maandag 21 februari 2011

AMP Executive members were denounced publicly by DRET AG as real Thieves and Corrupts of the suffering Maubere People's fortune should to be punish in very severely manner before the Law and the People.

The Attorney General of the Democratic Republic of East Timor had denounced the names of the big corrupts and thieves of the AMP executive and criticized with tone of very severity manner these most immoral and scandalous practices of the corruption moved by the corrupts gays and thieves of the executive members of the AMP leaded by TRIO XANANA, HORTA E LASAMA ALIAS ARAÚJO.

This honesty exposed to the public attention deserves our great respect and admiration for the efforts of the Attorney General Ana Pessoa in bringing to the light of justice all the thieves of the Maubere People suffering's money. Therefore we the suffering Maubere People demand to Executive of Xanana to immediately take action to dismiss without delay these corrupts and thieves gays in the governing Maubere People and East Timor Nation. Otherwise the Maubere People should decide to come down to the streets of entire avenue of the Democratic Republic of East Timor to show our People Power Force to demand immediately resignation of the entire AMP executive and simultaneously create one provisory High Permanent Council of Joint Salvation Power to lead the fate of our Nation and People and consequently establishing the real calendar for pure democratic election that should following after six months of our preparations and engagement. in to take care the our Constitution with good faith and acting as the real patriotic and nationalist sons and daughters of the Democratic Republic of the East Timor.

TIMOR LOROSAE NAÇÃO - diário: MINISTROS, DIRETORES E CHEFES ACUSADOS DE CRIMES D...: ". Ana Pessoa apresentou o relatório anual no PN MSO – LUSA Díli, 20 fev (Lusa) -- Ministros, administradores de distrito, chefes de departa..."

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