence, as well as by others - often in closed circles - which is not his opponents, but understood and experienced individuals, eventually "recognize the defects detrimental to democracy "in the current PM of East Timor.It was demonstrated once again what it is and who is Xanana Gusmao when he responded to the constant in the controversial but correct and relevant report. Spontaneously and adept practitioner of unconstitutionality said the UN "Have your bags and go to Iraq or Afghanistan." And there used to arguments and ancestry that could occur by manipulating based on one or other truth, being inaccurate, and intent on using inaccuracies with ingratitude, which ignore the positive factors that the presence of UN had to Timor-Leste. It is now that they are all rogues and some parasites, without exceptions. Because some people will not trim the hits and became the official character of the illness of Gusmao. How long should already have been done, because to do otherwise we risk to be "making monsters". We know that this does not happen the first time. Rather, back half ~ repeats in Africa and elsewhere. But one thing that should upset the international community, represented by the UN in East Timor and elsewhere in the world, is contributing to the "manufacture" of political monsters that sooner than later turn out to subjugate people, trample the legalities and national international atrocities immeasurable.
Contained in the report by Xanana Gusmao should have had an attitude of recognition to the findings reported and take them for objective criticism, worthy of your attention and effort to correct himself, practicing and demonstrating the opposite from that time - self-analyzing and self-criticizing yourself. Doing psychoanalysis. Why not? Because the dictators, the barriers to legalities of constitutional principles, justice elaborated democratically, do not have the peculiarity of doing so. Are absolute, they think themselves gods, believe they are always righteous, infallible, everlasting possession of reason, more knowing, omnipotent and omnipresent through informants and other individuals, manipulated, oppressed and almost always at your service.
As it should, politically, Ramos Horta, as the PR, the yard came in defense of PM Xanana Gusmao. But Ramos Horta is not stupid and knows that truth in the report are entered. Despite that also have your own "register" the commission of some unconstitutional. Known and our blogs and the press described tamed. Not to provoke an over-stretching of the prose is better to stay here.
In "document outraged by President of the UN mission that points barrier as PM" we read in the Lusa that lauda Horta expresses "outrage at the unacceptable pseudo-analysis, invented by a bureaucrat UNMIT referring to the leadership of Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao ". And later says that "Nobody in this country, or region, is more committed than the Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao on democracy, the rule of law and peace." Not true. Horta And know this. There was a phase where he "jumped the fence" of legality and set up "parallel schemes," MUNJ case, that does not even hear about, and argued that it was designed to "torpedo" Alfredo Reinado and ... And they did. And MUNJ today where are they? How do they live? What to do? What goods have? Where's MUNJ?
So we have nine years of independence to East Timor already has a few dirty stories to tell and also by reason of such practices is that there is a report that points Xanana Gusmao as an individual "regarded as an obstacle to democracy in the UN report." The ideal was that at least some reason to be recognized to exist as contained in the report and that PR should proceed to PM and corrections in their practice of arming themselves all-powerful, as has happened several times and watched. Including Ramos Horta.
While it is true that the blatant opportunism and parasitism is glued to the skin and into the bowels of some elements of the UN, UNMIT and other parts of the world, we must learn to recognize that not everything has been negative and that in their workforce and there exist elements valuable that they have improved the situation of Timor-Leste and its people. Only the individual named in the controversial report that fits the profile now declare that "go to Iraq and Afghanistan." Like fish, Xanana Gusmao "dies at the mouth" too many times. It appears also in words, what actually is. And you want to hide on how to be objectionable by many who still admire him and the anonymous or not you keep disappointing. Not knowing it was false modesty, the art of acting, and maybe one day I got back to believing in him and reasons for actions that demonstrate honesty. Difficult but not impossible. Even now the country is a "child", even reached adolescence. Arrive with the next government that will rule until 2017. Then we shall know whether the growth is young and promising is based on foundations of justice, jobs, peace, bread, democracy and freedom. If that happens it will be a serious country and the country deserve the Timorese.

* From the author's original blog with GLOBAL PAGE - This updated adaptation with respect to dates.



In the past thirteen days was 20 May 2011 the feast day of national celebration of 9 years of independence of East Timor. Gone are the days 20 and these are the first few hours the first day, the way to go to the tenth anniversary of independence, enshrined and recognized throughout the international community. In May 2012 Timor-Leste will be in turmoil and on the verge of the election period for the Presidential and Legislative. It will be years of great turmoil, unlike the latter, where the celebrations took place without "cases" in addition to the sayings and gossip provoked by a UN report which, it seems, for the first time gives out the truth about the character of Xanana Gusmao . Not that top officials for the UN in East Timor and headquarters that were new. However, when we judge had never been recorded in black and white in the report that should be taken into account, at least this time. Now, that neither Hasegawa Atul Kahre are not to cover up the coup leader and dictator who almost always ALAPA shades that you know is the liking of those who hear and see. Xanana Gusmao also good actor is a good performer and master of disguise. What we want unscrupulous politicians when they graduate and that it is innate.
