woensdag 20 oktober 2010

TRAPEZE OF REAL EVILS ARISED IN THE MIDDLE EAST, (Article sent by our brotherhood honorable Dr. Kolimau Dua Ribu from RMS to be published in this prestigious blog of Maubere People).

Dear Israels, God's People and brotherhood of the entire world Christianity, we do call your attention that you could not sleep too much. Because the sons of Lucifer are now very active and promptly take provocative acts surrounded you and come to stand close by your door and shout out inflammatory, hot and provocative political propaganda towards your fate and pompously with very astuteness and arrogant manner, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Iran's President in very loudly and in very clear way sounded said that the Muslim world will stand behind of the Lebanon's leader Hassan Nasrallah and Palestinian leader Ismail Haniya as the two last gays are the real paw of the Iran empire in Middle East. These two gays with Syria Leader Bashar Al Assad with their good father Osama Bin Laden and final support of their region super-power leader and father's support from Iran leader by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad they will attempt by different means with their capability to destroy and wipe the Holy Land with the God's People from this Universe.

Therefore with this vivid and evil threaten you should take immediate and very strong secure measures to act in preventive manner in order you should not to be destroyed by sons and daughters of Lucifer's are living surround you.

We, the all your Christianity brotherhood around the World will stand firmly behind you and with our solidarity and with spirit of the brotherhood we should also ready to combat in very frontal manner against the evils from trapeze fronts, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Osama Bin Laden, Bashar Al Assad, Hassan Nasrallah and Ismail Haniya in everywhere and we should also ready to carry the severe consequences in elsewhere of this Universe towards the insane and barbaric acts of the Fanatic Muslim in this Planet, Earth, that we the human being are inhabitant now.

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