donderdag 10 februari 2011

..."Maubere People's solidarity to the entire Egyptian People's struggle against the dictator Mubarak's rule prevailing till Egyptian People should achieved really their final goal,as the real Freedom and the real Democracy for whole Egyptians People and all Middle East Region"...

Dear Worldwide-Fellowships, the very real People Power have been showed and continuing to show with demanding that the Dictatorship Hussein Mubarak in Egypt should immediately shutdown from power as the President of the Egyptian People and Nation.

We all people around the world that are solidarity in the just cause of our brothers and sisterhood from Egypt we are permanently with close watching precisely what will go now with the dictator rule party and its powerfully leader named Hussein Mubarak of which have leaded Egypt people and Nation into the 30 years with iron hands and the most butchery leader in the region should resign today without any more delay.

Otherwise the People Power will storms the entire government rule party and will forced Mubarak to resign with very honest manner to respect and fulfil the delight aspiration of the entire Egyptian People.

The Egypt turmoil political situation forced by People Power towards the tyranny and dictator leadership of Mubarak is in fact the most high venture under the Mubarak regime in this millennium. Even People Power have sacrificed and lost life almost one thousand of the innocent Egyptian People savagery and brutality murdered by loyal dogs of the butchery leader Mubarak but result has showing now to the worldwide that the People Power have won their final goal, immediately departure of the Mubarak from Egyptian Nation and People’s leadership.

As the beginning we the Maubere People in our Homeland East Timor are totally solidarity with our poor and weakness Egyptian People to fight against the anchronic and outdated system of governing Egyptians Nation and People by dictator Mubarak during the 30 years in power as considerable myth and god of the Egyptian nation and People.

Long life to all Egyptians People and Nation .

Long life to the International Solidarity!

Long life to the People Power in this entire Globe as real counter-balance of the most dictator corrupts, nepotistic and collusions regimes around the Worldwide!

Long life to the Maubere People and People Power showing should take place in Maubere People’s Homeland towards the corrupt, collusions and nepotism, tyranny and dictators leadership namely Horta, Xanana, Lasama and their butchery dogs, thirsty and starving to the innocent Maubere People blood and flesh as long they continue governing and leaded Maubere People's fate.

Warms greetings to all of you that we are loving and admiring, your durable, very glorious and very bravura action of the People Power against the dictatorship Mubarak in the Meddle East Region as indeed the inspiration to all People around the World in order they do also following your path to take part of this great march of People Power to determine in fact their fascist, dictator, corrupt, insane, arrogant and butchery leaders around this Globe, Earth, that the all human being living in.

East Timor, on the top of the three sacred and high mountains RAMKABIA, February 10, 2011.-

Maubere Tuba Rai Metin,

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