maandag 4 februari 2013

Wherever no Justice for perpetrators of the hideous crimes against humanity, there will be no reconciliation with butcheries those were author of bloodshed of our martyrdom Maubere People...


The vehemence and indignation cries and grievance of the Maubere People against the intimidation of immoral and lunatic members of the Executive of Xanana, dictators, militaristic, fascist, criminals, thieves, mentors of the most shameful practices of Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism "CCN", the biggest blight that is gradually destroy the whole sustainable economy revenue equipment with astronomical values of Oil and Gas funds throughout from our natural resources under the our Homeland East Timor ‘Soil…
Dear Worldwide Fellowships, Governments and Non-Government's Organizations, Functionaries or State's Services Men and Women, Human Rights Organizations, Amnesty International, International Red Cross, Religious Institutions and Congregations, Priests, Monks, Nuns, Seminarists, Journalists, and Worldwide Mass Media, Intellectuals, students of every level from Basic School till to the University Graduation, Rectors, Docents, Bachelors, Doctors, Engineers and Cathedratic Professors, Lectures, Freedom Fighters and Advocates of the genuine and real guardians of the Democracy and Liberty, People Army Forces with their Leadership, Labors, Farmers, International Labor Syndicalist, Freedom and Liberation Fighters of the Peoples and Nations around this Planet, Earth, that we, all Human being, are living in now  in this millennium against all Tyrannical and Despotic, Militarist and Dictators Leadership modus of governing People and Nations around this Universe.
Please do open your minds, ear and eyes to hover upon the Maubere People’s fate and do take care to the poor and famine, marginalized and unemployed men and women  and those are continue living in very extreme poverty, famine and extravasation  in all their economic conditions life post restoration of Independence of their DRET till today.
Xanana, the actual Premier Minister of the DRET is acting more with paternalist and feudalist, dictator and militarist modus of governing East Timor People and Nation, rather than accordingly his qualifications with concern over the recipient of Sakharov Human Rights Prize that he got in European Union Center in Brussels, by capital city of the European Union by recent years ago.  As everybody knows well that any person will deserve the right to the mentioned prize should first of all to be required some pre-conditions as Xanana loudly spoke out in the international forum of the European Union with very flourished propagandas that he is the unique and real leadership, legendary guerrilla fighter before and now he became as the new charismatic leadership of the so called reconciliation and peace with enemy and their cohorts integrationists militiamen and collaborationists butchery of hundred  thousand of our innocent Maubere People, and also Xanana was auto-nominated as he is unique guardian of the Democracy and Freedom’s Principles in East Timor...
But it is very pity that Xanana knew to negotiate with enemy and their fanatic cohorts and collaborationists, those were the most cruel gays that have been wiped out or murdered hundred thousand of innocents lives in our Homeland East Timor, as the International Court of Justice categorized as indeed they were the real perpetrators of the crimes against humanity, therefore to
these gays no impunity and forgiveness, at the contrary they should voluntarily to give up themselves to the International Court of Justice in order they could notify their selves before the International Law  for the CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY, rather than they will be wanted in every corner of this World by INTERPOL task forces as they were committed crimes against humanity towards the fates of East Timor People during the period of Indonesia neocolonial administration’s rule as the neocolonial administrator power to the ungoverned Territory East Timor still under the UN tutelage, because was juridical still under the Portuguese colonial  administration’s rule, as UN didn’t recognized at that time East Timor forced annexation to the Republic of Indonesia.
Here we do sill apprehended the most criminal practices of the so called legendary, charismatic, fantastic guardian of the Democracy and Liberty’s principles based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that Xanana as coughed out with style of hysteric Madonna formulas of the people attraction to enjoying the playboy pleasure rather than he do act seriously and accordingly with his reputation as he is indeed the real Primer Minister of the Republic Democratic of the East Timor.
It is also surprised us that Xanana had praised with  the recipient of Sakharov Human Rights Prize as Union European recognized him by his flourished speeches during the his official visit to the Center of the European Community for multiples aspects of the European Union Peoples and Nations  lives and activities always with severe and very rigorously observation of  Universal Declaration of Human Rights rather than play tricks and immoral games as what Xanana is doing now in East Timor acting always in very immoral manner towards the fate of his comrades from National Resistance Struggle against our invaders and neocolonialist Indonesia presence more and almost 25 years  in our Homeland East Timor. What he is doing now, he has the potential play game with his complicity gays perpetrators of the crimes against humanity  and try to distance from his follows and comrades from Veterans Guerrilla Fighters and Heroic Falintil, Widows and Orphans , War-Disabled Men and Women, Fretilins members, militants and supporters that are now under  the Political Organization namely CPD-RDTL / FTILIN MOVEMENT  who is concentrated  now in areas of sub districts Welaluhu and Fatuberliu to make cooperative farms in order they could support our needed people necessity in  entire East Timor Homeland.