For those who refuse to accept truths asserted by various elements of the collective of the Factory of Blogging in East Timor nation, especially in the blog you belonged to the first edition, from 2006 to 2010, perhaps the report "secret" of the UN can now contribute a little more to dispel doubts and unhealthy shelters in denial. Obviously, Xanana Gusmao is the country since independence until the present time a huge disappointment. That's exactly what we came always saying and showing, based on examples provided by the very real and very Xanana Gusmao publicly. So, suddenly, one may recall the untimely direct threat he made to reporters who called because they had reported the words of Major Alfredo Reinado who was blaming the chief mentor and the events that targeted the fall of the legitimate government of Mari Alkatiri, when Gusmao was then PR and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces. The coup of 2006. Now only a dictator, an unconstitutional, would threaten the shame of media professionals with summary arrest. Only professionals are fearful calariam. At the time, East Timor, there were those who actually fell silent and from there everything started to be treated "slippers" in it was related to Alfredo Reinado, who said Maj. if tried and convicted, Xanana would be condemned by most time.
The Alfredo Reinado, as the military confidence that always accompanied him, Leopoldino Exposed, earned them the audacity to play in the backyard of Ramos Horta - have been entrapped in blatant ambush on the morning of February 11, 2008. Evidence that appeared in the autopsy that the collective of judges of the Court of Dili has done everything to ignore, as usually happens in regimes in which dictators fear and anti-constitutionalists. A great deal would be a repeat but has been told for several years and will be for many more, to stop falling on deaf ears and in apparent oblivion ...
What it tells us the UN report, released now is that Xanana Gusmao is a dangerous element that threatens the freedoms, justice and democracy in Timor-Leste. Do not be novelty, and what has been stated repeatedly by us with some vehemence, as well as by others - often in closed circles - which is not his opponents, but understood and experienced individuals, eventually "recognize the defects detrimental to democracy "in the current PM of East Timor.
It was demonstrated once again what it is and who is Xanana Gusmao when he responded to the constant in the controversial but correct and relevant report. Spontaneously and adept practitioner of unconstitutionality said the UN "Have your bags and go to Iraq or Afghanistan." And there used to arguments and ancestry that could occur by manipulating based on one or other truth, being inaccurate, and intent on using inaccuracies with ingratitude, which ignore the positive factors that the presence of UN had to Timor-Leste. It is now that they are all rogues and some parasites, without exceptions. Because some people will not trim the hits and became the official character of the illness of Gusmao. How long should already have been done, because to do otherwise we risk to be "making monsters". We know that this does not happen the first time. Rather, back half ~ repeats in Africa and elsewhere. But one thing that should upset the international community, represented by the UN in East Timor and elsewhere in the world, is contributing to the "manufacture" of political monsters that sooner than later turn out to subjugate people, trample the legalities and national international atrocities immeasurable.
Contained in the report by Xanana Gusmao should have had an attitude of recognition to the findings reported and take them for objective criticism, worthy of your attention and effort to correct himself, practicing and demonstrating the opposite from that time - self-analyzing and self-criticizing yourself. Doing psychoanalysis. Why not? Because the dictators, the barriers to legalities of constitutional principles, justice elaborated democratically, do not have the peculiarity of doing so. Are absolute, they think themselves gods, believe they are always righteous, infallible, everlasting possession of reason, more knowing, omnipotent and omnipresent through informants and other individuals, manipulated, oppressed and almost always at your service.
As it should, politically, Ramos Horta, as the PR, the yard came in defense of PM Xanana Gusmao. But Ramos Horta is not stupid and knows that truth in the report are entered. Despite that also have your own "register" the commission of some unconstitutional. Known and our blogs and the press described tamed. Not to provoke an over-stretching of the prose is better to stay here.
In "document outraged by President of the UN mission that points barrier as PM" we read in the Lusa that lauda Horta expresses "outrage at the unacceptable pseudo-analysis, invented by a bureaucrat UNMIT referring to the leadership of Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao ". And later says that "Nobody in this country, or region, is more committed than the Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao on democracy, the rule of law and peace." Not true. Horta And know this. There was a phase where he "jumped the fence" of legality and set up "parallel schemes," MUNJ case, that does not even hear about, and argued that it was designed to "torpedo" Alfredo Reinado and ... And they did. And MUNJ today where are they? How do they live? What to do? What goods have? Where's MUNJ?
So we have nine years of independence to East Timor already has a few dirty stories to tell and also by reason of such practices is that there is a report that points Xanana Gusmao as an individual "regarded as an obstacle to democracy in the UN report." The ideal was that at least some reason to be recognized to exist as contained in the report and that PR should proceed to PM and corrections in their practice of arming themselves all-powerful, as has happened several times and watched. Including Ramos Horta.
While it is true that the blatant opportunism and parasitism is glued to the skin and into the bowels of some elements of the UN, UNMIT and other parts of the world, we must learn to recognize that not everything has been negative and that in their workforce and there exist elements valuable that they have improved the situation of Timor-Leste and its people. Only the individual named in the controversial report that fits the profile now declare that "go to Iraq and Afghanistan." Like fish, Xanana Gusmao "dies at the mouth" too many times. It appears also in words, what actually is. And you want to hide on how to be objectionable by many who still admire him and the anonymous or not you keep disappointing. Not knowing it was false modesty, the art of acting, and maybe one day I got back to believing in him and reasons for actions that demonstrate honesty. Difficult but not impossible. Even now the country is a "child", even reached adolescence. Arrive with the next government that will rule until 2017. Then we shall know whether the growth is young and promising is based on foundations of justice, jobs, peace, bread, democracy and freedom. If that happens it will be a serious country and the country deserve the Timorese.
* From the author's original blog with GLOBAL PAGE - This updated adaptation with respect to dates.