zaterdag 14 mei 2011

Xanana, Horta and Lasama continue to be reinitent with their Security forces brutality in East Timor Land towards their opposition's militants and members...

Mundo - Xanana Gusmão diz-se "triste" com Amnistia Internacional e defende polícia - RTP Noticias


Xanana, Horta and Lasama they should bear in mind that they could not deceive the international public opinion, in particular to the distinguished Human Rights Organization like Amnesty International and other parallels international movements of the Human Rights Organizations around the World that without any hesitation to continue denouncing the very shameful and flagrant violations of Human Rights in DRET with very concerning the poor and weakness people's fate as what happened constantly in East Timor's Soil that Worldwide doesn't ignore it in fact. The arbitrary detention and arrests with very brutal and inhuman being manner practised by AMP security forces towards the opposition members without impartial and unconditional judgement as the real fact that the AM P's executive leaded by trio, Xanana, Horta and Lasama have the most reckless record in the observation of principles of the Human Rights in spite off the DRE T's Constitution is based in very loudly and clear manner into the context of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Therefore Xanana, Horta and Lasama should not lie before the International Organizations of Human Rights eyes in particular to the Amnesty International. If Xanana, Horta and Lasama does continuing defiance the International Public Opinion and doesn't recognize their Security Forces brutality and atrocities committed against their East Timor country-fellowships fate as they are in fact the real butchery and guardians of the Tyrannic, Despotic and Dictator DRE T's actual leaders as knowing by trio, Xanana, Horta and Lasama and their families and interests… No longer they will be punished severely by the People Power cholera and indignation as the vivid example are continuing to show now in the Worldwide.

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