Even with this good project, Xanana wouldn’t to be happy at the contrary he will resort in every effort to eliminate the Organization of CPD-RDTL in all levels as he continues persisting to misuse the mandatory of power as Defense and Security Minister of DRET that our brother President Taur Matan Ruak had assigned to him as task to serve our People and Nation in East Timor’s Soil, but at contrary he could not to misuse it for his malefic intentions to do not serve his people and nation, but merely he will continue serve with malefic and very dishonest way the interests of our suffered Maubere People...But under the negro shadow of the political imbecile folk curtain Xanana plays with his masters  Indonesian authorities to continue playing mafia’s rules of assassinations of his oppositions’ political leaders in East Timor, as he mismanaged the astronomic Fund of the Petroleum and Gas  with amount of the millions and billions $US Dollars mostly corrupted by AMP government members and their political associate in their system history of governing our DRET in this our era…
Xanana in East Timor pompously in his lifetime misuse abusively the competency as Premier Minister and accumulate Defense and Security Secretary, the two task that have been assigned to him by Maubere People and their President Taur Matan Ruak to serve Maubere People with good faith and a priory first the Maubere People interests, rather than immorally serve himself primarily than the Maubere People interests…
Xanana with bad intention and mismanaged the nation resources merely served his interests, his family interests and his mafia’s associations  lucrative profits with Gas and Petroleum, they are now mobilizing Army Forces of the F-FDTL and PNLT members of their confidence to the areas where our brothers and sisterhood of the CPD-RDTL / FRETILIN MOVEMENT are laboring for their survival, because the all money from Gas and Petroleum were almost stolen by the corrupts members of the AMP executive under the Xanana tutelage…   
Xanana with these very immoral practices in every second of his life as the powerful minister, how was possible European Union praised him with most charismatic leadership of Maubere People ‘s Society in Maubere Homeland, Timor Leste???
Our congratulations to Taur  Matan Ruak and Lere Anan Timor namely President of DRET and Chief of Staff of the F-FDTL of the DRET that were showed their maturity and suitability to approached the our brothers and sisters from CPD-RDTL and with wisdom manner  to through dialogue and reconciliatory formula to solve the problem between brothers and sisters were together before as indeed the real Guerrilla Fighters for liberation of our Fatherland East Timor under de occupation of the Indonesia National Army invaders and aggressors...
President Ruak as you are the Commander-in-Chief of the F-FDTL and Lere as you are the Chief of Staff of F-FDTL, both should strange both powers were assigned by Maubere People to you both to serve our weakness and poor Maubere People without more any hesitations and both do not allow the Premier, Defense and Security Minister Xanana to use both to be his puppet in order he does mastermind the very butchery and immoral games towards the lives of our explored and oppressed Maubere People.  
If you both will consent and do resign with Xanana pleasures to merely dictate orders to both you and you both do not take series initiatives to organize and mobilize well our Army Forces in order serve our Maubere People interests with patriotism and nationalism in high degree and scale, and at the contrary you both lost the control of our Army Forces than it is better we the FALINTIL should return to reengaged our task force as the real defenders of our beloved Maubere People, but we should not allow the Army Forces that have images and characters of the Traitors, Opportunists and Dictator and Militarist Leadership in our Human History faced new challenges that would be consolidate the our real unity, but not to debilitate our united and our patriotism and nationalism spirit of the Maubere People  with our lucid doctrine of fretilins…
Honor and Glory to the Heroes of the East Timor Homeland Liberation and
Honor and Glory to the Martyrs of the Maubere Revolution!
Long life to the Heroic Maubere People!
Long life to the Glorious Falintil, Maubere People Army Forces!
Long life to the Youth Maubere!
Long life to the FRETILIN as the Lucid Political Vanguard of the Maubere People in Maubere People Homeland Timor Lorosae!
Long life all components of the Maubere People National Resistance against Colonialism and Neo-Colonialism, as SAGRADA FAMILIA, CPD-RDTL, OPMT, OPTT and all three Fronts, namely Front Political Armed, Front political Clandestine and Front Political Diplomatic!
Long life to all Maubere People from East to West! From Pulo Jako by Atauro till the Oé-Cusse Enclave! From South Coaster by Central Mountain Range till the North coaster! Come all together, we do stand firmly and to march as long as we can to deserve our fully right to be the owner of our tinny Nation Timor Lorosae and to stand shoulder by shoulder to sing our Revolution Song “Foho Ramelau” and our Patriot National Hine ”Patria, Patria, Patria”... and we do advance as great waves of the Ocean to construct our Nation with real Democratic State, that the Maubere People should be the master of our Nation, but not practices of the individual gays like Xanana, Horta and so on!!!...